How did you learn to believe in God?


Natural Again
This may be a weird question but this is something I have constantly struggled with my whole life. I want to believe wholeheartedly in God and I want to have the faith but I just can't seem to get it. I've heard of people who had divine revelations or stepped into a church and instantly believed. That has not happened for me. I pray, read the Bible, go to church, listen to gospel music, listen to religion podcasts, read spirituality and religious books (although not consistently) and it still has not become something a part of me. I do feel in my heart I want to believe but it seems like my heart just won't open.

How did you all come to believe in God? What can I do? I feel so confused & lost.
This may be a weird question but this is something I have constantly struggled with my whole life. I want to believe wholeheartedly in God and I want to have the faith but I just can't seem to get it. I've heard of people who had divine revelations or stepped into a church and instantly believed. That has not happened for me. I pray, read the Bible, go to church, listen to gospel music, listen to religion podcasts, read spirituality and religious books (although not consistently) and it still has not become something a part of me. I do feel in my heart I want to believe but it seems like my heart just won't open.

How did you all come to believe in God? What can I do? I feel so confused & lost.


Nothing to add (I believe your question is for Christians in specific and while I believe and love the Lord, I don't feel rooted enough as a Christian to answer), but that I hope some of the spirit filled sisters here can give some insight.:)
This may be a weird question but this is something I have constantly struggled with my whole life. I want to believe wholeheartedly in God and I want to have the faith but I just can't seem to get it. I've heard of people who had divine revelations or stepped into a church and instantly believed. That has not happened for me. I pray, read the Bible, go to church, listen to gospel music, listen to religion podcasts, read spirituality and religious books (although not consistently) and it still has not become something a part of me. I do feel in my heart I want to believe but it seems like my heart just won't open.

How did you all come to believe in God? What can I do? I feel so confused & lost.
Hi Hon.
Do you mean that you don't believe He exists at all but want to, believe sometimes and sometimes don't get it or are you saying you just don't feel the connection with Him that others speak of?
I didn't convert until I was 29. Before that I believed MOST of the time but not ALL of the time. I don't know if I truly believed or was just too afraid not to believe just in case:grin:. To me that sounds like what you may be experiencing.
At first I didn't understand why it happened when it happened and not when I wanted it to years and years before. I knew I had a closeness, felt His presence when I was a little girl and a teen. The thing I do remember though is that when I lost my virginity I began to feel the distance.
I asked the Lord to save me, I prayed for hours at night, I tried to live a sinless life and repeatedly failed. I tried to read my bible but couldn't get into it I was like, I don't have goats and sheep and stuff, what does this have to do with me. I need help and this isn't helping me one bit. I'd get frustrated and would give up trying. I would feel so bad for failing God. I didn't think I could be saved. I KNEW I was going to hell. I couldn't understand why others could hear from Him and stuff but I couldn't. What did I do that was worse than other folks? I just decided that they were "special" and only certain people could be saved, not everybody. Jesus died to save the world. I just wasn't one of the folks He decided to put on the list.
Then one day while talking to a saved girlfriend of mine, out of the blue she said," Did you know that when you sin, you give the devil permission to do whatever he wants to do to your family"? I was shocked! I had never heard that before. I knew I was going to suffer for my sins I accepted it but I didn't know he could touch my children because of my sins. That was it! I decided that day that no matter what I was going to live right. If I failed a thousnad times I would start over a thousand times. I determined that very night that I was going to read my entire bible whether I understood a word of it or not. So I just flopped it opened and started reading what I thought was a random page. Well it was the passion scripture in John where Jesus is being beaten. I knew the story, saw the movies, seen the crucifix, crown of thorns little trickles of blood etc. Then I noticed the little reference marks and it denoted the O.T scriptures which go into more detail. It talked about how they ripped the Lord's beard from His face and how Jesus was beaten beyond recogniton. He was beaten, kicked, mocked, tortured.... I was shocked. I hadn't heard that before. That wasn't in the movies. He didn't like like that in the pictures. He had the crown and a little blood dripping down but He didn't look beat up. I didn't understand. And then it hit me. It was my fault. It was ALL my fault. He didn't die for the sins of the world in general. He died because of ME, to protect ME, to keep ME from going to hell. This was about me and Him. He loved me so much that He took my place, He didn't want me to suffer. I screamed and cried and told Him I was so sorry, I didn't know, I didn't know. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that because of all of the stuff I do. My life changed at that very moment. Was I perfect, no way. But day by day I became stronger in the Lord and He began speaking to me and changing me. I was able to stop actively sinning and I was able to undestand the bible because the Lord had opened the eyes of my spirit.
The problem was that although I had asked Him to save me I hadn't repented. I hadn't sorrowfully repented of my sins. I didn't realize He suffered, was crucified and died for me specifically.
God has given EVERY man the measure of faith to believe in Him. He has given it to you. You want to know Him and He will have a relationship with you. It's going to happen. You make sure you come right back here and give us your testimony:yep:.
God is soooooo Good. As I was getting ready to type my response, I looked up and my Bible was turned to a page that I had previously hightlighted this text.

