How does it take you to like a product


Well-Known Member
When I was using silicon mix it took me a full year to realize it was the reason I was having problems with dryness and breakage due to build up and over usage. I used it to dc, cowash, and as a leave in. The very first time I used it my hair was soft and detangled.

With Joico Silk Result I hated it the first time I used it. I've been using it twice a week regularly and now my hair loves it. I've been using it a year. I tried Moisture Recovery Balm once. Didnt like it. Im thinking of trying the shampoo and regular conditioner. How long do you give a product before you decide it works or dont work?
Depends on the item.

When I used silicon mix, I had breakage city. My hair made relationships with my floor, sink and garbage can :( but when I used SD Vanilla Silk, I didn't care for at first, but eventually it grew on me. I had moist, nice hair, but wasn't using it right.

When I use shampoos, it takes me a while to determine. Usually about a month. And I can only conclude how good it is by DC results.

Leave-ins take two specific wash days: clarifying and regular. If it works bad on both, it is not a keeper.

Moisturizers for me are hard. I also cannot use leave-ins and moisturizers interchangeably.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
If it makes my hair dry, it is a goner. I am never using it again.

If I consider it just okay, I will keep using it until the container is finished. If it doesn't become great by then, I will never use it again.

If it is great and performs consistently, it is in my stash forever.

I guess to answer your question, it will be after 1-2 uses. It doesn't take me long to put it in one of those three categories.
leona2025, are you trying these new products on freshly clarified hair? I don't have experience with any of the products you mentioned, but If I try something on fresh clarified hair and I don't like it, I'm not using it again. Depending on where I purchased it at, it's going back.
It varies between a few hours and a few days. If a product dries and I don't like the way it makes my hair feel (Tressume Split Remedy) then I hate it. But since I co-wash twice a week, I also use the time between washes to decide how I like a product. I loved AVG for slicking down my hair when I wet bun; it dried soft and kept my hair moisturized but it didn't have enough hold and my hair frizzed on day 2.

Ultimately it just depends, though I do have a bad habit of re-visiting products that I hated months down the line. It hasn't worked out for me yet. :ohwell:
The short answer is: til the end of the bottle/jar. That can be 1-20 uses.
Longish answer:
How long it takes me to decide I like a product depends on two things: how effective it was and how much it costs per use.
I get the majority of my products on sale and some are too expensive at the regular price to replace so I end up searching for a cheaper alternative or making my own concoction.
The less effective something is, the more likely I'll tweak it to make it usable. And if I can't get GREAT results by the end of the bottle (despite my modifications), I'm unlikely to purchase ever again.
I also have a nasty habit of trying other things in the meanwhile of my less than spectacular results.

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Pretty much instantly. I can tell whether or not I will keep a conditioner or continue to use it as soon as I apply it. If it just sits there on my hair, I might try it again. Shampoos I may use a few times to see if I like it. But conditioners and leave ins I usually know right away.
I usually give a product 9 chances before I write it off. So about a month for shampoos/conditioners depending on the usage and everything else gets 9 chances (9 lives lol).
It really depends on if I like the product on first try or not. If I don't like it the first time I try it then I will go with that. However, if I try a product and like it the first time I will try it out for about a month or two to really determine if I really like it. Because some times a product can be good the first time you use it, but after using it continuously you might notice some good or bad effect on you're hair. That's why I wait awhile before I give reviews on products.
Thanks ladies! I clarify my hair maybe once a month. When I was using Silicon Mix, the problem was build up. I was having a ton of breakage and I didn't realize it was that conditioner because my hair felt so soft and moisturized. In reality I guess it was just coated.

Once I stopped using it my hair recovered. It's still really uneven because of that. I remember not liking the moisture recovery line, but I don't remember why and since the same happened with their silk result line I thought it was worth a chance. I'm really sad about the loss of this product because it's the only thing I've used consistently along with my leave ins and my hair has been thriving.

