How do you know????


New Member
How do you know when you have found the right products for your hair???? How does your hair feel after you wash and condition it with that specific product? How long did it take you to find your reggie???? It seems like its taking me the longest time to find the right products that work for me!!!I need encouragement and hair product love stories!!! HELP!!!!
I know my hair likes a product when it feels moisturized, but strong.

It should also be smooth, have weight to it and have volume and shine. The color should also be nice and dark and have sheen.

I find that when I use the wrong products, I experience increased breakage, dull hair, fluffy hair that doesn't want to clump much. It even looks lighter in color.

It took about 4 months to figure out a good, basic regimen that kept my hair in great shape... but I'm still tweaking it years later :lol:

You'll probably always tweak things because your hair changes as it grows. Just get those basics down and you'll be fine.
How do you know when you have found the right products for your hair???? How does your hair feel after you wash and condition it with that specific product? How long did it take you to find your reggie???? It seems like its taking me the longest time to find the right products that work for me!!!I need encouragement and hair product love stories!!! HELP!!!!

Still tweaking my regimen (decided to grow out my relaxer) so as my hair grows out I have found that I need different products. Curly dries out much faster than relaxed hair so I need to put some kind of moisturizer on my hair & seal with an oil a few times a week (sometimes nightly).

So far it's been 7 months of experimenting with different products. I think I have my products down though but I have sold & returned many things. I started with a completely different regimen than I have now.

My suggestion is start with inexpensive products first and get free samples when possible. I give a product 3 chances to give me good results before returning/selling/trashing and I always clarify before trying out anything new to make sure nothing else that I'm using clashes with it.

Good luck!
How do you know when you have found the right products for your hair???? How does your hair feel after you wash and condition it with that specific product? How long did it take you to find your reggie???? It seems like its taking me the longest time to find the right products that work for me!!!I need encouragement and hair product love stories!!! HELP!!!!
i try out different products intended for the same purpose (i.e. two different leave-ins) and i can usually tell a difference by the way my hair feels dry, how much shrinkage i experience, and the like. for example, i knew kenra mc was the one when i DC'd and couldn't stop touching my hair because it was so soft. likewise, i knew VO5 hot oil treatments were bad cause i did one and experienced a crazy amount of breakage. because i am a PJ i am not afraid to try new things, and this is how i got in on cowashing; leaving the conditioner in came as a result of me being lazy. i figured out how often to cowash after i began doing it everyday and my hair got mushy; leaving a day in between left my hair strong but still soft with well-defined curls. it was definitely not that simple during my transition since my curly hair needed moisture and my relaxed ends craved protein, but after the BC doing all this experimentation helped me come up with a pretty good regimen in only 3 weeks. now i have the basic cowash/airdry/repeat down, and i throw in a weekly poo and at least one DC. the products may change based on what samples i get or what is on sale, but i still have my "if i were stranded on an island what would i take" list.