How Long Do You Have To Wait...


Well-Known Member
To do a corrective relaxer? I got a touchup last night and a portion of the last quarter of my hair is underprocessed, and I'd like to get that corrected as soon as possible since it's the front of my head.

Also how long do I have to wait before I can do a henna treatment?
im was wondering the same thing! i got a "dud" relaxer two weeks ago and was thinking of a way to correct it, i'll probably just wait it out and do my normal 3 month stretch though. Maybe you should google your question and see what you come up with good luck.
It's advisable to wait 2 weeks. Do a protein DC the first week and apply the corrective relaxer at week 2 followed by your usual post relaxer dc. I've never used henna so I can't give advice about that but you can use a color rinse right away with no problems. If you want to use dye, you should wait at least a month after your corrective.
This JUST happened to me. It was 1st time self relaxing and I was trying to texlax at the same time. I was sooooo under processed. It was as if I didnt even put the relaxer in my hair. But anyway...I waited 6 weeks.
I just did relaxer on 3/18 and added to much oil which caused me to be very underprocessed. I did a corrective that day. My thoughts were the hair wasnt broken down all the way, so why wait? My hair came out fine.
It depends on your NG.

My NG in the back is super dense/thick so I've done mine at week 2.

I've done one a week later and that resulted in major burns, so I would not do one sooner than 2 weeks later to give your scalp time to settle down.

After my TU in Dec resulted in major underprocessing, I thought oh let me wait like others have done and BOOOO, HSSSSS!!!! I had so much breakage by the 4 week mark. No more waiting that long if I have underprocessed hair. I will do it the say I have done before at the 2 week mark.
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