How has your hair journey impact your life?


Ayurvedic Life
My hair journey impacted my life in 3 ways.

The 1st way my life was impacted was for the reason I joined the board in the first place. I didn't want to settle for "only" weaves just to have gorgeous hair. I didn't want to be like every other girl college with a weave cause they couldn't do their hair and catch a man :grin: .

Lesson #1| where there's a will, there's a way.

I made up my mind to have healthy and seeing so many ladies w/ gorgeous hair inspired me and my regimen. I became a PJ because I was trying all the staple products my hair inspirations were using. (Lacio Lacio Phase - yall remember when dominican leave-ins became the IT product). I was changing products, routines, blogs, etc that I could never focus on one thing.

Lesson #2| the fewer goals you focus on, the more you will achieve.

During my hair journey, I ran into a few setbacks, disasters, and missed my hair goals. I didn't stop and say this "hair board is a scam". Or its impossible for me to achieve long hair. I probably had more failed rollerset attemps then any member. BUT I bet my last dollar that virtually no member has only 1 rollerset attempt. With a hair setback, I found my mistake, and change what I needed to.

Lesson #3| failure can be a great thing, learn from it - don't accept it.

Ladies what lessons have you learned from your journey, rather it be a business, guru, have you discovered a new passion, stick to your dreams anything, did you get anything in your life change once your hair changed? Please share!!!
When I started my quest for healthy hair 2yrs ago I learned alot about health in general since then me and my family no longer eat meats, we enjoy a raw food lifestyle (everything must be organic) and we are thriving because of it:)
My HHJ has made me go back to my roots. I have to admit that Living in America made ME be a little lazy. I used to do my own hair as a teen, but when I got older I'd go to salons and have others do my hair.

Being natural has made me be a DIYer and use natural products, just like I did growing up in the Dominican Republic. I use avocados, eggs, yogurt, coconut oil, bananas, coconut milk, sugar, honey, etc you get the hint LOL stuff I pretty much behind years ago when I thought expensive salon brand stuff was better. I have fun making my own concoctions.
made me healthier .... lost 50lbs

I was using all natural stuff in my hair and still eating crap .... feeding the body well from the inside makes me feel healthy physically and mentally
Lots. I saw/see that keeping on a journey and tweaking things you do (in life too) will get you to your goal sooner or later.

Got me into skincare even more than usual and helped refine my business direction.

Reminds me going my own way works best for me.

Reading up on people's stories, makes me thankful for my life.

People come and go and others come and replace them.

It's not that serious, it's just life:grin:
Lots. I saw/see that keeping on a journey and tweaking things you do (in life too) will get you to your goal sooner or later.

Got me into skincare even more than usual and helped refine my business direction.

Reminds me going my own way works best for me.

Reading up on people's stories, makes me thankful for my life.

People come and go and others come and replace them.

It's not that serious, it's just life:grin:

This is so true .... my hair journey is the only thing I've stuck to even through setbacks. Something failed (like last year with minimal retention) I assessed, re-grouped and now back on the grow.... when usually I would have just said **** it and move on to something else
This is so true .... my hair journey is the only thing I've stuck to even through setbacks. Something failed (like last year with minimal retention) I assessed, re-grouped and now back on the grow.... when usually I would have just said **** it and move on to something else

I can definitely relate.

Also I never took hair vitamins either or adopt/learn about ayurvedic until the thread.
I take daily vitamins, things I need but don't get from food I eat. I'm healthier.

I spend a lot of time on my hair, and that's not necessarily a good thing. However, I feel as though I'm taking good care of myself, spoiling myself.

My appearance is changing as my hair grows

As my appearance changes (for the better IMO), my confidence is elevated
First off, it kept me Sane and Focused. Losing all my hair was like the Last Straw after all I'd been through with my high risk pregnancy, and postpartum complications (could have died), and crazy F'ing IL's, and caring for twin boys. My body was already I was bald too?? I swear I followed the advice on LHCF closer than scripture in the lie.
I learned:
1. I don't have to be a hideous hag, hiding under a wig. I can grow my hair back, and longer than it was when I lost it.

2. I can actually deal with my wild woman hair, even though I enjoy it so much more now that it's texturized. I adore my curls!!

3. Learning how to care for My hair, has helped me be better able to care for my boys hair as well. Heck, I'm even slowly getting my mom to change!

4. Learning how to make my own hair and skin products, has been the best thing ever for my family. It saved my boys skin, and hair (Johnson's is the Debil!!), my pocket cause it's so cost effective, and it's unbelievably fun! And my hair health has improved SO much from Ayurvedic herbs, and kitchen chemistry. :grin:

5. DIY! DIY!! DIY!!! Keepin my money in my pocket, and my hair on my head. :yep:
I actually make a calendar around my hair and future goals.:lol:
My hubby asks me when am I doing my hair:yep:
My PJ instincts have caused me significant amounts of money:nono:
Wow.....that's very inspiring. You definitely overcame a lot.

