How long after relaxing do you co-wash?


Well-Known Member
I relaxed my hair on Monday w/ that good for nothing Dark and Lovely relaxer and my hair has started to break for the first time since January. I am thinking about doing co-washes every other day and doing the baggie method every night. How soon after relaxing do you co-wash? Is it ok for me to co-wash my hair 4-5 days after relaxing? I usually wait 2 weeks to wash my hair after the relaxer but im scared it might all come out by then. What to do what to do????:confused:
I don't CW the first wash after a relaxer. My first wash is usually 3-5 days after and I pre-poo, clarify (if I remember) w/ ACV or mix in some baking soda w/ my shampoo and continue on w/ the deep conditioner etc...

I CW 1 or 2 times a week and wash once a week.----It is a personal preferance thing. I am sure you can CW as soon and as ofter as what works for you.
I co-wash about 3-5 days after relaxing. I use to not wash my hair because I want that fresh relaxed hair feel but now I know how to do get that most of the time.
I have co-washed 3-5 days after my relaxer. I've found that it helps my hair because it provides/adds in moisture after doing such a chemically harsh thing to my hair.
I'm really sorry to hear this MissFallon. I've see your fotki and you've made some great progress. I think the sooner you take care of it the better. Don't be discouraged.
I found no lye relaxers damaging to me when I used to relax. The D&L my mom always used on me. My hair would be dry until I started deep conditioning and using hair oil to moisturize. I finally have my mom weaned from that relaxer. :D
I usually use ORS Olive Oil No-Lye but every store I went to only had super and not regular. I went to like 5 stores. I did find the regular in one store but it was a caucasian bss and the relaxer was 12.99...I'm not paying that much for something I can get for 6-7 dollars everywhere else.
Girl I co-wash the very next day and every day thereafter (since I'm a daily CW'er) I use Optimum no-lye...

Doesn't revert me.
I co wash the next day! I just hate how my hair feels after a relaxer - it feels as though its about to break, like it has no elasticity. When I co wash it feels nice and soft and bouncy again and then I feel happy! :)