How do you mask the MTG smell?


New Member
I dont want to smell like a horse. I have been hesitant to buy it because of what I am hearing about the smell. Has anyone been able to successfully cut down the smell and still grow their hair? Thanks in advance for your response.
well, you would not smell like a horse so you don't have to worry about that.

I think it is hard to explain the odor,but for me, well I prefer to smell like my lotions, body sprays and shampoo - not oils and sulfur.

You can make it smell better with essential oils. When I used it (for about a week) I has success with Bring-raj and other indian oils, but I just can't deal with all that oil.

I guess the trade off is the chance to have extra fast hair growth but I guess it depends on what your motivation is.
I mix peppermint oil in with mine. And I use it at night because the peppermint is a little loud and tends to over power my perfumes and lotions during the day. But, this definitely works!
I don't try to mask it because I don't mind the smell, I smell bacon almost every morning when I'm cooking breakfast anyway ;)

I have heard of others adding oils to it to reduce the smell. I was going to do that, but it arrived in the mail so quickly I hadn't had a chance to go to the store and buy some EO yet. I sniffed it when I got it and realized the smell didn't bother me. I was glad I hadn't spent money on oils when I didn't even need them! Oh and I only apply my MTG at night, by the time I wake up and do my morning CO I no longer smell it.
Some ladies have said that when they apply MTG at night, the smell fades by, that ain't the case with me. I'm applying MTG 2-3 times per week and in between co-washes and I still smell it every. day.

I think most of the MTG users on this board add eo's to mask the odor. When I went to the health food store, I was tempted to buy some sweet and pretty smelling oils, but luckily I had the sense to realize that those oils would get their feelings hurt trying to cover up some MTG!! It's best to go with something REALLY strong smelling. I use lime and orange scents, but I know alot of ladies use peppermint.
misscrystal said:
Some ladies have said that when they apply MTG at night, the smell fades by, that ain't the case with me. I'm applying MTG 2-3 times per week and in between co-washes and I still smell it every. day.

I think most of the MTG users on this board add eo's to mask the odor. When I went to the health food store, I was tempted to buy some sweet and pretty smelling oils, but luckily I had the sense to realize that those oils would get their feelings hurt trying to cover up some MTG!! It's best to go with something REALLY strong smelling. I use lime and orange scents, but I know alot of ladies use peppermint.
Thanks Misscrystal. Many of the people I know like to give airkisses and I dont want them giving me an airkiss and smelling bacon! :lachen: :lachen: Do you have any other eos that you would recommend? I have lavender, rosemary, lemongrass, rose with jojoba (good stuff but the smell is not as strong as I'd like), clary sage, etc. all of which, except the rose, I cant stand in strong doses. Anything else that you would recommend? I also do not like to put too much peppermint on my scalp.
:lol: actually, to me MTG smells less like bacon and more like barbecue. Whenever I smell it I think of picnics :)

At any rate, I'm no expert on eo's. As a matter of fact, I'd never purchased any before buying MTG. But I'd just say to stick to what smells good to you, and to get something VERY STRONG! Buy scents that won't er, clash with the smell of mesquite or each other!
Someone here suggested peppermint and eucalyptus oils. That's what I use and it makes the smell almost pleasant. My hair does smell like peppermint for awhile, but I don't mind it. It's not overpowering or anything.
First off I'm a recovering product junkie

I have a curly weave in and I also use mtg. So I actually spray my hair with my inexpenisive perfumes I buy that I never wear on my body. I usually use it on my sheets and pillow cases (done that for years, nothing to do with mtg). That helps alot. I can still smell mtg but it cuts it way down and I'm not sure if people know what their smelling. It makes me feel better because mtg stinks. I also put lotion on my weave hair (baby lotion, suave, and clearance lotion I have bought) I have tons of lotion with scents that would never get used (part of the pj thing) so it is helping in that area. I don't know what I will do when I start wearing my own hair because I can't put perfume with all the alcohol on my hair.
I use Surge Braid Deorderizer to mask the smell of Mtg I also have Salon Selective Air Out I found at Big Lots for 99 cents.
OK I revisited MTG. I put it on after conditioner on wet hair.

Then I put some Oyin whipped pudding (scalp) and Oyin Greg's juice leave-in (hair).

I don't even smell it at all. Not even when I put my hands in my scalp. I AM SO HAPPY. It was driving me mad the first time I tried it.
Oyin whipped pudding (scalp) and Oyin Greg's juice leave-in (hair). Where do I find it? I'm tired of this smell.
I'm planning to top coat it with Sebastian's Dry Clean Only as soon as I can get to the local Albertson's. :barf:
I've only used my MTG mixture twice, but this is what I do:

3 tsp of Dr. Miracles Braid Relief Gel (The Dr. Miracles already had Surge sprayed in it and a tablespoon of Olive Oil mixed in it)
2 tsp of FOE Aloe Gel
1 tsp Castor Oil
1 tsp Avocado Oil
7 drops of Peppermint Oil
16 drops of Lavender Oil

This made my scalp tingle a little and the Dr. Miracles masked the MTG smell.

Note: I mixed in Avocado and Aloe especially because in my herbal book at home it state avocado/Aloe mix helps with hair growth.
I've used wild cedarwood and patchouli eo's. The patchouli masked the smell better. I've had coworkers sniff my hair and tell me that it smells good. Ha! One of them even recognized which eo I had in my hair. I also put in whatever hair oil I have on hand, doo gro or silk essentiials, because my scalp is dry.
Ok, I dumped a ton of peppermint oil in the mix that I had, which was MTG diluted a bit with olive oil and some other oils. At first my scalp was on fire but now I have a nice intense tingle. :D Unfortunately, I can still smell the MTG a little. :ohwell: