How do your friends feel about natural hair?

-Love Love*

New Member
So, today me and my friends went out for lunch to Bread Co...blah blah blah.

We saw many natural ladies, one's hair was so pretty I had half a mind to ask her if she was Niko's cousin :goodcop: But I digress....

So as I was absolutely DROOLING over the hair I saw, they were clowning them. Saying "she needs a perm..." you know. All the ignorant things. And I just realized how narrow minded they are.

I'm transitioning, so they're gonna have to get used to it :cool2:

Anybody with similar experiences?
I have the opposite type experiences.
My friends and fam really dig natural hair.
Most of them are chemically processed, but they also appreciate the beauty of a healthy head of napps.
My family likes it. But I have one friend that hasnt commented on my natural texture since I stopped flat-ironing. I have a feeling that she doesnt care for it, but oh well.:spinning:
I have one friend that has said she "missed me with 'long' straight hair." Other than that, everyone seems to like my natural more than when I was relaxed and people I don't know tell me it suits me.
People say I can do it because I have good hair :rolleyes: Whatever, if my hair was so darn good I wouldn't be contemplating chopping the crap off.
The people in my life are very supportive but they wouldn't go natural themselves...go figure.
My friends are actually very supportive of it. Both of my close female friends have gone natural. One went back to relaxing, but the other did her BC several years ago and has been natural ever since. My SO loves it, and when I called my dad (he's like my best friend:yawn:) he was all excited about me cutting that "chemical crap" out of my hair. :lachen:
Most of my friends are supportive, 2 of them are natural.

I have 1 friend that was like kept saying "eww, why are you doing that to yourself...that is not gonna be cute blah blah blah". That was before she even saw my hair.

She saw it and was like "well, its cute on you, but idk I still don't like the whole natural thing:rolleyes:."
I think my family has mixed feelings about natural hair. I have relaxed hair and my Grandmother won't forgive my mother for giving me a relaxer when I was a kid. "She ruined all your beautiful hair!" she said. There was actually a period of time I was contemplating going natural, and I told her about it, and she was like "But your hair is so beautiful, why would you want to cut it off". :perplexed "I thought you said that my mom ruined my hair by relaxing it?" No answer on her end, lol. I asked my mom why she relaxed my hair and she told me "Because you were tender-headed and didn't want me to do your hair. Your hair was very pretty, though". :rolleyes: And my mom herself would NEVER go natural. And it's a shame because I love her natural texture. She's convinced it would be "unmanageable", even though it looks nice. So I really don't know how they feel about natural hair. I, on the other hand, LOVE natural hair and naturals :yep:.
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My friends LOVE it. Especially my non-black friends. They think it's the best thing since sliced bread.

And my white adoptive family thinks natural hair is the bees knees. My mom thinks every styles looks amazing, even my Celie braids that stick out every which way.

eta: I do have one black friend that asks me when I'm going to comb my hair every single time I see her. I just tell her that combing is the reason she doesn't have any hair and maybe she needs to do what I'm doing. LOL. But she still says it every time.
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all of my friends like natural hair on me, but not on them. they tell me that i can get away with it or i have the face for it. whatever.
50/50 - love and hate. Some of my friends LOVE it and I think are jealous cos they think they aren't brave enough. Others HATE, particularly one aunt. She realy hates it and voices it alot. Oh well, cant win them all.
They all gush over my hair but still make comments about other peoples that make me go :perplexed. My hair is very much type 4.

I don't think they're lying when they say they like my hair but I would NOT say they are fans of natural hair.:nono:
I hardly EVER get compliments when I wear my natural hair straightened. The closest I get to a compliment is when my friends tell me that it's getting longer. But when i wear my hair in its natural state, the compliments come pouring down. My friends plus random people I don't know always tell me they love my natural hair. If I would have known this I would have stopped flat ironing my hair every two weeks a long time ago, and I probably would have been waist length by now :ohwell:
My friends are all pro-natural, even if they prefer to relax, and a number of them are transitioning.
My friends pretty much accept natural hair... luckily out of my friends...i think...2 are relaxed... the rest of us have pretty much gone natural... So it works fine for us..
umm i have a mix of supportive friends..friends that could care less...friends that look at me funny friends that "come off as jealous" of my progress and such for instance
I wore my natural hair straight and ended up going ot the club.. no problem for me I have bobby pins, ponytails holder, etc.. she proceeds to tell me in the midst of having fun "uh ha ur hairs going natural" and then giggles her head off.. I said "and" and continued to do this is the same girl that looks at my hair when I wear it out and says dang your hair grew fast maybe I shoulda went natural...