John 4:42 says, And said unto the woman, Now we believe not because of thy saying; for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

This is talking about how the Samaritan woman met Jesus and went back and told everyone about him because she recognized who he was based on what he told her. Now people went to check it out for themselves but they didn't believe because of what the woman had told them, they believed because they saw and heard for themselves who Jesus is.

On another note, I have heard a message about the devil trying to trick people into believing that when they believe in God that there has to be some bells and whistles and all sorts of feelings. That's not true. You believe because you said yourself that you do. That feeling that you are looking for, will not come as long as you are looking for it to come. God will let you feel whatever he thinks you need to feel, when he sees that you are ready for it. I use to be like that. I wanted to shout, hollar, run through the church, or whatever I saw other people going through when they felt God. But for me, that just doesn't happen. It still doesn't happen like it does for some people, but I feel him in ways that are more personal to me. Like, the fact that that scripture was open at the time it needed to be for my response to your OP. I know only God would have me to tell you that quote. :yep:
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Wow ladies!!! Thank you so much!!! I appreciate so very much the responses.

sunnydaze: Thank you for the hugs and just your response of empathy was helpful

MSHONEY: It's ok if it's long...LOL..because it really answered a lot of my questions & feelings. The situation that you spoke of going through is what I am feeling. All of those things you spoke of such as trying to live right and becoming frustrated with not understanding things is exactly what I am going through. Hearing your story was very inspiring and I hope I can come back with a testimony...sometimes I am not so sure :ohwell:

SuperNova: Thank you for your post. It was very helpful & informative and it is actually nice to hear that this exact feeling I am looking for may not be in the form that I am expecting. Just as you have personal moments where God shows Himself to you, maybe I can have that too. Maybe I am looking too hard, trying to force something that I need to let happen
I want to give a little different perspective only because I didnt come from church I came from God. So I dont quote scriptures and refer to the people in the Bible. Look around you and find the most amazing thing that only God could have created. God created everything. You have to look past what you know about science or history or anything like that. I saw Bishop Noel Jones last night and he is the truth. I have often felt like you. But he said to me and yes to me even thought there were hundreds of people there, he said dont let people define you. You cant because the same people who are defining you are the same ones living within their own limits. How can someone who has limits define who you are? The way I got that was how can anyone tell me I cant do something if they themselves cant do it. To give a clear example would be flying. I know out there but it gets the point. How can I say you cant fly if I myself cannot fly? Therefore becareful on who you have faith in. Because people have limits. Have faith in God because there is no limit to what he can do. Start looking at it that way. The doctor was successful because God gave him the knowledge and the skill. The mechanic was successful because of God. Man didnt create it alone. God gave man the knowledge and the power to do great things. But it starts with God. Continue to believe that and thank god for everything. I sit down and I thank god because I could still be standing up. In time you will become closer to God in all that you do. and yes continue to read and go to service.
Thank you for the responses.It's just so crazy for me. When I read the Bible my mind wanders, when I pray my mind wanders. I sit in quiet to do these things and my mind wanders. One time I went to church and left after like 15 minutes because I felt like I didn't belong there for some reason. And it wasn't the church, it was me. Then other times I have went to that church and stayed the whole time. I got baptized around 19 years old and I was in the church choir at school. It's like when things happen I know it's God and I thank Him because I feel it would not have happened were it not for Him. I look at the flowers and sky and nature and try to see God in it knowing it could not have come from anywhere else and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.I hate to even say it, but sometimes I feel like should I just "fake it till I make it". Keep reading even if my mind wanders, keep praying even if I feel like nobody listens...and maybe it will come. I just don't know. I feel like there is some disconnect inside. I have prayed for years for God to open my heart but I just don't feel the full faith and belief that I want.And I'm scared...I won't lie that that is a part. I am scared to go to hell. It just seems I cannot get that true faith.
I too have a wandering mind. I have found that the best Bible ever is the Chronological Daily Bible by F. Lagard Smith®-...bbs_10?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1211342734&sr=8-10 . I have given this out to so many people. Two congregations I have belonged to use this Bible. One of our preachers said that everyone who wanted to go through the Bible and understand it has been able to do it with this one (including people who are curious about God but don't go to church regularly). It is helpful because it gives you a brief summary of what you are about to read before you read it and it is also in chronological order as well as daily. So no more confusion as to which prophet was around during which king's reign, or exactly how many women and when they came to the tomb. I also like it because I generally loathe study Bibles because you always have some person's opinion on stuff that you disagree with. This doesn't have extra opinions, it just summarizes what you are about to read. I have now read through this Bible 5 times (once a year) and my mind rarely wanders.

As for praying, I wander with that too. I found that praying while driving was a good start for me. Instead of going somewhere quiet and falling asleep (which was what I usually did) I would just talk out loud to God while driving in the car. Now I pray at home more but I don't set aside a certain amount of time. I just pray for a couple of minutes before bed but I got in the habit of talking to God or saying quick prayers throuout the day.

Also, God did promise that whoever seeks Him will find Him. So keep on seeking, He won't hide.
Thank you for the responses.It's just so crazy for me. When I read the Bible my mind wanders, when I pray my mind wanders. I sit in quiet to do these things and my mind wanders. One time I went to church and left after like 15 minutes because I felt like I didn't belong there for some reason. And it wasn't the church, it was me. Then other times I have went to that church and stayed the whole time. I got baptized around 19 years old and I was in the church choir at school. It's like when things happen I know it's God and I thank Him because I feel it would not have happened were it not for Him. I look at the flowers and sky and nature and try to see God in it knowing it could not have come from anywhere else and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.I hate to even say it, but sometimes I feel like should I just "fake it till I make it". Keep reading even if my mind wanders, keep praying even if I feel like nobody listens...and maybe it will come. I just don't know. I feel like there is some disconnect inside. I have prayed for years for God to open my heart but I just don't feel the full faith and belief that I want.And I'm scared...I won't lie that that is a part. I am scared to go to hell. It just seems I cannot get that true faith.
You have to allow Jesus to get close to you. He won't force Himself on you. You have to calm down hon. You have to realize that your salvation has nothing to do with you really. He's done all the work on the cross and ALL you have to do ask for the FREE gift He has offered you.
You have to believe that He always keeps His Word. He is NOT going to let you go to hell. If you've asked Jesus to save you then He will. It's out of your hands after that. You've done what was required, you asked. Your salvation is not based on what you've felt or have done, it's about what He and ONLY He alone has done.
Accept the fact that you are saved and live in that. If you are in a constant state of panic about going to hell you're gona miss out on the sweetness of an intimate relationship with Him. If you keep focusing on what you don't feel you're never gonna get past that point in your walk. Jesus came to bring you peace, don't allow the devil to vex your mind with doubts of Jesus' power.
Focus on the fact that Jesus loves you. No matter what HE loves you. Make that your mantra. Jesus, you love me. Thank you Jesus for loving me. Say it until your doubt passes. Use it to banish the negative thoughts.
And please remember that what you're going through is pefectly normal. It's hard for us all to understand why Jesus even bothers with us:grin:
What version of the bible are you reading? I prefer the King James Version but it's only one of many. I find that the Amplified and the Good News Versions are excellent translations and farrrr easier to understand. Here's an online version of the Amplified and has a online parallel bible section that lets you comare two bibles at the same time verse for vese.
Thanks ladies for continuing to stick with me and give me all of this great advice. I am listening to each and everything everyone has contributed. I am reading the NKJV and also I have a Women of Destiny Bible and another Bible that I can't quite remember the name of (shows you how much I read it :ohwell:)
Thanks ladies for continuing to stick with me and give me all of this great advice. I am listening to each and everything everyone has contributed. I am reading the NKJV and also I have a Women of Destiny Bible and another Bible that I can't quite remember the name of (shows you how much I read it :ohwell:)
You're welcome chica:drunk:.
I use my KJV most of the time and always at church because it's easier to follow along, it's the one my church uses. Now when I have trouble grasping a scripture or doing my studying I use my Amplified version, Strongs Concordance and Vines Expository Dictionary to help me break the verses down line by line, word by word. The Strong's is also very good for when you just can't think of that scripture that's on the tip of your tongue:grin: It has every single word in the KJV in it. It's my favorite out of all of my bible tools. Do you have any bible aids?
I don't have any Bible tools. I wanted to buy a concordance but didn't know what to buy and even how to use it :perplexed

Maybe I haven't put in as much work as I have claimed :ohwell:
What helped me to decide what to buy when I first started studying was that I used Bible Study tools. I learned how to use the tools online and then went from there. That way, I wouldn't end up buying anything that I didn't need. HTH
^^^I'm with SuperNova on this one. I have a TON of Bible tools as I stated in another thread, but what I use the most is with so many free tools on-line that are easier to use, I just go for those.
I ran and ran from God. I started in church when I was younger and then left and didn't look back for awhile. A lot of stuff happened in my life and I began to just look for a higher power to help me. I studied and researched different religions and none of them stuck. I just felt out of place. I met a young girl who was also a Christian and was just drawn to her. After spending time with her, I decided to just pray to God without a name or religion attached. I told Him that I needed something to confirm He is real and to point me in the right direction. That night I heard Him speak to me and I gave my life to Christ in my room. For the first time in my life, I had a peace I could not explain.

Ironically I took some philosophy and evolution courses at the university that made me believe even more. I've come to realize how imperfect we are as humans. So how can we as imperfect beings, have this idea or notion of a God that is imperfect? It has to come from somewhere and not from other imperfect beings. The idea can only come from one that is perfect which is God. The more I live, the more I learn, the more I know He is real. There is nothing no one can do or say otherwise to make me change my mind. The Lord has done too much for me to not serve Him. I look forward to the day when He says, "well done." Q
I ran and ran from God. I started in church when I was younger and then left and didn't look back for awhile. A lot of stuff happened in my life and I began to just look for a higher power to help me. I studied and researched different religions and none of them stuck. I just felt out of place. I met a young girl who was also a Christian and was just drawn to her. After spending time with her, I decided to just pray to God without a name or religion attached. I told Him that I needed something to confirm He is real and to point me in the right direction. That night I heard Him speak to me and I gave my life to Christ in my room. For the first time in my life, I had a peace I could not explain.

Ironically I took some philosophy and evolution courses at the university that made me believe even more. I've come to realize how imperfect we are as humans. So how can we as imperfect beings, have this idea or notion of a God that is imperfect? It has to come from somewhere and not from other imperfect beings. The idea can only come from one that is perfect which is God. The more I live, the more I learn, the more I know He is real. There is nothing no one can do or say otherwise to make me change my mind. The Lord has done too much for me to not serve Him. I look forward to the day when He says, "well done." Q

Thanks Queeny for this...this is the point I am getting to, wanting to explore other religions to find the fit but I am afraid that while I'm studying another religion the end of the world will come and I will go to hell.

I know I sound like a ridiculous little child but that is what scares me. I know that it is supposed to be about more than where I go in the end and it's supposed to be about the relationship but that terrifies me. Then other times I'm like, is there even a heaven or a hell? Why am I worried about something that may or may not exist? (when I am feeling extremely doubtful about believeing). I just feel like a see-saw when it comes to my true belief & faith.
Hey sweetie. :kiss: I've looked at the title of this thread several times trying to figure out how to respond. Then it just came to me....I was born believing in God. I never knew there was a choice and had I known there was a choice I still would've have chosen God. IDK....I guess I think of things so differently. To me He's not just God/The Creator/The Almighty but He's my Daddy.:yep: Without Him there would be no me.:look:
Thanks Queeny for this...this is the point I am getting to, wanting to explore other religions to find the fit but I am afraid that while I'm studying another religion the end of the world will come and I will go to hell.

I know I sound like a ridiculous little child but that is what scares me. I know that it is supposed to be about more than where I go in the end and it's supposed to be about the relationship but that terrifies me. Then other times I'm like, is there even a heaven or a hell? Why am I worried about something that may or may not exist? (when I am feeling extremely doubtful about believeing). I just feel like a see-saw when it comes to my true belief & faith.

Girl stop thinking about the end, you have to live today. Are you still on the fence about which God is the real God? Are you afraid you're gonna be worshipping the wrong one and then the real one will come and won't let you in?
Queeny20 and I have a somewhat similiar experience. Before I became saved a friend of mine and I were talking about God and the different religions. Our belief was that they all were worshiping Him but just in different ways and the titles they gave Him meant God in their language but everybody was still worshipping the same God. During the conversation I said, "There are so many different religions, I wonder how God wants us to worship Him," and then I heard the name Jesus. Then I was like Oh ok, it has to be one who believes in Jesus so that's the Christians, Catholics and Muslims:grin: I wasn't getting it y'all and I still didn't get it until I converted. I didn't know that Jesus was God, I hadn't heard that before. I knew He was Lord but God.....I was shocked out of my socks when I heard that:lachen:
The point of my story is Just ask God. If you're not sure that He's real ask Him to prove it. He won't be mad. Ask Him to prove it in a way that you won't be able to deny it anymore. Ask Hm who is He and what does He want you to do, how does He want you to worship Him. I think most believers of gods agree that gods are from above and they created everything. So pray "God from above that created everything, if you're real I pray that you prove it to me. I'm not sure you exist but if you do I want to know and I want to worship you the right way." If He's real He'll answer you and if He's not then no big deal right? Just be patient. You're trying to figure too much stuff out without having a foundation to build on. Heaven and hell are irrelevant if you're not even sure that God exists. That's the first thing you need to find out.
One thing you can be assured of is that if God is real, as much as you want to do right by Him in your heart He is gonna make sure you know Him:grin: If you ain't going to heaven I don't know who can:grin: I don't think I've ever met anybody who was as anxious to get into heaven as you are:grin:. You sure are pressed but that's a good thing:yep:

Nothing to add (I believe your question is for Christians in specific and while I believe and love the Lord, I don't feel rooted enough as a Christian to answer), but that I hope some of the spirit filled sisters here can give some insight.:)

reality check....
I loved this .:)....and way the question was answered made me think this person was more than rooted & enough christian... as for the bolded..that's IT ....right there

For me ....I'm not sure what to say..kind of co-signing with Mrs Boo .....

I've looked at the title of this thread several times trying to figure out how to respond.

I'll come back..don't know how to articulate it yet......
but God is here.....right in this very thread you posted,friend
Thank you so much ladies for continuing to stick with me through this

I appreciate all the advice & kind words

MSHONEY...I really like what you said about asking God to show me and I know you said (and I have also heard before) that you can do that but it seems so wrong to ask Him to hasn't He proved enough? But I really want to end this inner conflict once and for all about my beliefs. I think I am gonna have to get up my courage to get on my knees and ask this of Him

I've also heard come as you are and all of that but a part of me just feels wrong about that too because I stay acting the fool! I say I'm gonna "be good" and "do the right thing" and I'm always up in some wrongness.

Thanks again ladies :yep:
Hey hon. God wants us to ask Him stuff how else do we learn the truth about Him. I know folks say you aren't supposed to question God but that's a misinterpretation of the scripture. What that means is that we are not to question His authority to do what He does, His omnipotence. We HAVE to ask Him about stuff we don't understand. That does not offend Him. He wants us to know Him and to know the truth about Him.
While we have great discussions on this forum we really can't tell you or anyone for that matter what God ultimately wants you to do. We are as limited as you are. What we can do is tell you to seek God because only He knows what you need. Don't fear Him. Contrary to popular belief even on this forum God is not out to slam you the moment you do something wrong or sin. That's why He sent us a Comforter, the Holy Ghost to lead and guide us into the truth. He has given us great access to Him but it's up to us to take advantage of it. He won't force us to have a relationship with Him. We have to do it of our own free will and we do that through prayer and worship.
I like to use natural relationships to explain our relationship with God. Imagine that there this guy that you really like. He's lives in another country running his dad's business so you haven't seen him in person yet. You've heard some great things about him but wonder if you should even bother getting to know him. Should try some other guys you've heard about or stay alone? Should you go about your own business and not have to answer to anybodyand continue to do whatever your heart desires? The more you hear about this guy the more you like him though. As a matter of fact you think he may be the one but aren't quite sure. Other folks try to tell you about him but they have conflicting stories. Some say his favorite color is blue some say red and on and on. They start debating about who knows this guy the best and that the other don't even know him and are taliking about somebody totally different. What are you going to do? Listen to what others say about him or ask him yourself? You're a little nervous about asking him about what you've heard because you don't want to offend him but there's no need to worry. He says ask whatever you like his life is an open book.
Just ask God. He's open to answer all of your questions:yep:

That was very inspiring. Thank you so much for that. That helps me feel a little more courage about doing so...I know I need to so I can finally get an answer...I guess I am just a little scared

Thanks again