How do you know if it is normal shedding or ...


Well-Known Member
How do you know if it is "normal shedding" or something else? How long does normal shedding last? What products are good to combat excessive shedding?

I know that our hair sheds a certain amount, has a phase it goes through, et cetera, but what is considered normal?

Are there people who wash and detangle their hair without ever losing any hairs? I always seem to have a certain amount of hair that comes out. It's not a WHOLE lot, but it ain't just seven strands either! And I just wondered do some products help to prevent shedding altogether?

Any answers would be appreciated.
I think it's normal to shed a few hairs daily. They say we're supposed to shed up to 100 hairs daily anyway - that's normal. I know I don't shed that many and since I started airdrying and leaving the heat alone, I hardly see any hairs in the sink anymore. I don't comb until my next wash so that eliminates a lot of shedding too.

A good leave-in and a good wide tooth comb with no seams would help to prevent unnecessary shedding.
Re: How do you know if it is normal shedding or ..

Isis said:
I think it's normal to shed a few hairs daily. They say we're supposed to shed up to 100 hairs daily anyway - that's normal. I know I don't shed that many and since I started airdrying and leaving the heat alone, I hardly see any hairs in the sink anymore. I don't comb until my next wash so that eliminates a lot of shedding too.

A good leave-in and a good wide tooth comb with no seams would help to prevent unnecessary shedding.

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ITA I also take seasonal shedding into account too
I am having the same trouble. I really think mine is excessive. Never in my life has my hair shedded this much for this long. I had surgery twice last year and was told this happenns. That was 4 months ago and it's still coming out alot. I need help too. I mean, my bathroom floor has to be cleaned after I conb my hair everytime. It's growing like crazy but it's shedding too much for me. Right from the root at that.
Thanks for the responses so far. I definitely always use my wide-tooth comb, and I detangle a section at a time with tons of conditioner.

Maybe I'm just more "sensitive" to every little thing that goes on with my hair nowadays, so I notice the shedding more than I used to. I have really thick hair, but I just hate seeing that little wad of hair that I throw away after I wash and detangle.
I have this same problem. I've never shed like this (at least I don't think so). I haven't used heat in months nor had a touch up. I just started the Profectiv Break Free stuff and protein conditioners. I did one last week with Lange and will start tomorrow with Aubrey Organics GPB. I hope something will stop mine cause I'm getting nervous. Good luck.
Calbear, let me know if those products help you. I haven't done any protein treatments or reconstructors or anything in a while. I was thinking about maybe trying something on my next wash to see if I see a difference when I do my comb-out.

I know some people say shedding can have something to do with the season or the weather, but out here in California we pretty much have the same weather all the time
, So I don't think it's that.
I def will. I think my issue is that my hair is weakening at the intersection of the two hair types. Everything I've been doing is to moisturize my hair and nothing to strengthen. Plus the detangling process has been just crazy with the braidouts. They look great but my hair tangles so easy in that style so when I go to wash soooooo much hair comes out. (hoping the protein will help)

ps - I feel ya on the weather thing (Cali girl here too
). The temp doesn't change drastically enough for it to matter (at least you and I don't think so)
Maybe it's something in California that's making us notice the shedding.

I've also experienced shedding, but have a hard time figuring out what's "normal". It depends also on the anagen phase of your hair. I'm starting to think mines is 2 years or less since it's starts shedding alot when it gets to a certain length.
I've been thinking the same thing... I think much of it has to do with the fact that i am now more aware of what is going on with my hair, so I notice every little stand in my tub.
I am trying not to be paranoid since they are long stands (not pieces which would indicate breakage) and I have always seen a few strands (heck, I remeber when I use to see a TON! but I still had long, thick hair)
Nurtine Garlic Shampoo stopped my shedding in it's tracks! You should give it a try, I remeber paying 2.75 for a 20 oz. bottle, which isn't bad
I don't understand how not combing can cut down on shedding. Hair sheds when it is at the end of its cycle. Combing has nothing to do with shedding. Shouldn't we want to get those old shed hairs out of our head so that new hairs can thrive. Shedding happens regardless of what we do. Breakage is a different issue. I can imagine that breakage may result from excessive handling especially if you get further away from your last tough up date
Nay said:
How do you know if it is "normal shedding" or something else? How long does normal shedding last? What products are good to combat excessive shedding?

I know that our hair sheds a certain amount, has a phase it goes through, et cetera, but what is considered normal?

