How can I Feel the Word


New Member
I just asked the question in another thread, how do I know that the Bible is the Word of God and I was told that the word would speak to me and God would speak to me. I've been on a religious journey for a long time now (most of my adult life) and I have studied the bible, attended church and bible studies, as well as had several discussions w/ people.

I always have an open heart, I pray to God to reveal his Word to me. Make no mistake, I am no Athiest, I believe deeply that there is a God and I feel the presence of god, however when I read the Bible or when a sermon is preached to me I feel nothing.

This confuses me and leads me to wonder how I can even be sure that the Bible is the true word of god. Any suggestions?
Well are you understanding what you're reading? Are you sermons relating to your life experiences?

I didn't really feel the word until I attended a chruch that was designed and catered to college age/youung adults and the problems that this specific age group faces.

And the Bible is very hard to read. I had to get a Teen Bible, a Bible dictionary and a Biblical map. And read it very very slowly. It's been a year and a half and I haven't made it to the NT yet, but it's ok. I need to read and process this information and retain as much of it as I can.

In addition to that, I read several books about how people interpreted the word of God, from Bishops to prostitutes. It's refershing to see how others see God. And contrary to the popular belief, I've never been swayed from my convictions. If anything my beliefs have been reaffirmed.

And continuing with my personal journey, I'm going to continue to study religious texts and articles. When I get my act together, i'm going to get my M.A. in Christianity/reilgious studies.
breezy said:
I just asked the question in another thread, how do I know that the Bible is the Word of God and I was told that the word would speak to me and God would speak to me. I've been on a religious journey for a long time now (most of my adult life) and I have studied the bible, attended church and bible studies, as well as had several discussions w/ people.

I always have an open heart, I pray to God to reveal his Word to me. Make no mistake, I am no Athiest, I believe deeply that there is a God and I feel the presence of god, however when I read the Bible or when a sermon is preached to me I feel nothing.

This confuses me and leads me to wonder how I can even be sure that the Bible is the true word of god. Any suggestions?
Baby...just believe.

This is what Jesus says,

Be not afraid, ONLY BELIEVE. (Mark 5:36)

Breezy, God is all about 'Faith'. There will be many voices in this life that you will hear, but know this...God is faithful and just to keep you, just as He was faithful and just to 'place' you here in this earth...faithful and just to create all that you needed to exist. And 'exist' you do.

Breezy, don't allow 'too' much knowledge to clutter your faith. You have have faith. You have much faith. For if you did not, you wouldn't be asking, thinking or searching...for the Truth.

Breezy, believe. I did. When my son was on drugs, all I had was God's word, the way that it is in the Bible as it is...and each word that God gave me for my son...was kept. I believed God.

When my dad fell on ice and hit his head...I HAD to believe, for he was in a coma, tubes inserted throughout his head and his arms. All I could pray was, Lord, I believe. My Dad lived until much later when it was his time.

Breezy, each day that I live...I believe. Yes, I have challenges with my faith, and I go through periods when I don't know WHAT to my mind, I will have those times when I 'wonder.' But Breezy, God always brings me back. And He proves His word to me each and everytime.

Breezy, begin here. "Lord, I believe, please help my 'unbelief'... I know that you will. And Lord, I thank you with all of my heart. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.

It's nothing deep. And nothing complicated. That's when you know it's real. It's just not complicated.

"Lord, I believe...." ;)

Hugs, Sweet one....
StrawberryQueen said:
Well are you understanding what you're reading? Are you sermons relating to your life experiences?

I didn't really feel the word until I attended a chruch that was designed and catered to college age/youung adults and the problems that this specific age group faces.

And the Bible is very hard to read. I had to get a Teen Bible, a Bible dictionary and a Biblical map. And read it very very slowly. It's been a year and a half and I haven't made it to the NT yet, but it's ok. I need to read and process this information and retain as much of it as I can.

In addition to that, I read several books about how people interpreted the word of God, from Bishops to prostitutes. It's refershing to see how others see God. And contrary to the popular belief, I've never been swayed from my convictions. If anything my beliefs have been reaffirmed.

And continuing with my personal journey, I'm going to continue to study religious texts and articles. When I get my act together, i'm going to get my M.A. in Christianity/reilgious studies.

Thanks! I've been to youth ministries and also studies just for married women. I don't know if I'm understanding or not. Well, I'll think I understand something, but then the majority of people understand the same thing in a different way and then I feel that my interpretation is "wrong" I think maybe I need to just become more educated about the material period by looking at other sources. I just never "feel" anything and I never know what I'm supposed to "feel" and honestly I'm starting to become a bit skeptical about my religion in general.
I know what you mean. But when I feel the Lord in my life the most if when I look back at alll that I've been through. And when I look back I can't for the life of me imagine how I came so far, how I did so much, how I crawled out of that hole, how I'm still breathing.

And I didn't. I didn't do any of those things, that's why it seems so remarkable. The Lord carried me through all of that, and I didn't have to do a thing but give myself over to him. Which is admittedly a very hard thing to do, but I made myself do it. Because I knew I wouldn't be able to do it on my own.
breezy said:
I just asked the question in another thread, how do I know that the Bible is the Word of God and I was told that the word would speak to me and God would speak to me. I've been on a religious journey for a long time now (most of my adult life) and I have studied the bible, attended church and bible studies, as well as had several discussions w/ people.

I always have an open heart, I pray to God to reveal his Word to me. Make no mistake, I am no Athiest, I believe deeply that there is a God and I feel the presence of god, however when I read the Bible or when a sermon is preached to me I feel nothing.

This confuses me and leads me to wonder how I can even be sure that the Bible is the true word of god. Any suggestions?

I think what's troubling is that you feel nothing when a sermon is preached or when reading the bible. That shouldn't be. If you are on a journey and feel the need to know the word of God, it is God Himself who put that desire in you to seek and find Him. Some pastors are not good preachers. :look: I hate to say it, but it's the truth. You may have to keep going to different churches until you find a place where the word that is being taught strikes a cord within you. God's messages should speak to every aspect of your life. You shouldn't be left not feeling anything. That's not how it should be.

Secondly, get a bible that is easy to understand. I highly suggest the Amplified bible. Also, you should have some study guides, such as a bible commentary that can help you to understand what you are reading. Wiersbe has a good bible exposition commentary.

Start with the New Testament first, then go back and read the Old Testament.

Lastly, if you don't have the time to read, I highly suggest getting The Bible Experience which is on audioCD. This is the best $50 I've spent in a long time. In the past years, I've had many audio bibles. NONE compares to this experience. Not one.

May the Lord guide you on your journey to His truth. Be blessed! :Rose:
Shimmie said:
Baby...just believe.

This is what Jesus says,

Be not afraid, ONLY BELIEVE. (Mark 5:36)

Breezy, God is all about 'Faith'. There will be many voices in this life that you will hear, but know this...God is faithful and just to keep you, just as He was faithful and just to 'place' you here in this earth...faithful and just to create all that you needed to exist. And 'exist' you do.

Breezy, don't allow 'too' much knowledge to clutter your faith. You have have faith. You have much faith. For if you did not, you wouldn't be asking, thinking or searching...for the Truth.

Breezy, believe. I did. When my son was on drugs, all I had was God's word, the way that it is in the Bible as it is...and each word that God gave me for my son...was kept. I believed God.

When my dad fell on ice and hit his head...I HAD to believe, for he was in a coma, tubes inserted throughout his head and his arms. All I could pray was, Lord, I believe. My Dad lived until much later when it was his time.

Breezy, each day that I live...I believe. Yes, I have challenges with my faith, and I go through periods when I don't know WHAT to my mind, I will have those times when I 'wonder.' But Breezy, God always brings me back. And He proves His word to me each and everytime.

Breezy, begin here. "Lord, I believe, please help my 'unbelief'... I know that you will. And Lord, I thank you with all of my heart. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.

It's nothing deep. And nothing complicated. That's when you know it's real. It's just not complicated.

"Lord, I believe...." ;)

Hugs, Sweet one....

What does that mean?
Dear StrawberryQueen,

What I think Shimmie was trying to say (about too much knowledge) is similar to what happened with the Pharisees and th majority of the Jews in the New Testament. Jesus the Son of God was amongst them and they didn't know it. Yet all the Pharisees and religious leaders knew the Bible like the back of their hand. Yet though it predicted Jesus in the Old Testament...and they knew their old testament... They completely missed the Savior amongst them...

Jesus has said himself that He has taken the things of the kingdom and hid them from the wise and revealed them to the simple...(Luke 10:21)

He is NOT putting down study of the Word for it says study to show yourself approved... and Jesus himself knew the Bible very well

People just tend to miss the simplicity of the gospel by making it too academic and focusing on the didactic interpretations of the ecclesiastical theological homeletics through exegesis of the philosophical aspect of the internal ordinances of the law:confused: ( you get what I mean)

Breezy, no where in the Bible is it required to "feel" anything to have a true relationship with God. Thats the world's spin on things. Feeling is everything in this society.

The just shall walk by faith and not by sight (or feeling) the Bible says (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Feelings have its place but it should not rule or determine our final choices...

If Jesus waited until he felt like dying on the cross for us, I think we would all be lost with no hope.
ritzbitz78 said:
Dear StrawberryQueen,

What I think Shimmie was trying to say (about too much knowledge) is similar to what happened with the Pharisees and th majority of the Jews in the New Testament. Jesus the Son of God was amongst them and they didn't know it. Yet all the Pharisees and religious leaders knew the Bible like the back of their hand. Yet though it predicted Jesus in the Old Testament...and they knew their old testament... They completely missed the Savior amongst them...

Jesus has said himself that He has taken the things of the kingdom and hid them from the wise and revealed them to the simple...(Luke 10:21)

He is NOT putting down study of the Word for it says study to show yourself approved... and Jesus himself knew the Bible very well

People just tend to miss the simplicity of the gospel by making it too academic and focusing on the didactic interpretations of the ecclesiastical theological homeletics through exegesis of the philosophical aspect of the internal ordinances of the law:confused: ( you get what I mean)

Breezy, no where in the Bible is it required to "feel" anything to have a true relationship with God. Thats the world's spin on things. Feeling is everything in this society.

The just shall walk by faith and not by sight (or feeling) the Bible says (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Feelings have its place but it should not rule or determine our final choices...

If Jesus waited until he felt like dying on the cross for us, I think we would all be lost with no hope.

Great post!! :up: If there is any feeling to be felt in church or reading the word of God, it is a feeling of conviction. That is what to look for. When you go to a church that is really teaching the Word of God, and the pastor is preaching on subjects such as forgiveness, how God wants us to live our lives, faith, other things that do not give honor and glory to God, and you don't feel that a spotlight has been put on your own life where you need to get right with God, that's where the problem lies.

I'm watching this very thing happen with my sister's brother-in-law. The man sits in a Word church. Every Sunday he accompanies his wife, sings, and will be the first person to jump out of his seat with an Amen ready on his lips. Yet he drinks, has many girlfriends, and has the nerve to beat his wife to boot. He feels no conviction at all. Something isn't right there. That shouldn't be. :ohwell: For me, when I'm not doing what I should be doing, the Word makes me feel convicted in my spirit and causes me to fall on my knees and ask God to help me get it right. :)
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breezy said:
I just asked the question in another thread, how do I know that the Bible is the Word of God and I was told that the word would speak to me and God would speak to me. I've been on a religious journey for a long time now (most of my adult life) and I have studied the bible, attended church and bible studies, as well as had several discussions w/ people.

I always have an open heart, I pray to God to reveal his Word to me. Make no mistake, I am no Athiest, I believe deeply that there is a God and I feel the presence of god, however when I read the Bible or when a sermon is preached to me I feel nothing.

This confuses me and leads me to wonder how I can even be sure that the Bible is the true word of god. Any suggestions?

Oh Breezy. I prayed for all Christians last night, you included.;)

But put on your helmet of salvation. Knowing that you are saved from peril and unlike the average unsaved person, you have hope and a future. There are so many people walking around, questioning their existence, their purpose, how did they get here? But we as Christians know that we were made to glorify God in everything we do. When we sincerely smile at the stranger across from us, when we give to those in need, when we treat our spouse and others in the manner of Christ and love them as we love ourselves, when we have complete faith in God. These are all ways of glorifying Him.

Sometimes, the enemy may try to trick us into thinking that we will feel this euphoric feeling but it is not like that all the time. I don't feel like this all the time but in my heart and soul, God's Holy Spirit reassures me that I am saved and loved by a Holy Awesome God. So don't worry. It's not all about the feeling, it's about the faith and reassurance that God is with you and has saved you by the blood of His son Jesus from the pits of hell.:)