How do you get over the shoulder length hump?


Well-Known Member
I just got done with my 24 week stretch and I got a relaxer. My hairdresser relaxed most of my head because she said that there was not much relaxer left. I was scared that it was going to be overprocessed or something but it turned out fine and after 8 months, my hair has gone from neck length to shoulder length. She trimmed a little more than 1/4 an inch (it hadn't been trimmed since october). Shoulder length is the longest my hair has been since I was about.....8? maybe. So if anyone has any tips to get to APL or if this post has been made before, please direct me to it! THANKS! Oh, and during my stretch I wore a sew in for 1 month and I wore kinky twist braids for 3 months and everything worked out fine (no breakage) but I'm tired of braids right now, at least for this month I don't want to put any more braids in....