How do you wear your hair day to day?

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What is your daily hair style? Does everyone here use protective styles? I wear my headwraps everyday except on the weekends, (I work at a clinic on the weekends and they have a more strict dress code). Before that I wore buns and french rolls, not so much for protective styles but just because they make me look more important. /images/graemlins/wink.gif How do you all wear your hair from day to day?
A bun most days that I am doing straight from the shower. If I'm going somewhere that requires me to look appealing, a party, club, some social function other than work and day to day life, I do a variety of things.... flexirods, a roller wrap, a twist out, a wet n'wavy ponytail (btw my own hair which I wet and let wave up and wear to the side like Appalonia in Purple Rain!!!) or my twist wavy set..... the possiblities are endless!!!
But yeah, I stick to a trusty bun most days. It helps keep me out of my hair. If not, I find my self raking thru it all day, rubbing and touching it, and just amazed that it's MY hair, since this is the longest it's ever been.
And, since I'm rambling, I'll quietly exit..... but you get the point....woooh that was a mouthful!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

"You are very funny lady!" LOL! Your hair is very beautiful.I would never guess that this is the 1st time it's been that long. I'm trying to grow my hair to brastrap length, but I always wonder what will I do with it once it's that length. I forsee it may be a catastrophe in the making, LOL.
I wear mine down all the time. I pin it up on the odd occasion but its rare. I probably should wear it up in a protective style but I prefer my hair down.

I just have to practise sitting on my hands and not fiddling with it as I know its not good to do so.
I wear it pulled back in a bun or ponytail most of the time. A few times a week I wear it out (depending on my HAIR'S mood!). /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I don't really wear it in a bun as a "protective style" it's just that it is quick and easy and I got so used to pulling my hair back in a bun for work when it was natural. Now that I'm relaxed it's hard to kick the habit.
I wear my hair pulled back in a bun 90% of the time. Initially it had nothing to do with protective styling (I didn't know about this). It was just plain old laziness. Also being that I'm in the military, I have to do the bun thing during the week for sure.
Most days, I alternate between buns and a single braid. When I braid, I first pull the hair back in a round ponytail comb, then I braid the hair, pull the braid upwards, double it in on itself, and pin the ends under, so that they are completely tucked away and protected. However, I often roller set and wear my hair down for a day, or sometimes two, after I've washed it.
Majority of th time I wear my hair in a bun - it keeps my hands out of my hair and it is quick and easy.
I wear my hair pulled up 90% of the time. My husband hates it and calls me Mrs. Pumpkinhead. But when I take it out for special occasions he tells me now thats how you should wear your hair everyday. But if I did, I wouldn't have any.
Hi HoneyRockette,

Right now, I am in braids, but when I'm not, I wear two twists, like that of the french braids. I can't wear buns because they pull my hair out. I also wear the french twist from time to time.
Still haven't mastered a bun. I made a compromise with myself that even if I can't put it in a proper bun so to speak, that I would clip the ends up out of the air as often as possible. So I wear it down to travel in the street and clip it up into one large puin curl when I'm at my desk or indoors at all. I usually have it wrapped or in a loose bun in a satin scrunchie when I'm home. I HOPE that's enough protective styling to get some results. /images/graemlins/ooo.gif /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Buns and me just don't mix. /images/graemlins/mad.gif I know I get breakage from ponytail holders - which I must use to fashion one that looks decent to go outside with. But even Adrienne's stocking idea (which is a great option BTW for people who have trouble with ponytail holders - Thanks Adrienne! /images/graemlins/grin.gif ) doesn't work for me long term. I just hate to have my hair all bound and tied up. I feel like my head is in bondage all day. By the end of the day I have a raging headache.


I tried y'all - it just aint gonna happen.... /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Each morning I apply a small amount of moisturizing conditioner (like Elucense or Mane and Tail) to my hair, work it through with my fingers and smooth mu hair into a bun secured by a satin scrunchie.

I work out daily and I think that the heat from the workout helps the conditioner to penetrate better. When I rinse my hair out at night, the conditioner is just about totally absorbed in my hair.
a bun about 90% of the time.. especially when im outside in the freezing NYC air. I'm going to invest in a drawstring ponytail b/c i look horrid (not really) in buns and i need something to grace my face!
other than that i really like the way i look in twist outs.. and i rollers set every now and then
Well, my latest style has been the rolleset. I've been rollersetting every 3 or 4 days for the past month. I love it. I've perfected it and so now it's really easy for me to do and I know it's going to look good. If I don't feel like re-doing the set I'll just pile my curls on top of my head, pull a few curls out front and wear it like that for a few days. Then there's always my bun.
Most of the time it is a pony puff pulled to the back. Sometimes I will do a bun, but I find the pony puff easier even though it's not really protective. I want to start doing roller sets, but they have not come out right the last few times.
I wear my hair in a roll almost everyday.
On Friday and the weekends, I either wear my hair in a high bun or I wear it out after setting it in four small Princess Lea rolls.
when straight 90% of the time i keep it in a bun or up in a clip, down on special days. When natural i wear a twist out, puff, or single braid towards back.
My hair is in a roll every day. But the "ladies" are really convincing me with their long, beautiful, healthy hair to try roller setting once a week. And then once my curls wear out, put in my roll until shampoo time. I think that what I'm gonna do. I'm working up my nerve here.
I get my hair washed/pressed every three weeks.. In between I wear it up loosely in a clip. I wear it down when it's freshly pressed (but not anymore since I tried to "layer" my hair on one side--thank god I quit whil I was ahead...) So I'll be wearing if up in a clip for a few months until it grows back...
Hi Adrienne!

I'm PeachyQueen and new to this site. Your hair is awesome and thanks for showing us (you among others) that AA hair can indeed grow long, lustrous, and beautiful!

When did you start wearing the ponytail and do you attribute this to your hair length? I have natural hair now but I am considering looking for a ponytail close to my texture to do the baggie thing!

You know, 4 years ago when I had a relaxer, I went for an entire year without putting heat in my hair, did the Wanakee (protected ends and all) thing, and my hair grew longer than it has ever been (except for last year after braids)! Let me know what you did and suggestions for the type of hair (Yaki, etc) I should look for!

(I sure hope this thing doesnt fall off my head)! /images/graemlins/blush.gif
These are the styles that I usually wear from day to day:

1) pulled back

2) 4 braids tied back

3) 2 braids up front added to a ponytail in the back.
I have been wearing my hair down a lot lately! I will go back to wearing it curly in a high ponytail soon, because it is staring to get hot here.