I'm really scared to switch to something new and end up with a setback. I'm hoping for full WL this year finally.
Usually I love a great product(the ones that are my staples now) the first time I use it. However, I don't always give it credit until its gone and I need to buy more to keep up the results I noticed while using it.
It took me 2 months of using sulfate free/low sulfates shampoos to realize that my hair hated sulfates.
For rinse conditioners, I give it two tries before it gets tossed out. Conditioners always work the first time on me, but show their true colors on the second use.
And it took weeks to realize that my gluten intolerance also spread to my hair products when products with wheat germ/protein would cause protein overload and migraines.
Clarifying more often wouldn't allow you to continue using Silicon Mix?
My experience has been if something works but then loses efficacy because of buildup, removing the buildup restores efficacy.
If you're concerned about overclarifying, have you considered diluting your shampoo &/or following with a moisturizing shampoo or conditioner?

Thanks ladies! I clarify my hair maybe once a month. When I was using Silicon Mix, the problem was build up. I was having a ton of breakage and I didn't realize it was that conditioner because my hair felt so soft and moisturized. In reality I guess it was just coated.

Once I stopped using it my hair recovered. It's still really uneven because of that. I remember not liking the moisture recovery line, but I don't remember why and since the same happened with their silk result line I thought it was worth a chance. I'm really sad about the loss of this product because it's the only thing I've used consistently along with my leave ins and my hair has been thriving.

I'm really scared to switch to something new and end up with a setback. I'm hoping for full WL this year finally.

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With shampoo I can tell when I rinse it off. If the hair mats easily when I handle it or if it's unmanageable in general, I won't use it again.

Condish and moisturizers I can tell instantly...if the hair is not becoming soft or separating easily or simply not reacting to it, not bueno. With sealants I can tell by the middle/end of the day. If my hair is frizzier than it would be otherwise by a certain point, I let that go.
If it is to be a holy grail or staple product, I know on my first use. I only have a few of these. I wish I had more.

If it is a product for the trash or giveaway box I know on the first use. They usually scare me and I feel like I go into a panic. :lol:

Other things take about 3 uses before I know whether I could use them in a pinch or whether I shouldn't bother. The don't hurt my hair they just doing have really noticeable results.

Products like oils and butters may take a lot of uses because it is more about technique with my hair than the product.
Clarifying more often wouldn't allow you to continue using Silicon Mix?
My experience has been if something works but then loses efficacy because of buildup, removing the buildup restores efficacy.
If you're concerned about overclarifying, have you considered diluting your shampoo &/or following with a moisturizing shampoo or conditioner?

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I'm scared of this conditioner now. I don't know if it was ever really working or if it was actually just coating my hair and masking my issues. I was so much shedding and breakage I couldn't understand how it felt so soft and fluffy and still the breakage.

Also during the year that I used it solely I did no heat styling and bunned. I may give it another try.
You're probably right if you think that's what happened.
Have you ever done a hair detox a la Terressentials? If you know what your completely "naked" hair feels like versus "coated" hair, I think that would give you a better base line for when your hair has normal buildup and when your hair is damaged to a greater degree than appearance/feel.
As I understand the science behind silicones and similar ingredients that form an impermeable coating on the hair shaft, and my own experience with such ingredients, they DO have a tendency to "mask" underlying hair problems.
The molecules of silicones are very tiny and can fill the gaps of damaged shafts (almost) seamlessly, forming a coating or "mask" you won't get from natural, larger moleculed, ingredients.

If you experienced buildup with Silicon Mix, clarified, then stopped using Silicon Mix, maybe the little gaps in your hair shaft stopped being filled...? That's just a theory though.
TBH, I'm leery of silicones for that very reason. They were very helpful during my brief transition though. They're good to get over length plateaus caused by damage. I have to use them sparingly and clarify well after each period of use.
I'm curious to know what you end up doing/concluding about Silicon Mix so be sure to update! :-)


I'm scared of this conditioner now. I don't know if it was ever really working or if it was actually just coating my hair and masking my issues. I was so much shedding and breakage I couldn't understand how it felt so soft and fluffy and still the breakage.

Also during the year that I used it solely I did no heat styling and bunned. I may give it another try.

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