How do you stop breakage due to protein overload?

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I've been using Surge for the past month and I think it's causing my hair to break! Luckily, I've only been applying it to a small area near the nape of my head. That is the only area that is breaking, so I'm pretty sure Surge is the culprit. I was having a lot of success with the Surge, but I think the keratin protein is too much for my hair on a daily basis. I know that protein treatments/reconstructors are recommended to stop breakage, but what about breakage that was caused by protein overload? Is there any way to stop that type of breakage?
IMO, the best way to at least minimize protein overload breakage is to STOP using protein on your hair for a while and do some good deep conditioning.
I had protien overload breakage also due to overuse of a strong protien conditioner (this was before I joined the forum) and since then I have been doing alottt of moisturizing and using alot of deep moisturizing conditioners. The breakage has slowed down alot, but im still going to have to cut those damaged parts. Im going to wait till my hair grows out a little bit, because the breakage only occured on the top and sides of my hair.
I agree with Candibaby, and make sure you use a moisturizing conditioner not a reconstructor or protein one, since you probably don't need any more protein for now.
I had the same problem,Im on a high protein diet ,use Surge once a day and use aDeep Protein Conditioner(cpr,or Oil Moisturizer)every 2weeks, which is def too much for my hair..a couple of weeks ago it started breaking off(just few little pieces.) ,As soon as I stopped using those protein based prdcts so frequently my breakage stopped.

Are you still using Surge? If so, how frequently are you using it? I will definitely take a break from it, but I'm trying to gauge how much of it my hair can take (if any at all).
awwww, I use surge twice a day and used a protein conditioner.
that probably why my hair got tangled and came out......
if u think its the Surge, but Surge has been giving u good results, why dont u lessen how many times u use it.
Also, when you start using surge again only apply it to your scalp and new growth. I've noticed that in abundance its too much for my relaxed hair but my newgrowth loves it so make sure yor demarkation point is well moisterized so that its not breaking.
Yeah, I tried to apply it only on my scalp but because you spray it, some of it always got on my hair. Maybe I'll try applying it with a q-tip.
I was told not to use protein conditioners on a regular basis only once a month, and each time you use a protein conditioner you must follow it with moisturizing conditioner because protein can make the hair hard/dry.
Moisture. The hair is made up of 80 % protein and 20% moisture. important not to upset this balance. It's harder to overload on protein than moisture.
I always add a moisturizing conditioner, olive oil and honey to my protein conditioner just like I do to my regular conditioner after shampooing. I think the added ingredients impart moisture while the protein is on your hair, thus giving a good balance of both. I use a protein conditioner every week and have had no problem. In addition, I use a product called TIGI Ego Boost that has keratin in it three times a week, and lately sometimes every day. I simply make sure that I use a creamy hairdress and oil on top of it. Haven't had a problem yet (it's been three months).