how can i get my edges back ?


Well-Known Member
i have never ecperienced this before...maybe thé lace front caused this? i wore it like 5 months i. à row but just for work ... and i dont remember it being so tight .
i had conrows underneath. i had stress at à moment too..

im trying now to apply castor oils + massage and its like nothing is happening .any suggestions ?

here it is:


i want to instal braids to ps but now with this...should i?

at work i must wear à tight bun or short lace front...not helping me hugh !?pfff i know
You're headed in the right direction with applying castor oil and massaginig. Also remember to give your hair a break (as the previous poster stated). Now may not be the best time to get braids as a PS. Instead try doing buns, twistouts/braids for the time being...
Give your hair a rest. I used that temple balm by Organic Root Stimulator when I was slightly thinning from too tight ponytails years ago. Stay away from pulled back and braided hairstyles. Good luck.
the thing is that i never wear extensions or vers very tight styles. the last time i braided extensions was over 1 year and à half ago . at home i undo mhz hair. at work it in à bun à try.not to why am i getting this while avoiding all pressure to hair? this is crazy.

is it lack of deep conditionning ? i.never deep condition but this month im.starting it like crazy!
If you can get them, add the following essential oils to your castor oil: basil, thyme, lavendar and rosemary. Add 10 to 15 drops of each to 4 oz of oil. When applying mix it with a little bit of AVJ/AVG. And at least once a week, apply it and baggy for 30 minutes. If you have a heat cap or something similar use that. Apply it anytime you DC.
But you said you wore a lace front for 5months straight right? Even if you took it down it obviously had an effect on your edges. If you have to have a very neat look for work I would do braid outs and then bun but loosely. It can still look very neat that way.
Sorry this happened to you OP. Was it the scratchy BSS type Lace wig, you know where the "lace" is like hard plastic? At this point, no more wigs, moisturize and seal with JBCO. I have had troubles with my edges in the past and have found JBCO to be far superior than regular CO for me- everyone is different though.
the thing is that i never wear extensions or vers very tight styles. the last time i braided extensions was over 1 year and à half ago . at home i undo mhz hair. at work it in à bun à try.not to why am i getting this while avoiding all pressure to hair? this is crazy.

is it lack of deep conditionning ? i.never deep condition but this month im.starting it like crazy!

Start deep conditioning! It will help along with your castor oil massages. Join us in the Healthy Crown and Edges challenge. Many of us are nursing our hair back to health. :yep:

Also, try not to wear styles that require your hair being pulled back constantly. How about twisting your hair into a bang, or a braid out bang pinned to the side? You can even try a half wig.
cbanks67 said:
But you said you wore a lace front for 5months straight right? Even if you took it down it obviously had an effect on your edges. If you have to have a very neat look for work I would do braid outs and then bun but loosely. It can still look very neat that way.

i wish i can do that but no. they even said that normally braids are not accepted. i told them jms black i dont have thé same hair and ill braid or twist if i want to. i cantons wait to change job.
SelfStyled said:
Sorry this happened to you OP. Was it the scratchy BSS type Lace wig, you know where the "lace" is like hard plastic? At this point, no more wigs, moisturize and seal with JBCO. I have had troubles with my edges in the past and have found JBCO to be far superior than regular CO for me- everyone is different though.

it is à bit scratchy all around yes. oh my. i wont wear that for some time.... and i améliorer gonna start going for interviews for jobs in à few weeks( if companies call me back of course lol)
NappyNelle said:
Start deep conditioning! It will help along with your castor oil massages. Join us in the Healthy Crown and Edges challenge. Many of us are nursing our hair back to health. :yep:

Also, try not to wear styles that require your hair being pulled back constantly. How about twisting your hair into a bang, or a braid out bang pinned to the side? You can even try a half wig.

as i.mentionned above i cant do anything where i work .so annoying . when i change my job i think my hair will celebrate ! this is just to complicating
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Comb your hair to the side to cover the bare spot until it grows back. This way you can still do your burns but make sure it's not so tight.
abioni said:
Comb your hair to the side to cover the bare spot until it grows back. This way you can still do your burns but make sure it's not so tight.

yeah i should try that. maybe it will be less tight on my edges . i bet ill get à big bump instead of à nice shaped style but ill try :-) thanks