How long after relaxer do you wait to wash?


New Member
Can hair be washed the very next day after a relaxer or will it revert if washed that soon. I've heard some say that it will revert, but I don't see how that's possible since the cuticle has been permanently changed.
I'm with Crownnglory... I usually last about 3 days before doing a conditioner wash to add a little quick moisutre because the perm usually leaves my hair feeling very dry after about 3 days.
About three to five days later. I usually like to hold on to my fresh style(that I paid $70 for mind you) as long as possible, but I find if I wait a full week my scalp flakes up and I shed more.
I do a conditioner "wash" the next morning to get that perm smell out of my hair. I use a light conditioner w/heavy fragrance,like vanilla floral by suave.

air dry (to give the hair some thickness)

Shampoo, I do that 1 week later
I usually wait five or six days. I wash it to give my hair some body. Relaxers can make my hair stringy and flat. I'd like to wash it sooner, but it seems like such a waste of money to wash it too soon after getting it professionally done. (I can't retouch my own head.)