How can you use that crap- Product List


Well-Known Member
We all know that everyone's hair is different and certain products work well on some and not others. BUT, we all have those moments when we read a post about a product that someone used and they loved it, but you know it did ABSOULUTELY NOTHING for your own hair:nono:. And silently we say to ourselves " can she use that crap". I'm definitely guilty of it.:ohwell: and i know some of you are too....

>So post the products you've read girls use on the board that have you wanting to scream
:Run:..and post what it did YOUR hair that had you running for the hills.

I don't know how you like:
NTM silk Touch Leave-in (as a daily moisturizer): It left my hair soft yes...but buildup was a mutha^^$@# after day 3. that cone as the 3rd ingredient was a killer for me.

Elasta DPR-11: this deep conditioner didn't DPR anything:perplexed. Water isn't even the first ingredient. I don't even know why i waisted my time.

Elucence MB: (as a leave-in) this made my hair unusually greasy.
-EVOO= Maybe i need to try different brands but it STINKS. I got over half a bottle left and i just stuck it in the kitchen to use for cooking.

-Aphogee 2 Step Treatment=STINKS! I tried my best to leave it on long enough so it would harden and even tried putting EO's in to mask smell. I dont know if i can use it again. Why does it smell so bad?
I remember trying Luster's Pink Oil Moisturizer. It made my cousins hair look wonderful. It left mine looking like a H.A.M.!!!!!
It is kinda pointless for me to add something to this, because we all know that what works for one person may not work for another. I would never ask "how can you use that" just because it does not work for me. I also never assume that my favorites woul dbe loved by others. Everybody's hair, techniques, style and preferences are so different.
It is kinda pointless for me to add something to this, because we all know that what works for one person may not work for another. I would never ask "how can you use that" just because it does not work for me. I also never assume that my favorites woul dbe loved by others. Everybody's hair, techniques, style and preferences are so different.
Ditto! 'nuff said:)