How do you know when to use protein


New Member
I was reading sistaslick's regimen building for newbies and she is talking about how you need one moisturizing (CON,Kenra, and so on) and one protein conditioner (suave,VO5). so how do you know when to use which?? and i know alot of people CW with cheapies like suave so would'nt that be too much protein? i dont confused. It seems like you would use the moisturing for CW and protein on DC days
If my hair feels a little spongy or as i'm detangling, a little more stretchier than usual.

sorta like as you comb or brush your hair and you get to the ends it sorta does a rubberband snap (it'll stretch and stretch then snap) on ya.

i started noticing this a few months after doing my bc and was like ewwwwwwl no likey. i think because i was cowashing soooooo much especially since it was summer and i love wet hair when it's hot :grin:. i haven't had a problem with it since i added a little protein to my regimen.

no more than every 3-4 months is perfect for my hair but you have to try it and go by how your hair feels.

try a milder protein conditioner and if that doesn't seem to work well, try something stronger.....but don't overdo!