How is your progress/hair goal going so far?


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How is your progress/hair goal going so far? (picture)

I was wondering how everyone's progress or hair goal is coming along.

Mine has been side tracked b/c I just cut 2 inches off yesterday. My ends were especially thin (the ends are relaxed and the rest has a lite texture softener) and I just couldn't have those thin unhealthy ends. I was BSL and my goal was to be MBL by Jan 08. Don't now if I'll now make my goal, but my hair is a lot healthier now:grin:

What about you?


  • Oct 17 2007 LHCF.jpg
    Oct 17 2007 LHCF.jpg
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Horribly..had to cut about 4 inches off. Hair is really dry and shedding something fierce. I know it is due to being pregnant because that is the ONLY thing different in my life. I've put length on hold and am just trying to keep my hair moisturized and healthy.
Horribly..had to cut about 4 inches off. Hair is really dry and shedding something fierce. I know it is due to being pregnant because that is the ONLY thing different in my life. I've put length on hold and am just trying to keep my hair moisturized and healthy.

I think this might be b/c of low iron...have you had it checked during your pregnancy...b/c normally the hair thickens and shed much less in pregnancy.
My length is really not where I thought it would be this month. But, it has gotten much thicker and other's around me have noticed. I have gotten comments from friends and co-workers so something must be going right.

But I am STILL trying to grow out layers!!!! :nono: You can see them in my avatar pic. In the back I want it even!

I amhappy to say that I did not need a trim after my last touchup. That is a first for me! :grin:
going ok, since starting in 2005, transition im a little past brastrap.

next year should hopefully bring me mbl and waist length (when stretched)...

but my actual goal is waist length unstretched hair i figure its going to take me about 2-3 more years
So complaints, really. My main goal is to have waist-length hair, and I hope to achieve that by the end of next year. Once I reach that, I'll probably have another goal...maybe blunt cut waist-length hair. That would be nice :grin:
So far I'm doing good. I am about a half an inch from full APL and I figure that in another 2 weeks or so I'll be apl. I definately think I will reach BSL by July:yawn:
i cut off 1.5 or so inches the other day
i was starting to move past shoulder length
and my nape actually pulled down just a couple or so inches
from my armpit.

but it needed to be cut.
the ends had been scraggily for a while
plus they were causing my hair to stick together
and i'd let it go for MONTHS

but it's not so bad
i didnt lose as much length as i thought i would.
Some good, some bad.

Hair is definitely growing and definitely thicker. But I have a spot of damage that is driving me nutso. Tryin to just moisturize and leave it alone.
well my ends are still very thin. I just started doing scalp massaged so that should help with the thin, slow growing areas. i was doing good with the breakage up until a week ago. it's getting better though. i have had obstacle after obstacle but im still going strong! ill make APL:yep:'s going. My ultimate goal is waistlength hair, and I'm currently transitioning. My hair grows slowly so this will take a good while. I've been transitioning for a year and it only grew six inches :ohwell:.

I can't say with any certainty how long my hair will be next year/how long it will take to get to waistlength - but I know I will get there :yep:.
I think that my hair is the healthiest that it's been in a long time, right now I'm at SL and I hope to make APL by fall next year, maybe sooner.:grin:
Things are going well. I think by next summer I'll be especially happy at hip length, I hope. *fingers crossed*'s going. My ultimate goal is waistlength hair, and I'm currently transitioning. My hair grows slowly so this will take a good while. I've been transitioning for a year and it only grew six inches :ohwell:.

I can't say with any certainty how long my hair will be next year/how long it will take to get to waistlength - but I know I will get there :yep:.

"Just six inches"? That's good, I think 6 inches is a lot of hair.
I'm progressing slowly in terms of length but I can see a great improvement in thickness. I hope to make shoulder length by december.
well my ends are still very thin. I just started doing scalp massaged so that should help with the thin, slow growing areas. i was doing good with the breakage up until a week ago. it's getting better though. i have had obstacle after obstacle but im still going strong! ill make APL:yep:

I going to try and do scalp massages more often...I think this will speed up my growth.
I'm progressing slowly in terms of length but I can see a great improvement in thickness. I hope to make shoulder length by december.

It seems a lot of you all are reporting more thickness. I definitely gotten more thickness in the last year, since I've stop relaxing and doing the texturizer every 6 mos.

Are you guys stretching??? What changes/care as aided in your thickness...I'm sure other members would like to know as well???
Er ummm, thickness is no problem here and it does seem like there is more. I have gotten some length this year but looking at my siggy you would not believe it, :yep: but I promise it is at least BSL so I did reach my length goal for the year.:grin:

Now I am going for MBL STRETCHED by Sept. 08. This shrinkage is something else ya'll. :look:
My growth and retention is going really well. I'm past bra strap but I don't know by how many inches yet. I will do hair growth updates in January 2008; at which time I hope to skip MBL and be at waist length. That's probably wishful thinking; but I dream big!:grin:
Not too good for me either. I had to cut quite a few inches off. I don't know how many inches though. It was much needed, so I'm not too upset. My siggy pic was taken today.
My consistency is actually paying off :yay: hair is doing very well, no breakage, I'm retaining everything. I am very confident that I will surpass my first goal before the end of my countdown ticker. :yep: I am one happy camper!! :D
My growth and retention is going really well. I'm past bra strap but I don't know by how many inches yet. I will do hair growth updates in January 2008; at which time I hope to skip MBL and be at waist length. That's probably wishful thinking; but I dream big!:grin:

EXCELLENT ADVICE. I'm going to dream big too:grin:
It is going good so far and I think I'm going to reach my goal by the end of the year as long as I don't do anything crazy to it. I'm using castor oil and taking iron so I hope this helps if I get post partum shedding this time around.
This has been an OK year. I had a few major setbacks. I am just looking forward to the next year so I can have a fresh new start. I broke my camera, so I can do pics to compare. I am waiting for Dec. to do a blow out to see how long it has grown.
My consistency is actually paying off :yay: hair is doing very well, no breakage, I'm retaining everything. I am very confident that I will surpass my first goal before the end of my countdown ticker. :yep: I am one happy camper!! :D

You GROW girl!:clap::clap::clap: