How have you replaced that feeling?


Active Member
This is for the FORMER die hard salon go-ers, but anyone is welcome to post their opinion.

As a teen (as soon as i got a job) i would go to the salon almost every week - usually monday after school to get my hair done. It made me feel 'pretty' and groomed. As i got older i went less but getting my hair done was still a treat i enjoyed. Now that i've learned heat is 'the devil' :lachen: and dont trust too many pple with my hair, i MISS IT!

i miss treating myself and being pampered and getting a head washing/rubbing (sux when i do it myself, just not the same). I also DONT KNOW what to do with myself when i have that rare alone/me time or relaxation time or a day off. I bite my nails so the nail salon doesnt really excite me.

i was just wondering if anyone else feels this way and how have you coped? were you able to replace that salon experience with smthg else that gave you a similar 'taken care of feeling'?

Well, since I'm a rollersetter, I still feel the same when I sit under my professional dryer in my living room. Only I like it better because I can watch tv, use my computer and have a snack LOL! When I had a little countertop bonnet dryer, I didn't feel like I was at the salon, but I think the real dryer does the trick.

Also, one of my best friends is a hairstylist so if I call her midday, I can still hear all the buzz in the background and the chatter. :-)

I never was a die hard salon goer but when I did, 4x a year for the major holidays, I felt special. I loved being pampered.

BUT... I was a die hard nail salon girl! Loved getting my nails done! I never got them really long or wild colors but my hands and feet were gawjess every week. Now I have 2 little ones and less extra $$ and time. I can't wait until they are older so I can have a little more ME time again!
I used to go to the salon every 2 weeks. Every other Friday evening or Saturday morning. I never felt like it was a treat though. I didn't enjoy it. When I was 11 or 12 my mom started sending me. When I went away to college I went to a salon because I still didn't know how to do my own hair. When I tried I ended up with dried out crunchy hair because I didn't know what I was doing.

At different salons where I've had my hair done I hated the wait (waiting for the stylist to start on my hair, waiting for an available sink or hair dryer, waiting a long time after my dryer turned off for the stylist to finish with another customer and get back to me, etc.), trying to get my neck in a comfortable position at the sink, sometimes getting up from the sink with the back of my shirt soaking wet, the smell of some of the products being used on my hair or other customers' hair.....

I feel relieved to have my evenings and weekends free of those hours in the salon.
This is for the FORMER die hard salon go-ers, but anyone is welcome to post their opinion.

As a teen (as soon as i got a job) i would go to the salon almost every week - usually monday after school to get my hair done. It made me feel 'pretty' and groomed. As i got older i went less but getting my hair done was still a treat i enjoyed. Now that i've learned heat is 'the devil' :lachen: and dont trust too many pple with my hair, i MISS IT!

i miss treating myself and being pampered and getting a head washing/rubbing (sux when i do it myself, just not the same). I also DONT KNOW what to do with myself when i have that rare alone/me time or relaxation time or a day off. I bite my nails so the nail salon doesnt really excite me.

i was just wondering if anyone else feels this way and how have you coped? were you able to replace that salon experience with smthg else that gave you a similar 'taken care of feeling'?

I know what you mean. It's nice to be pampered but sometimes you just have to take time to do that for yourself.
At least once a month I have an at home spa day (well maybe not the whole day) :rolleyes:. but I do my hair, nails and anything else that needs doing surrounded with candles, flowers if they're available and my music. Of course this only works when everybody has someplace else to be. The last time I announced I needed a spa day, the house cleared out after breakfast and I had a the whole day.(maybe they agreed) Didn't even miss the salon chatter had my friend on speaker :lachen:.
Seriously though, as a teen, my friends and I use to get together and do each other's hair. Maybe if some one had a salon sink, hmmmm.....
I was a die hard salon goer...I mean DIE HARD :armyhat: ...and I had a good stylist but everything fell apart for my hair when I left for college (all I knew how to do was wrap my hair). Knowledge is power & I feel so empowered knowing how to take care of my hair now...and I lovee pampering myself and saving money. I too am a roller setter so I invested in a Pibbs and it's been pretty easy to replace the frequent salon experience for me
Thanks for responding ladies!

I have a stand up dryer at home, but not a pibbs. i suck at rollersetting and my hair never looks as good as the salon so i rather not even use the heat and then be disappointed.

Lovey, i WISH i could just say 'spa day' and clear the house - lol - ur lucky
Thanks for responding ladies!

I have a stand up dryer at home, but not a pibbs. i suck at rollersetting and my hair never looks as good as the salon so i rather not even use the heat and then be disappointed.

Lovey, i WISH i could just say 'spa day' and clear the house - lol - ur lucky

lol, that only happend once a few weeks ago. I usually "catch as catch can".
The massage suggestion is way better 'cause somebody is pampering you:grin:
I feel liberated that i dont have to go actually. I hated spending my entire saturday (YES GIRL, ALL DAY) at the salon. I agree with the other posters, ive replaced that pretty feeling with other things. A facial, a massage, or a mani/pedi.

Now that i am working out, sometimes at the end of the week ill go get my hair done. A banging body and banging cant tell me nothing! That feeling comes back instantly :gorgeous:
I feel liberated that i dont have to go actually. I hated spending my entire saturday (YES GIRL, ALL DAY) at the salon. I agree with the other posters, ive replaced that pretty feeling with other things. A facial, a massage, or a mani/pedi.

Co-sign. :yep::yep::yep:
I used to go to the salon every 2 weeks (and spent over 4 hours just for a wash, blow dry & tong). I hardly ever styled my hair myself or washed it myself! Until I started running... I was sweating on my scalp more than 2ce a week so I was forced to start washing my hair myself.

Luckily for me - I was told about the hairboards and fotkis a few months after I started running so the knowledge couldn't have come at a better time.

Reason why I don't miss my salon visits is I now know my hair wasn't being treated right! Blowdrying with the comb attachment without heat protectant!!! Then straightening with tongs (heated in the oven) WITHOUT heat protectant!

The few times I go to the salon, I spend too much time monitoring what's done to my hair, it's not a relaxing experience anymore! :nono:

My older sister's stylist knows me so well now, last time she did my hair (for my sister's wedding), she was visibly relieved when I had NO complaints and loved the way my hair was treated. She told my sister a couple of weeks after the wedding again!:lachen:

I'd love for my hair to be done by someone who knows my do's and don't's and doesn't try to suggest I get a relaxer, I trim my hair, etc Don't know when or if I'll find someone like that
I feel liberated that i dont have to go actually. I hated spending my entire saturday (YES GIRL, ALL DAY) at the salon. I agree with the other posters, ive replaced that pretty feeling with other things. A facial, a massage, or a mani/pedi.

Now that i am working out, sometimes at the end of the week ill go get my hair done. A banging body and banging cant tell me nothing! That feeling comes back instantly :gorgeous:

Maybe a $10 massage would work, but one from a spa or facial cost alot more than a $20 wash and set - lol. And i never spent the whole day there. i'd go after school on a monday when it was empty - or as an adult - i'd go early early on a saturday and tell her i had to be out by ______ o'clock - if she wanted a tip, she would make sure that happend. :lachen:

I guess i'll get over it eventually....
I used to go to the salon every 2 weeks (and spent over 4 hours just for a wash, blow dry & tong). I hardly ever styled my hair myself or washed it myself! Until I started running... I was sweating on my scalp more than 2ce a week so I was forced to start washing my hair myself.

Luckily for me - I was told about the hairboards and fotkis a few months after I started running so the knowledge couldn't have come at a better time.

Reason why I don't miss my salon visits is I now know my hair wasn't being treated right! Blowdrying with the comb attachment without heat protectant!!! Then straightening with tongs (heated in the oven) WITHOUT heat protectant!

The few times I go to the salon, I spend too much time monitoring what's done to my hair, it's not a relaxing experience anymore! :nono:

My older sister's stylist knows me so well now, last time she did my hair (for my sister's wedding), she was visibly relieved when I had NO complaints and loved the way my hair was treated. She told my sister a couple of weeks after the wedding again!:lachen:

I'd love for my hair to be done by someone who knows my do's and don't's and doesn't try to suggest I get a relaxer, I trim my hair, etc Don't know when or if I'll find someone like that

I wish u luck. someday u may find him/her..
I used to go to the salon every 2 weeks. Every other Friday evening or Saturday morning. I never felt like it was a treat though. I didn't enjoy it. When I was 11 or 12 my mom started sending me. When I went away to college I went to a salon because I still didn't know how to do my own hair. When I tried I ended up with dried out crunchy hair because I didn't know what I was doing.

At different salons where I've had my hair done I hated the wait (waiting for the stylist to start on my hair, waiting for an available sink or hair dryer, waiting a long time after my dryer turned off for the stylist to finish with another customer and get back to me, etc.), trying to get my neck in a comfortable position at the sink, sometimes getting up from the sink with the back of my shirt soaking wet, the smell of some of the products being used on my hair or other customers' hair.....

I feel relieved to have my evenings and weekends free of those hours in the salon.

You got that right! The wait was 40% of the reason I transitioned to natural. Love not being a slave to a salon but I do miss my hair dresser...
I was a salon goer too...Every Thurs....When I start missing being pampared I make a appointment at my local spa and get a massage and facial....I come out spending about the same I did to get my hair done
I get what you're saying OP. There is nothing like someone else giving your head a good scrub. LOL!

When I was relaxed I switched hairdressers to the ones who do your hair within 1-1.5 hours max and there was no wait. Now that I'm natural there are no natural stylists that I know around me so I do miss that. Other pampering is nice but not the same. Maybe a head massage though...
I don't miss it, I never loved the salon, actually I hated it, so becoming a DIYer was a great feeling for me.
Thanks for responding ladies!

I have a stand up dryer at home, but not a pibbs. i suck at rollersetting and my hair never looks as good as the salon so i rather not even use the heat and then be disappointed.

Lovey, i WISH i could just say 'spa day' and clear the house - lol - ur lucky

If you enjoy the salon experience so much why did you stop going? You should definitely treat yourself once in a while :yep: I find comfort in shopping or walking. I honestly never really had a fabulous and relaxing experience at the salon. So far this year I had it done once and I looooved the results. Its the 3 hours to get the end result that I dread the most LOL

But you should definitely go and get your hair done, maybe a facial, manicure, go shopping, call me and I'll come with you LOL :look::grin:
If you enjoy the salon experience so much why did you stop going? You should definitely treat yourself once in a while :yep: I find comfort in shopping or walking. I honestly never really had a fabulous and relaxing experience at the salon. So far this year I had it done once and I looooved the results. Its the 3 hours to get the end result that I dread the most LOL

But you should definitely go and get your hair done, maybe a facial, manicure, go shopping, call me and I'll come with you LOL :look::grin:

LOL. Thanks. I like the walking and shopping thing too, but im always in a rush to take the train home and i spend ALOT of money when i go shopping so i have to control myself... i probably HAVE replaced the salon thing with shopping, now that i think of it - no wonder my check goes so fast lol