and then I have a friend who is transitioning and in her opinion her hair is better than mine because her hair is wavy..little does she know because she still has relaxed ends and has never seen my natural hair in person once in a week old untouched puff.

alot of my friends feel that their relaxed her is superior to my natural hair.. but i do have quite a few that are transitiong or want to but are scared to transition and my close friend who is a member on here that I transitioned with and bc'd with =)
I've had mixed feelings as well some friendslike and say the usual "Girl you are so brave" but i have had friends call it hard and unkept and say things like "Ur too dark to go natural" :ohwell: but yeah i really don't care I just do me. My little sister though who was the least supportive has seen one of my wash and gos and now officially has cried Transition - i wanna see how long she'll last :lachen:
I've had mixed feelings as well some friendslike and say the usual "Girl you are so brave" but i have had friends call it hard and unkept and say things like "Ur too dark to go natural" :ohwell: but yeah i really don't care I just do me. My little sister though who was the least supportive has seen one of my wash and gos and now officially has cried Transition - i wanna see how long she'll last :lachen:

I'm going to pray for us as Black people. How can someone feel good about themselves after making a statement like that :nono: How can we be "too dark" for what God put on our heads. lil_xelle please let those comments go in one ear and out the other.

I've convinced almost all of my friends to go natural and every last one of them is happy with the decision so far.
Everyone in my family is very supportive. I don't think anyone wanted me to relax in the first place.. the only side eye I got was when I BC-ed and was rocking a twa ... I didn't tell my mom I was doing it, I just went to school one day and came back bald headed :lachen: so I understand the shock. I get compliments all the time about my natural hair I'm so proud of it :grin:. A year later no one can really say anything negative about it because it so supa flyy
I get mixed reactions. My new boy absolutely loves it, he loves to run his fingers through it and he's actually growing his own hair out now. My father calls me a "wild child" and my mother used to tell me to "comb my hair" all the time, but she's calmed down a bit. It's funny though that my mother would react that way, since she vowed when I was a child to never put a relaxer in my head, so she should be used to my natural hair. :/
My friends and family don't really care what I do with my hair. My relaxed friends give me compliments but would never do it themselves. Most of my natural friends wear weaves or braids while I choose to either twist, cornrow, or french braid my hair so they always tell me that I should get a weave or micros. I usually just politely say those styles are not for me and go on about my business because I know what my hair goals are and I will never achieve them if I put micro braids in.
My friends don't care about my hair and rarely comment at all. They know that I am growing out my relaxer. The most recent comment was how great my rollerset looked at the circus....but that was a comment by the aunt of a friend who had to BC due to a bad perm & a bald spot. She just could not believe that I didn't have a relaxer (I had BKT for about 2 weeks at the time).

I have one friend who is natural, BSL hair when straight, and she tells me about Ojon products. I have a colleague who is natural, in the midwest, and she talks about all the weird looks that she gets because of her afro & her love of Aveda products. That is the extent of hair talk with my friends. That's why I come to LHCF.
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My friends like my natural hair, or at least that's what they tell me, lol. Most of my friends are non-Black Latinas, so I do not know if that plays a role in it or not. Um, the only Black friends I have are male, and they seem to be alright with my natural hair. I've never heard any complaints.
My mom freaked out when I told her over the phone. She doesn't understand why I would want to deal with nappy hair but she is used to it now. I don't understand why she would want to deal with chemicals to make her hair curly then always have jeri curl juice on her collars (think coming to america):lachen:

One of my friends saw a braid-out when I was transitioning. I told her I wanted to find out what my natural hair looks like. She said "You see it now change it back!" As upset as she was a few years ago, she is transitioning with only a few inches left to go. Another friend didn't want to give her opinion cuz at the time she was addicted to silk straight weaves that looked ridiculous in her hair. Now that I'm fully natural she likes it but says she couldn't do it even though her hair is like 3a/b. She probably has nice curls but will never know.
No negative comments here luckily. I wonder if my friends realise that I'm natural? I wear my hair in two strand twists, maybe they think I'm relaxed or something, I wouldn't be surprised. I don't make it a secret that I'm natural though...
My friends loved my natural hair. Now they say they don't recognize me with relaxed hair. I am torn because I can't handle my own natural hair, but I miss my curls. I will transition to texlaxed in the future so I can have the best of both worlds.:yep:
none from family :)

but my friends are a mixed bag! one friend called me nappy head in front of everyone :cry2: another jus keeps telling me: "damn u aint relax it yet??? whats wrong with u???"

There's another friend of mine who's natural who's ashamed of her hair and NEVER wears it out. She's 3a/b and always has a wig on her head saying her hair is "ugly". If she only knew eh?