How long can you store a relaxer..


New Member
How long can I keep a relaxer. I have a tub that is half used and a new one that is unopened. They are lye and lithium, no mix relaxers. where and how should I store them and for how long. They are already out of direct light, what else do I need to do?
I was told by a BSS owner years ago that relaxer will last in the refrigerator for a year. When I buy a tub, I put the date on it with marker so I will remember when I bought it. I take it out hours before I want to use it to let it warm up. I have not had any problems with the potentcy of a relaxer when I've refrigerated.
I was told by a BSS owner years ago that relaxer will last in the refrigerator for a year. When I buy a tub, I put the date on it with marker so I will remember when I bought it. I take it out hours before I want to use it to let it warm up. I have not had any problems with the potentcy of a relaxer when I've refrigerated.

I keep mine in the fridge also. I put it the bottom because one time my dad saw the tub and he thought it was butter until he opened it up and smelled it.:lachen:
I keep mine underneath my bathroom sink. It is cool and dark underneath there. I actually emailed a Vitale Rep and they told me just keep it in a cool area.
do you have to freeze/refrigerate it immediately? My excess phyto has been sitting out for about 2 days now... :/
oh snap, i'm scared now. i've had that mizani bb sittin under the sink for 6 months (got me good and straight last usage though)