How do you know when you need to clarify?

I can tell I need to clarify when my conditioner doesn't give me slip and I'm able to easily detangle my hair with conditioner in it. And I don't use baking soda, I tried one time and my hair was dry as the sahara so I just use regular clarifying shampoo(suave or pantene). I don't know if I would clarify my hair before a relaxer. Maybe whatever you have on your hair before you relax may be a good thing.
I use 1 tbsp or a spoonful of baking soda and 8oz of water and mix that up. It works really well for me. One time I had a bunch of oils in my hair that made my ends feel like I left vasaline on it all night; well I used this mix and it got everything out nicely.

I know I need to clarify if my shampoo, conditoners, and products in general aren't working the same.
Thanks for all of your help. I have one question though. This might be silly, but doesn't a relaxer kind of serve as a clarifyer because it goes through all of the stuff when you rinse. I don't know how to explain it. But I've never actually clarified my hair before so I'm thinking maybe its because I relax.
Thanks for all of your help. I have one question though. This might be silly, but doesn't a relaxer kind of serve as a clarifyer because it goes through all of the stuff when you rinse. I don't know how to explain it. But I've never actually clarified my hair before so I'm thinking maybe its because I relax.

No. A relaxer does not serve as a clarifying poo. The purpose of a clarifying poo is to remove build-up. Relaxers can leave build-up too.

Also, do you think that if you use cone free products can you got without clarifying?

If you use cone free products you can probably clarify less often but I wouldn't necessarily forego clarifying all together. I would still do it every so often.

To answer your original question, when my products stop working the way they should is when I know it's time to clarify. I forgot to clarify this weekend but I'm DEFINITELY going to do it next weekend. My hair has been behaving a little funny since I used a jet black rinse a couple of weeks ago.

I use Suave Daily Clarifying. I've never tried the Baking Soda method.

I usually clarify (usuing shampoo) one week before my relaxer and do a moderate protein treatment as well.