How Can You Get The Burned Smell


Well-Known Member

My girl bought the maxiglide and she sais she must have had it on too high because she burned her hair and the smell wont come out and its been 3 weeks.

Anyone have any idea's on how she could rid her hair of that smell??
If a protein treatment or deep conditinong treatment does not work, she may have tojust either cut off the heat damaged hair or try to grow it out with gradual trims each month.
Sounds like serious heat damage. I agree with Poohbear, she might have to go for a cut. If her hair is stinky after 3 weeks, then that is really bad.
I think that burnt smell is coming form her iron. It may be old dirty products melted onto the iron which is getting on her hair. This happened to me once and I cleaned my iron (which I do after every use now) with an alcohol pad and I have no more smell anymore.

If it still smells liek that then she either need to turn down the iron, or not use so much products. The smell doesn't nec. mean that her hair is burnt. If her hair was brunt it wouldn't be on her head...
MizaniMami said:
I think that burnt smell is coming form her iron. It may be old dirty products melted onto the iron which is getting on her hair. This happened to me once and I cleaned my iron (which I do after every use now) with an alcohol pad and I have no more smell anymore.

If it still smells liek that then she either need to turn down the iron, or not use so much products. The smell doesn't nec. mean that her hair is burnt. If her hair was brunt it wouldn't be on her head...
Well, she said it's been three weeks and the smell is still lingering. Her hair is burnt! I know from experience. That smell is coming from her hair. Hair is made up of protein and sulfur. When sulfur is burned, it gives off this horrible smell. For example, tires are made of sulfur and when you burn rubber, it gives off a horrible smell. If her hair smells like this after washing and smells after trying everything, her hair is more than likely burnt.
did she use a heat protectant?!? I usually use some sort of creme press also like someone already said it could definitely be b/c its dirty....its important to clean it regularly!
MizaniMami said:
I think that burnt smell is coming form her iron. It may be old dirty products melted onto the iron which is getting on her hair. This happened to me once and I cleaned my iron (which I do after every use now) with an alcohol pad and I have no more smell anymore.

If it still smells liek that then she either need to turn down the iron, or not use so much products. The smell doesn't nec. mean that her hair is burnt. If her hair was brunt it wouldn't be on her head...

I agree, she might have burnt product on her hair. I would clarifying.
I know this is late but how about misting with water?
I recenlty had to flat iron the heck out of my hair for a show and I got that burnt smell :( The following days I misted before going to bed and the smell went away and it put the moisture back into my tresses.
Mine does that when the iron is dirty.

I bought some stuff that cleans irons and it worked on my flatiron.

No more burn smell.