How do u curb shedding when stretching?


I am now 7 weeks post relaxer and my hair is shedding like crazy. There is hair everywhere. I have been doing co-washes twice a week and a regular wash at the end of the week with a deep condition. I want to stretch longer but I don't want to lose what hair I have. HELP PLEASE!!!!
MSM! :yep: This is a MUST HAVE supplement if you are trying to stretch! It loosens the curl pattern of your hair and gives you a MUCH softer texture! It's sometimes difficult to tell the ng from the relaxed hair while taking this! :yep:
When I washed once a week, I used spray moisturizer directly on my newgrowth to keep it sort of damp. For me, it worked because the comb glided through easier and the ng was always damp so it didn't have a chance to become dry and brittle. Doing that helped me stretch to 12-13 weeks.

Now I co wash daily. The constant moisture from the conditioner and the slippage from my leave in keeps my ng under control. I didn't get any bad shedding until about 15 weeks and even then it was only about 50 hairs in my comb.
What is MSM? I need a solution for relaxer stretch shedding too. Thanks for starting this thread.
What is MSM? I need a solution for relaxer stretch shedding too. Thanks for starting this thread.

It's a vitamin, stands for methyl sulfonyl methane. It lengthens your growing phase and also makes newgrowth more easy to deal with. There are all kinds, but the best are OptiMSM and the other I forgot, starts with an L.

Just go to ebay and type in ''optimsm'' and some items should show up. Before I got preggo, I used Nature's Way MSM with great results. My newgrowth was so soft and silky :yep:

When I washed once a week, I used spray moisturizer directly on my newgrowth to keep it sort of damp. For me, it worked because the comb glided through easier and the ng was always damp so it didn't have a chance to become dry and brittle. Doing that helped me stretch to 12-13 weeks.

Now I co wash daily. The constant moisture from the conditioner and the slippage from my leave in keeps my ng under control. I didn't get any bad shedding until about 15 weeks and even then it was only about 50 hairs in my comb.

I agree with the bolded. But I pre-poo with oil instead, which always helps my hair detangle better. I also use Toque Emergencia, which stops my shedding as well.

In regards to the MSM, I highly recommend you first check with the doc (hate to be the sore thumb!) but learn from my mistake. I also started taking MSM hoping that it will alow me to stretch longer, but my body does not respond well to anything with sulfur. I took it a year ago and drank TONS of water, and my skin is still paying for it, my skin has never been this bad. So please check with your doc before taking any supplements, I surely wish I had. I know it works for a lot of ladies, though. HTH!
This is my first attempt to go past six weeks (I'm shooting for twelve and I am at five now). Plus, between the vitamins, MN Mix, and me overall paying better attention to my hair, I already have 3/4 to an inch of new growth. What I find has been working for me is this regimen:

(1) Hot Oil treatment (20 mintues, plastic cap, under dryer)
(2) Wash with a moisturizing shampoo (Nexxus Therappe)
(3) Condition with a light protein (Nexxus Keraphix, plastic cap, under dryer 20 minutes--every six weeks I plan to do an aphogee intense protein treatment instead).
(4) Condition with moisturizing shampoo (Nexxus Humectress, plastic cap, under dryer, 45 minutes).
(5) Rollerset

I was doing the oil step after the moisturizing step but I think it was leaving my hair too oily. I do this twice a week. I can, literally, count the number of shed hairs (last night it was two).
I am now 7 weeks post relaxer and my hair is shedding like crazy. There is hair everywhere. I have been doing co-washes twice a week and a regular wash at the end of the week with a deep condition. I want to stretch longer but I don't want to lose what hair I have. HELP PLEASE!!!!

Kittie43, try some of the suggested...should you still be shedding...RELAX THAT HAIR {unless you are transitioning}!! Takes a few times of stretching to understand your personal and your hair's stretch limit.
My own home made garlic and evoo hot oil treatment
I've only done it once but it did work for at lest 1 1/2 to 2 weeks shedding did not stop completely but i did only see like 5 max shed hairs

but it is a keeper
Use a protein then follow by good moisturizing conditioner and also moisturize twice a day... Start stretching slowly, if you your hair continue shedding then maybe you should relax your hair then the next time go eight weeks, then nine weeks and so b/c stretching weeks on end is not for everyone.... HHG
My own home made garlic and evoo hot oil treatment
I've only done it once but it did work for at lest 1 1/2 to 2 weeks shedding did not stop completely but i did only see like 5 max shed hairs

but it is a keeper

Care to share your recipe? Sounds interesting. I'm transitioning and shedding a little more than usual.