How do I keep my curls from falling!!!!!!?


New Member
Prom is today!!!!!!! I am getting curls and I don't take pictures until 2 hours later..what products/tips do you recommend so that the curls will still be intact and I won't end up looking like a frizzy lion????

A smidgen of setting lotion? Possibly?????
curling iron will be used.
After you finish getting your hair curled have the stylist (or someone) pincurl them. Then don't undo the pincurls unto you're finished getting ready and are about to take pics.
anything that gives sheen, keeps em' bouncy, BUT still let it have some hold to it. If that makes sense.

I wouldn't put hair spray/spritz on until after you take the pincurls out. That way they'll have some hold to it for the rest of the evening. And don't spray too much.

Now if you're not worried about the health of your hair, then you can just have your hair dresser spritz your hair down and then curl and bake the spritz in there. Your curls definitely won't move.
Use hair spray with hold. Spray it into the air and walk into it as opposed to spraying it directly into your hair.

I wouldn't use spritz, it makes the hair too hard. You don't want stiff curls with no movement. You want soft, bouncy but defined curls...