HoneyBlonde color gone wrong..(long)


New Member
ladies I'm really needing you, like I ain't never need ya before.My 17 yr old got her hair in some honeyblonde or wheat color streaks (done by professional) and although I really didn't want her to have 'em,it looked good and her hair was really growing,looking healthy. But sometime after maybe a few months she got her hair colored all over Honeyblonde. Well ,unfortunately it is shedding like mad crazy.I thought the same lady put it in,but come to find out she did that one herself (I'm glad I don't have the mind frame to react w/o thinking,cause by the lady being a friend of the family I did think bout calling her and asking what in the world did she do) but since my daughter got color in her hair knowing I didn't want her to I felt that it was her fault for being hard headed. Anyhoo, I did an Aphogee extreme treatment since the hair was only shedding and breaking bad but it wasn't dry and that didn't work. I don't know what else to do. I called the other stylist I knew to see if there any way you can you one of those permanent hair color removers,but she said no and to keep conditioning it and that I may have to cut a little @ a time till new hair grows and the color grows out.
Is there really no hope? I know there are many,many knowledgable ladies here. Some one PLEASE HELP!
Sad to say but I think the stylist is right.... Conditioning and trimming bits at a time is the best remedy...

In addition, limiting the amount of contact her hair has with clothing combs and etc. Plus just wearing a lot of protective styles that don't required a lot of manipulation. Also making sure if her goes up it really moisturized. I dyed my hair honey blonde many years a go and took a lot of TLC to keep it on my head. I now know that I overprocessed it.

But I wonder if a clear cellophane rinse could act as barrier of protection to her hair at this point. It could probably seal the cuticle lessening the amount of breakage and friction. I would ask a stylist about this possibility.

Overall, I hope your daughters hair recovers well and quickly.:)

the stylist was right, there's not much you can do but keep it conditioned and letting it grow out. You will definitly need to check the strands and see what they look like, and if the strands look really bad, you may need to do a cut.

Absolutely try to keep direct heat away from her hair right now, and make sure that that with those powerful protien treatments that you follow up with a good moisterizer.

Plus you may want to also try using a good daily moisterizer something with a good amount of glycerine and sealing it with a good healthy oil (not a guarantee but it can certainly help)

When a person decides to bleach that can cause some serious funky things to your hair. (I learned that lesson back in highschool myself :ohwell: )


ChocoKitty said:
Sad to say but I think the stylist is right.... Conditioning and trimming bits at a time is the best remedy...

In addition, limiting the amount of contact her hair has with clothing combs and etc. Plus just wearing a lot of protective styles that don't required a lot of manipulation. Also making sure if her goes up it really moisturized. I dyed my hair honey blonde many years a go and took a lot of TLC to keep it on my head. I now know that I overprocessed it.

But I wonder if a clear cellophane rinse could act as barrier of protection to her hair at this point. It could probably seal the cuticle lessening the amount of breakage and friction. I would ask a stylist about this possibility.

Overall, I hope your daughters hair recovers well and quickly.:)
Thanks for responding ChocoKitty I guess I'll have to take her to get a trim and continue conditioning. I will also ask the stylist about the clear cellophane rinse. I had been rollersetting under hooded dryer 1x weekly, and making her use PCA moisture retainer by Dudleys, but from reading this I think I'm going to keep it in a bun.Maybe even do 2 c/o a week. Again thanks.
Arcadian said:

the stylist was right, there's not much you can do but keep it conditioned and letting it grow out. You will definitly need to check the strands and see what they look like, and if the strands look really bad, you may need to do a cut.

Absolutely try to keep direct heat away from her hair right now, and make sure that that with those powerful protien treatments that you follow up with a good moisterizer.

Plus you may want to also try using a good daily moisterizer something with a good amount of glycerine and sealing it with a good healthy oil (not a guarantee but it can certainly help)

When a person decides to bleach that can cause some serious funky things to your hair. (I learned that lesson back in highschool myself :ohwell: )


Thanks for responding Arcadian, I was so hoping the stylist was wrong about there was nothing to be done, other than conditioning,trimming and waiting.

Yes,I clarified w/ Suave(purple), Shampoo w/ Aphogee for damaged hair, then did the Aphogee extreme treatment, I used the balancing moisturizer by Aphogee after the treatment,cause it said to on the bottle,then followed that w/ Humectress moisturizing conditioner. I've done rollersets,but will also, bun it w/ daily moisturizer and sealed w/ motion lotion #9 oil by Surge.

As far as some funky things going on w/ bleach and permanent coloring this is exactly why I told her I didn't want her getting it, but I guess she figured I didn't know what I was talking about and just being a hard head.

Again, Thanks.
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Oh Ladies, I forgot to ask if you'll think it would be alright and if it would do any good to start her on vitamins? Nothing extreme,Maybe something like:
GNCs Hair,Skin & nails 1x daily
GNCs Teen multivitamin 1x daily
EFAs (3,6,9)
Lots of water
Well if nothing else I know she needs a multivitamin. So what do you'll think?
I think vitamins are a great idea! Especially a good multivitmin and maybe a EFA like Flax Seed.

I think that's one of the many reasons why my hair thrived when I was much younger. My Granny always had my cousins and I poppin' vitamins like candy. That and taking castor oil...:look:
ChocoKitty said:
I think vitamins are a great idea! Especially a good multivitmin and maybe a EFA like Flax Seed.

I think that's one of the many reasons why my hair thrived when I was much younger. My Granny always had my cousins and I poppin' vitamins like candy. That and taking castor oil...:look:
okay thanks alot.