how does this sound


Well-Known Member
today I plan on washing and conditioning my hair. So far my plan looks like this:
1) pre poo treatment EVOO for 25/35 min-1 hr
2) poo w/Dove intense moisture poo(trying to use up products before buying more stuff LOL!)
3) deep condition w/Lekair after poo formula for 1 hr.
4) rinse and apply Givanni direct leave in
5) apply setting lotion and wrap hair(my hair is VERY short) and gel down the back
6) let hair air dry

my hair is usually extremely dry and just until recently I have started to deep condition 2 times a week & wash every 5 days (vs. every 7 days).

I was also thinking about doing a protein treatment(w/Motions CPR) but didn't know where to put it. Should it go in between #2 and #3?

Any and all suggestions/advice are greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance ladies
Yeah I think it should go between # 2 and 3. that sounds like a good plan. Today should be my wash day too. I should come up with what i'm supposed to do today. Something along the lines of yours, lol.

But why gel? does it have alcohol in it? are u planning to use just a little bit? or you could use the really small rollers if you have them (the yellow ones) and put a couple rollers on the back of your hair that cannot go in the wrap. Just an idea :)
Sounds good! Why not wait till the next wash day to do the motions CPR? I use this as well but I use by itself. After I wash I'll sit under the dryer for 20 mins with it in my hair rinse and style my hair. I think it serves as a light protein/moisturising conditioner in one.
mochamadness said:
Sounds good! Why not wait till the next wash day to do the motions CPR? I use this as well but I use by itself. After I wash I'll sit under the dryer for 20 mins with it in my hair rinse and style my hair. I think it serves as a light protein/moisturising conditioner in one.

thanks mocha for the CPR suggestion! decided to wait until my next wash day....thansk again!
CarLiTa said:
Yeah I think it should go between # 2 and 3. that sounds like a good plan. Today should be my wash day too. I should come up with what i'm supposed to do today. Something along the lines of yours, lol.

But why gel? does it have alcohol in it? are u planning to use just a little bit? or you could use the really small rollers if you have them (the yellow ones) and put a couple rollers on the back of your hair that cannot go in the wrap. Just an idea :)

thanks carlita for replying! with the haircut that I have the back is really short & when I go to the salon she gels the sides & back. she used a really small curling iron to curl most of the back though. I am going to the hair store and pick up the yellow rollers today....thanks for the suggestion.