Are there people who wash and detangle their hair without ever losing any hairs? I always seem to have a certain amount of hair that comes out. It's not a WHOLE lot, but it ain't just seven strands either! And I just wondered do some products help to prevent shedding altogether?

Any answers would be appreciated.

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I know what's normal for me (too lazy to count hairs, I can just judge from looking at the overall shed hairs), so anything more than what I'm used to seeing would raise a red flag. I'm pretty sure I shed more than 7 hairs

For excessive shedding, there could be any number of causes e.g
Harsh products/styling techniques/chemicals
Iron deficiency
Not enough protein or too much protein or a bad diet overall
Hormonal changes
Clogged pores
Thyroid problems

The fix would depend on the root cause. I think in most cases, keeping the hair well moisturized, maintaining a good diet, and staying hydrated are all it would take.
i usually experience an increase in shedding during the winter.

Usually On average i Will lose about a small golfball size amount of hair during washing and detangling if i add up the hair that that got caught in the drain with the hair in my comb. But since i've been doing olive oil and cholesterol pretreatments i lose even less hair.

Usually people with longer hair their shedding will look like more because of the longer strands. someone with shoulder lenght hair and someone with almost waist lenght hair could both lose the same 100 hairs, but the person with longer hair will appear to have a bigger wad of hair in the comb because of lenght.
Re: How do you know if it is normal shedding or ..

Nutrine garlic shampoo is very very good at stopping shedding. I can't say enough good things about it. I also use the conditioner. I always follow with a moisturizing conditioner as the shampoo is a bit drying to my hair. You can choose the unscented kind if you can't stand the smell.
evanne said:
I am having the same trouble. I really think mine is excessive. Never in my life has my hair shedded this much for this long. I had surgery twice last year and was told this happenns. That was 4 months ago and it's still coming out alot. I need help too. I mean, my bathroom floor has to be cleaned after I conb my hair everytime. It's growing like crazy but it's shedding too much for me. Right from the root at that.

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Evanne, I'm, going through the same thing. See my post dated 4/2/04. The general consensus is to keep up the supplements, CO washes, light protein conditioners, water and moisture, moisture, moisture. I've also incorporated 2 strand twists at night(I moisten w/ aloe vera gel and jojoba oil before I twist.) The twist sets make my shoulder length hair look thicker and doesnn't require more than a careful loosening of the twist and some kind of oil before I leave for work. I've been getting compliments on my hairstyle. I'll also be using a curly bun piece or fake pony tail more often to protect my hair. All I can say is thank God we made it through the surgeries and we will make it through this shedding too!
I thought I had the shedding thing licked too, until last night. I had a hair ball that was larger than I've had in the last few months. I was guesstimate that I lost about 50-75 hairs. Lately, I've only been losing about 20-30 hairs which is great considering that my hair hasn't been combed in between washing. Last night it appeared to be a "normal" amount considering that it waited longer than usual to wash again, but I hated it none-the-less. And I think my hair should level off and shed consistently. I'd established 20-30 as my new norm!

The only thing I've done differently has been using AO GPB. I loved it so much that I used it 3-4 washes in a row and maybe it was too much protein for my hair. I'm not sure. I haven't mastered the protein thing. It's only thing I've done differently.

Just wanted to add that I don't mind the long hairs b/c you know it's natural shedding.
The short hairs mean breakage.

Detangling has been key to shedding less. Phytodefisiant is the absolute best. And my Phyto conditioners have detanglers that really, really work!
Where can you find this Nurtine Garlic Shampoo? My hair has been shedding pretty severely and I am ready to try anything. I am trying not to panic but the way my hair comes out, I expect to find bald spots any day now. But I'm not balding, but my hair is getting pretty thin. It's never been all that thick but it's still scary. I have not had a relaxer in a while so I am wondering if this is the cause.
OK Nay - I changed my mind. I think I need some serious help so I'm going with the Motions CPR serious breakage routine. I got it from another thread . Once the shedding subsides - I will go to the Aubrey.

I know you are taking photos of your growth, are you taking photos of the shedding to compare and see if it's different? I realized that what someone said earlier about the strands being longer may make a difference
Nay, thank you for posting this thread.

I experience exactly what you talked about and always wondered if it was normal or shedding becos of damage. The weather here does not change mostly sunny days all year round.

I have had a cbc(for thyroid problems) done so i know its not internal problem

I was wondering if the dry office hair(airconditioning) has been contributing to my shedding, though most of my shedding is when my hair is wet.It really bugs me especially since i never had this problem when i first joined LHCF.

