How important is using a Sulfate free shampoo to you?


New Member
I was just asking because my current poo's have sulfates. I understand why some people avoid them but how important is it too you. Like if you find a shampoo that is awesome but has sulfates, is that a deal breaker for you?

The only sulfate free poo I think I have used was CON. I was thinking about trying a shampoo from HealthySexy Hair and I know it is sulfate free.
For me it is slightly important. Well, it is not even all that "important". just a "nice to have" for me. Only because I have yet to find a clarifying shampoo that I like that is sulfate free, not one good for hard water, at least. So I refuse to give up my Abba Detox and Kenra Chelating, both having sulfate and both wonderful for hard water.

But, at the same time, I like knowing that I do have a sulfate free shampoo that I love to use sometimes. I alternate between Abba Moisture Scentsations (sulfate free) and Neutrogena Replenishing Moisturizing shampoo (with sulfates). My hair likes both. :yep:
For me it is slightly important. Well, it is not even all that "important". just a "nice to have" for me. Only because I have yet to find a clarifying shampoo that I like that is sulfate free, not one good for hard water, at least. So I refuse to give up my Abba Detox and Kenra Chelating, both having sulfate and both wonderful for hard water.

But, at the same time, I like knowing that I do have a sulfate free shampoo that I love to use sometimes. I alternate between Abba Moisture Scentsations (sulfate free) and Neutrogena Replenishing Moisturizing shampoo (with sulfates). My hair likes both. :yep:

Thanks for your input. Hard water is no joke. I don't have it but I bought a new showerhead recently that has a removable filter in it just in case. Abba seems to have some nice products. I was looking at the new packng in ulta yesterday.
It's really important to me because everyone in my family uses the same shampoo and I don't want to expose my girls to that stuff. I want to expose them to as little harmful ingredients as possible.
Good Topic-
A couple of days ago I searched some old threads that talked about sulfate in shampoo causing dryness to the hair.
I'm currently experiencing some slight dryness in my scalp. I decided to buy Aubrey Organic Honeysuckle rose shampoo this upcoming weekend. I'm going to use it for a month to see if I notice a difference in my hair and scalp.
It's very important to me!

I currently rotate between CON green, CON red, and Breakthru.

I also purchased some sulfate-free poo from Healthy Sexy hair. It's Healthy Sexy Hair Chocolate Soymilk shampoo. I haven't used it yet though.

So when you use yours. Let a sista know the outcome.:grin:
I really don't know the effects of sulfates on the hair, but I have seen a few comments about it on here. I purchased a sulfate free from Healthy sexy hair and it smells like chocolate. YUM!:lick: I can't wait to try it and see if there is a difference.:grin:
Extremely important!

If I use sulfates, my hair tangles up, contracts, stiffens up, becomes brittle, increase dandruff on scalp.

The interesting part is that I don't remember my hair reacting this way to shampoo prior to my hair care journey. Could I have missed this? Then again, I had nothing else to compare it to. No more shampoo for me.
It's DEF a deal breaker for me when shopping for shampoos. I ended up not buying quite a few popular shampoos b/c of their sulfates. (including keracare).

it doesnt make sense for me to buy a whole mess of shampoos w/ sulfates if all of them are gonna do the exact same thing..which is strip my hair. If i'm gonna go down that route, then all i need is my clarifying poo.

however, i do have a shampoo with ' myreth sulfate ' . i only use that when my hair has a slight buildup of a cone but not enuff to the point where i feel i need to clarify.
I was just asking because my current poo's have sulfates. I understand why some people avoid them but how important is it too you. Like if you find a shampoo that is awesome but has sulfates, is that a deal breaker for you?

The only sulfate free poo I think I have used was CON. I was thinking about trying a shampoo from HealthySexy Hair and I know it is sulfate free.

