How do you use your butter?


Well-Known Member
I am getting interested in using some of the butters (maybe mango or avacado) but I don't know specifically how to use them. How are you ladies using them? Conditioners? Moisturizers? What?
I am getting interested in using some of the butters (maybe mango or avacado) but I don't know specifically how to use them. How are you ladies using them? Conditioners? Moisturizers? What?
I believe butters are hydrogenated oils, so I use them as sealants after using my leave in. They are also great for pre-poos, but I find that oils are better b/c they spread through the hair easier and w/ less product.
I would like to know this too, I have a lot of butters and I have not Idea what else to do with them.

Ladies give some ideas:help: Please!!!

I make them into simple pomades and use them for two purposes:

-When I add wax, I use them in place of gels to slick back damp hair or to hold twists (or to seal-in moisture)
-Without wax, I use them on top of damp hair to seal-in moisture, or on my hair ends as an additional protective layer.

The key for me is that you don't need to use very much, in fact, using too much becomes counter-productive. My hair is between shoulder and armpit, and I use just a finger's worth of either for most of my head, and just a pea sized amount more directly on the ends.
I use Shea Aloe to moisturize and seal
Almond Butter to slick down when I want to pony.
I used to use coffee butter.
That moisturizes nicely too, but the coffee smell got to me.
I use my mango butter to pre-poo with ORS Mayo. I also use it on my ends after I apply a little profective daily leave in to them (I only do this when needed, but hardly ever since I began using butter as a prepoo).

Honestly, a little goes along way. I use less than a dime size amount when applying to my dry ends. I use about a half tablespoon, maybe less, when prepooing.

I have a Shea and Almond Oil Butter that I alternate with.

All my butters are raw and hard, not creamy. But when it hits my hands, it melts like butter. It's wonderful.

I use the mango butter on my daughters hair (just started doing this not to long ago) and it keeps here hair moisturized through the night (I apply after I wash her hair in the bath) and well into the day.

When I prepoo and use the butters, I swear on my life, that I don't have to moisturize not a strand ALL WEEK! My hair is not greasy either.

So, prepooing with butter has eliminated my daily moisturzing routine. :shhh:
Oh ok, butters are basically sealants. Which ones are heavy and which aren't?

BTW: I didn't fall asleep on this thread on purpose :drunk:....I had to be away from my computer yesterday.
I put hemp seed or avocado butter on my hair right after co-washing. It works better for me on wet hair.
Where are you ladies getting your butters from?

I get my butters and oils from Kim at

She is really good about shipping cost and making sure it's reasonable. Just email her before or during your shopping to let her know you would like combined shipping and she will gladly do it.

Here is the last bulk of stuff I bought from her and the prices and for all this I only paid $9.95 shipping (for the weight, I think it was a good price):

eBay Item Headline: 2 lb of Refined Shea Butter/Sweet Almond Oil Blend 32oz
eBay Item Quantity: 1
eBay Item Unit Value: $10.50 USD

eBay Item Headline: 1 lb of 100% Pure Mango Butter 1 Pound
eBay Item Quantity: 1
eBay Item Unit Value: $9.95 USD

eBay Item Headline: 16 oz All Natural SWEET ALMOND OIL Carrier Base Oil
eBay Item Quantity: 1
eBay Item Unit Value: $7.00 USD

eBay Item Headline: 16 oz All Natural GOLDEN JOJOBA OIL Expeller Pressed
eBay Item Quantity: 1
eBay Item Unit Value: $9.50 USD
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