Another theory i have is that the shedding may have been caused by a permanent hair color i had done a year ago.
Re: How do you know if it is normal shedding or ..

debyjay said:
Nutrine garlic shampoo is very very good at stopping shedding. I can't say enough good things about it. I also use the conditioner. I always follow with a moisturizing conditioner as the shampoo is a bit drying to my hair. You can choose the unscented kind if you can't stand the smell.

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How does the garlic shampoo and conditioner work to alleviate the shedding? Is it the garlic?
Re: How do you know if it is normal shedding or ..

I also have been experiencing excessive shedding. Also in So Cal.

I first looked closely at the hairs to determine if it’s shedding or breakage. For me it was a little of both.

I decided that it was sooooo much hair that I needed to investigate closely. This is where keeping a hair journal consistently would have come in handy.
Next I analyzed my regime to see if there are any techniques that are causing shedding (rough combing, too much heat etc.) Nope.
I had been forgoing the protein for about 6 weeks so I added the weekly Aubrey GPB treatment back into my regime.
Also, I had recently tried to experiment with a few things (the stinky challenge) so I stopped immediately and cut back to my previous regime.
Next I looked at my current products, I had heard from Jade21 that there was a new formulation of the Miss Clairol Rehydrate Conditioner that I use for CO washes was causing others to have excessive shedding. Although it’s my favorite cheapie conditioner I had to eliminate it until I could determine the root of my shedding (no pun intended)

3 weeks later, so now I’ve eliminated anything that I thought might be causing my shedding externally. And I still have shedding, but the breakage was resolved.

I prefer not to do the hard proteins but I broke out the Aphogee anyway. 2 weeks ago. The shedding continues, hair feels strong and a little rough. So moisture moisture moisture.

I’ve looked at my stress level, it’s pretty normal though I could use more sleep.

My diet, it’s fine although I could use more protein, I’m working on that.

Water intake, inconsistent but pretty hydrated sometimes up to 4-6 liters a day.

Supplements, I could be more consistent. I’m working on that too.

So I’m beginning to think after eliminating as many external and internal causes of shedding or at least factors that can contribute to shedding that it’s just my “season to shed.”

However, there is one additional factor that I only recently realized that I didn’t take into account. I’ve been working out at least 3 times a week and watching my diet and losing weight. Weight loss often contributes to hair loss!

Upon further research, I’ve learned that if you’re losing weight and experiencing hair loss (which is quite normal) you should:
Take 5mg biotin per day, 10-20mg iron per day (they suggest a supplement called Ferro Food.), and a few sprinkles of kelp granules per day. (*caution too much iron can be toxic so consult your Dr.) I’m going to start incorporating this results are supposed to be immediate (less than 2 weeks or so) if weight loss is the cause of shedding. I’ll report back.
thanks for your kind words. i went to GNC today and I got some vitamins. i have been trying to increase my water in take and i am going to get serious with it.
Re: How do you know if it is normal shedding or ..

Brooke, your approach is very thorough. I'll be looking forward to reading your update.
Re: How do you know if it is normal shedding or ..

You know a lot of ladies seem to be experiencing shedding right now. Maybe it is seemly seasonal shedding. One thing that I have been doing when doing my protein conditioners is to also apply a moisturizing conditioner mixed with it. I usually can use protein conditioner 3 times a month without any problem. My hair seems to like this so far. Trying to figure out how much moisture and how much protein your hair needs is a bummer.
Re: How do you know if it is normal shedding or ..

Wow, you guys really look at this from all angles! Brooke, you really are going to get to the bottom of this :-)
My shedding has been about the same amount lately, but it's just that I remember a time when it was a lot less. That is why I started wondering what was going on.

I'm going to wash my hair today and take extra special pains to make sure I really, really do it a section at a time, very gently.

I'm also going to try a couple different products.

After all the TLC, if I still see my "usual" shedding, then maybe it was just my season to shed. But if it's less, I'll know that it was time for some extra measures.
Re: How do you know if it is normal shedding or ..

I too am shedding a lot, I live in the L.A. area. I am inclined to believe it's seasonal shedding because I vaguely remember going through this last year, the hair journal is an excellent idea. In my case it does seem like a lot of hair because my hair is long. My understanding is that shedding takes place to get rid of the old hair - making room for the new hair that's growing. As recommended from the Board I started using Queen Helene Garlic Shampoo last week (can't find Nutrine anywhere in LA, any suggestions?). I haven't seen significant results yet, but I am committed to stick with the garlic shampoo program. Thank you all for your help, you guys are very knowledgable. Good looking out!