OT,but Gym,how do you know what a shampoo's ph is?
I went back to some sulfate poos(kenra) when I added silicones to my regimen to protect my hair from heat use. I am trying to go back to the sulfate free no/low silicone regimen. Sulfates are very drying to my hair and over time the dryness causes split ends and breakage. :nono:
It's not important to me I think because I have been using shampoo's with sulfate my whole life and my hair seems to be doing fine.
It's very important to me, I like to use only the most gentle shampoos. I always use sulfate free poos with the exception 1x a month I clarifiy with a sulfate poo (Nexxus Aloe Rid) to get rid of silicones (it has only 1 sulfate.)
it's very important to me because i was so frequently. since i tried swastik's shikakai shampoo bar, and some of the shampoo bars from chagrin valley, i can't see myself using anything else to wash :)
especially since the bars lather up MUCH more than any bottled shampoo i've ever used, and i :love: me some lather.

the only shampoos with sulfates i'm gonna keep using are my suave clarifying shampoo (to clarify 1x a month), and my ORS creamy aloe champoo (to neutralize after relaxing).
It's DEF a deal breaker for me when shopping for shampoos. I ended up not buying quite a few popular shampoos b/c of their sulfates. (including keracare).

it doesnt make sense for me to buy a whole mess of shampoos w/ sulfates if all of them are gonna do the exact same thing..which is strip my hair. If i'm gonna go down that route, then all i need is my clarifying poo.

Agreed. Keracare was :censored: my hair and I had no idea...:nono:

I only wish I had realized sooner in the journey that my hair didn't like poo with sulfates in it...when I went back to CON...I could see the difference with my hair and it hit me then...

The closest a sulfate gets to my hair is when it's time for clarifying...
It's extremely important to me. I used poos with no sulfates for a long time just because I thought it was a healthier option. Then I went back to one of my favorite sulfate poos and immediately noticed increased hair fall in the shower, less moisture, and brittleness. Absolutely no more sulfates for me!:nono:
I was just asking because my current poo's have sulfates. I understand why some people avoid them but how important is it too you. Like if you find a shampoo that is awesome but has sulfates, is that a deal breaker for you?

The only sulfate free poo I think I have used was CON. I was thinking about trying a shampoo from HealthySexy Hair and I know it is sulfate free.

I have been using Healty Sexy Hair since the beginning of the year when my new hair stylist whipped it out on me. It just might become one of my exclusives. I wasnt going to post anything until I was sure that I really liked it and it was not just one of my many pj whims.

I have been using the Soy Tri Wheat Leave in Conditioner too, and I love it.

Prior to that I was using Elucense which I really like.

Have you tested the shikaiki poo bar yet? I like that too.:yep::yep:

I am slowly weaning myself to as many natural or as close to natural products. I find that my hair has a completely different reaction when I use them. It feels rested, and more relaxed(hard to describe).

Oh and Gymfreak, dont forget the Giovanni products. I have the vitapro fusion, the 50:50 balanced; and the direct leave in. I am trading my dominican product in for giovanni, healty sexy, MOP(Modern Organic Products), (maybe aveda(if I can get over the sticker shock)).

I got my mother Rosemary Mint Shampoo with Sea Moss and she and her hairstylist are now hooked. I dont do minty or tingly so they can have it.

I know I talk too much....can't help it.:perplexed
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With the dryness issues I've been experiencing, I think they would only be worse if I was using a regular shampoo. So it's important now simply for that reason but I'm not totally ruling them out in the future.
Not important at all. In all my years of using sulfate shampoo, I've never had any problems with dryness. In fact, most(if not all) have been very moisturizing. My current fave:love: is Design Essentials Moisture Retention poo. I have both the sulfate free and and the sulfate one and they both produce the same fantastic results; moisturized, detangled hair. So really, it doesn't matter to me.
It used to be important to me when I first started hair boards but now I'm to the point where if I like the shampoo and it has sulfates I still use it. I haven't had any problems at all.
Thanks for your feedback ladies.........Which sulfate free poo's are you using?

I like
Elucence moisture acidifying poo
Design essentials moisture retention poo
Cream of nature(green top) diluted well because it can cause build up
Hask MD medicated(discontinued)

I want to try the devacurl line (no poo, and low poo) It's been on my wish list for a long time now