How Light Can you Go w/o Bleach...


New Member

I want this color hair/look, but I don't want to bleach my hair ever again :nono:. How light can you go without bleach?
Healthy hair only lifts a few shades without some kind of bleaching...Black/dark brown hair will lift no higher than a medium brown/reddish tone without a lifting agent. For this look you need genetics or bleach...HTH
This thread is right on time. I had really light highlights before and I am considering them again. I need to find the healthiest way to achieve this.
The Sun.

I remember once summer in the islands where I was at the beach everyday. When I cam back to the states my mom wanted to know who bleached my hair. Had blond streaks everywhere.

I hear adding lemon juice also acts as an agent in helping the sun lighten your hair.

But im sure it wont be this light.
You can mix a permanent light blond color with a light brown color and get a lighter brown shade.

Always remember that it's your hair color + the color in the box = the resulting color.

I've done a lot of research about hair colors due to my greys. :perplexed LOL!

To avoid brassy hair, please choose ash colors - most black or brown haired people have lots of red pigments in their hair and it will come out golden anyway. But you don't want to look orange...

A good link:
It's all mathematics if you know what number/level of hair color you desire you can easily use this formula to calculate what hair color number you need to achieve it.

Desired color-Warm Blonde Level = Level 8

Target color level X 2 = 16

Natural color-Light Ash Brown = Level 6

subtract this from target color level of 16 16-6=10

This gives you the number of levels to lift (= 2) and the level of color to use (=10).

ETA: Don't forget to test the color on a strand in the back of your hair or "harvest" hairs from your wash days and test the color on that hair first.
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I think you can try a series of camomile tea rinses, however it won't show up bleach blond.
Sorry, I wish I knew more. :look:
Only about 3 levels from your start/natural hair. So if you are a 2 you can lift to a 5 without using a lightener.
I was going to ask a question similar to this, but I know I'll need bleach to get this look. I just want to know if it's possible. My current hair color is in my sig. but I have about 3" of new growth. I haven't colored since December 09.

This the color I had my hair (the right side) without using bleach. My hair is a bit darker than her left side but not by much.
I can't decide between a BLACK rinse and going light, light blonde! lol

BlondeByDesire, how did you do that?
How about Clairol Luminizer?
I know a few people on this board use it. it's not a natural way and you use chemicals but it is gradual, so it appears to be less damaging than a bleach.
Taking notes and will be keeping up with this thread.

I'm feeeeenin for a fresh new color but I'm really conservative with my hair in terms of things like this so I'm really shook.

I want the same auburn/brown my crochets had on my real hair....I'd love to get this sans bleach but I'm beginning to think my hair is just starting off way too dark to expect that:ohwell:

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Without bleach the natural hair can only lift up to 2-3 shades Example, you have 4 different volumes of developer to add to color: 10,20,30, 40. so if you only want to lift 2 shades you use 20 volume ( or 2 parts 10 volume=20) Anything from 40 and beyond ( like 2 parts of a double 40) you might as well consider bleaching. I learned in cosmetology school you can use a double 40 but it is equivilent to bleaching. If you are relaxed I highly advise you not to try it. I use to wear my hair bleach blonde but I was a natural:

I used bleach with 40 volume developer.
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How about Clairol Luminizer?
I know a few people on this board use it. it's not a natural way and you use chemicals but it is gradual, so it appears to be less damaging than a bleach.

Yes, this is what BlondebyDesire and another member uses. I was told that it is less harsh and over time it gradually gets lighter as you use it. Neither of the members experienced damage. I was also told that their hair was dark to begin with. I'm a believer but I'm still scared to try it. I would hate to lose all of my progress :nervous2:

I hope to try it soon though because I'm so over this dreadful black :yawn:
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It looks gorgeous! Are you relaxed or natural?
I really want to get a chocolate colour, but not quite sure of the best way to achieve it. I've been using the sebastian cellophane in Deep Brunette- I gives a nice shine and all but the colour is not noticable. Any ideas?
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Yes, this is what BlondebyDesire and another member uses. I was told that it is less harsh and over time it gradually gets lighter as you use it. Neither of the members experienced damage. I was also told that their hair was dark to begin with. I'm a believer but I'm still scared to try it. I would hate to lose all of my progress :nervous2:

I hope to try it soon though because I'm so over this dreadful black :yawn:

I used Clairol Luminizer about a month and 1/2 or so ago. My last relaxer touch-up date was mid April. I really liked the results an have to this day experienced no damage (some dryness though.) About 4 inches of my ends had a permanent black dye so those areas only had a very slight reddish tint but the rest was sort of a honey-red. And I had "hot roots" because I didn't do thorough research first but I was planning on putting a honey brown rinse over it anyway and that cooled things down a lot. It left me hair VERY shiny too.

I will definitely use it again in the future, but I need to stretch for a while so that I can relax or texlax touchup without going over the luminized parts. I usually wear curly sets anyway.

Does anyone know if if it would be safe to relax over this? My guess is no. I'm going the better safe than sorry route since my retention has been good this year, but has anyone done it before? I've done research and I can't find anything on it.
For all of you guys who are using Luminize what are you going to do now? It is being discontinued. Sally's still sells it though. The clairol pro website says that an alternative to using the luminize is to use the clear demi permanent with the 20 vol developer. They say that lifts the color up 1 to 2 levels. i wonder if it works better or worse. I truly want lighter hair with the least amount of damage.
For all of you guys who are using Luminize what are you going to do now? It is being discontinued. Sally's still sells it though. The clairol pro website says that an alternative to using the luminize is to use the clear demi permanent with the 20 vol developer. They say that lifts the color up 1 to 2 levels. i wonder if it works better or worse. I truly want lighter hair with the least amount of damage.
I was JUST about to post this. I went in to my Sally's and it was gone. Of course the chick working there had no idea what I was even talking about so I checked out the Clairol website and saw the news. I'm sad. :sad: I was too scared to try out the demi permanent and 20 volume developer.