First off, it kept me Sane and Focused. Losing all my hair was like the Last Straw after all I'd been through with my high risk pregnancy, and postpartum complications (could have died), and crazy F'ing IL's, and caring for twin boys. My body was already I was bald too?? I swear I followed the advice on LHCF closer than scripture in the lie.
I learned:
1. I don't have to be a hideous hag, hiding under a wig. I can grow my hair back, and longer than it was when I lost it.

2. I can actually deal with my wild woman hair, even though I enjoy it so much more now that it's texturized. I adore my curls!!

3. Learning how to care for My hair, has helped me be better able to care for my boys hair as well. Heck, I'm even slowly getting my mom to change!

4. Learning how to make my own hair and skin products, has been the best thing ever for my family. It saved my boys skin, and hair (Johnson's is the Debil!!), my pocket cause it's so cost effective, and it's unbelievably fun! And my hair health has improved SO much from Ayurvedic herbs, and kitchen chemistry. :grin:

5. DIY! DIY!! DIY!!! Keepin my money in my pocket, and my hair on my head. :yep:
#1. My hair journey has made me more aware of the condition on my skin and how to care for it, my wardrobe choices, and so on because of the hair/beauty/fashion network that's online.

#2. I learned that caring for hair is more than just washing, condition, and style. Its a process I had to learn over time: how to detangle, protein/moisture, hair color, caring for damaged hair. I also learned that natural hair is more than just locks and TWA.

#3. I don't have many opportunities to express my opinion about topics such as politics, the black community, relationships, careers, etc. in real life. Hair forums gives me an outlet.
This hair journey has taught me things that were vital but that I wouldn't have learned otherwise so I'm very grateful.

Most important life lessons I've learned and applied in other areas of my life:

1. People will laugh and criticize you when you do something different from the norm. Ignore them. Keep at it because you KNOW it works. Later they'll come to you for advice and act like they supported you from the get go. Love them anyway because like Jesus said on the cross: "Father forgive them for they don't know what they're doing."

2. Never give up. If you're not seeing results, examine what you're doing, regroup and fix whatever's messing you up because something is.

3. Keep your goals to yourself. Only tell them to people who are either already successful or are on the same journey as you. Support from like minded people is vital so you don't quit.

4. Keep your dreams in front of you at all times. I visit blogs, sites, youtube channels of people who have what I want whether it be hair, fashion, beauty or business.

5. Give back and help others. As you become more successful in your hair (or any) journey you will attract supporters or followers. Help them. Answer their questions and a safe haven for them like you wish you had when you first started.
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Well I have one big one....

My pockets are more empty :giggle: :cry3:
But I absolutely love the products I am using and my hair is thanking me for it. I use to have very long hair..... damaged, but long!!!! I was breaking but couldn't seem to stop it.

I found styling options for natural hair in stead of my double twist, braids, and wash N goes.

I feel good helping other people achieve their goals.

Diva Cup ---- I am so glad I venture into other threads and am open to learn and try some things.

More to come :grin:
It seriously taught me that I can achieve anything I really put my mind to. I was able to become disciplined enough to follow a weekly regimen and not flat iron for my first year. Then I realized I could follow a regimen to lose weight. Then I realized I could follow a budget plan to keep my finances in order. Now I'm seeing that I can follow a plan to keep my house organized.
It seriously taught me that I can achieve anything I really put my mind to. I was able to become disciplined enough to follow a weekly regimen and not flat iron for my first year. Then I realized I could follow a regimen to lose weight. Then I realized I could follow a budget plan to keep my finances in order. Now I'm seeing that I can follow a plan to keep my house organized.

Chile ... I need to get there :spinning:
This Hair Journey has impacted my life in so many (positive) ways:
1.) It has taught me discipline when it comes to following a well-laid out regimen.

2.) It has taught me to have patientce and consistency when achieving my goals.

3.) I've learned that it is not about the PRICE of the product that is important, but the QUALITY! Ladies, don't be so easy to give in to a product just because the $$$ is over the top! This does not gurantee that the product is effective or safe for your hair. Instead, take the time to do your own research on the ingredients listed on the product before you slather a truck load of overly-priced BS onto your precious tresses :)
It seriously taught me that I can achieve anything I really put my mind to. I was able to become disciplined enough to follow a weekly regimen and not flat iron for my first year. Then I realized I could follow a regimen to lose weight. Then I realized I could follow a budget plan to keep my finances in order. Now I'm seeing that I can follow a plan to keep my house organized.

I'm waiting for that to trickle down:grin:
My hair journey has changed me in lots of ways. I actually only started about a year and 4 months ago. But I used to be a constant weave wearer. Did my own weaves and always thought I was doing it the "healthy/right way". When it got raggedy I took it out and slapped another one on. When I started my hair journey I started making excuses for my weaves..."It is just a protective style". Who was I kidding when I had been wearing constant weaves for the past 10 years. Finally I said, enough of this. For me, starting my hair journey encouraged me to wear my hair out. I was nervous at first but now I am actually more confident. I look people in their eye when I speak to them. This might sound extreme but it is true for me. I am more comfortable with who I am that I do not need the extra hair anymore. Do not get me wrong...I am not totally against weaves now and talking bad about them because I don't wear them anymore. But I know that I will never wear them again and I wonder now why I did for so long when I had all of this beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous, thick, healthy (with the right care) hair underneath it all.