
Well-Known Member
The search button has failed me :)

i ve noticed that most ladies on here use honey as a condioner. can u please shed light on how this is used on natural hair cos i just bought 100% organic honey. i hope this is the right kind of honey.

also how are the MANY ways extra virgin olive oil can be used on hair.
Honey is a humectant, it draws moisture in. I like to mix honey and oil (hemp seed, coconut, olive, avocado, grape seed, ect..) in a little bowl and warm them in the microwave. Then I mix my conditioner into the honey and oil mixture and apply it to my hair. I cover it with a plastic cap and then a hot towel from the dryer. If I get lucky, I can soak in a hot bath for about 40 minutes while my hair is conditioning.

I have a butter I made for sealing in my leave in conditioner that contains honey. In my double boiler I melted down pure mango butter. When the mango butter liquefied I added chardonnay grape seed oil, black raspberry oil, red raspberry oil and honey. I let them heat, stirring every so often for about 20 minutes. Then I poured it into a little container and let it cool.

I mostly use this butter mix on humid or rainy days because of the humectant effect of the honey. Heavenly stuff!:)
Can you guys share in what measurements you put them into your conditioners/oils etc. Like 1 part honey and how many parts conditioner?
I never really measure, I just add until it "looks" right. I guess I use about 1 1/2 teaspoons of honey, 1 1/2 teaspoons of oil and about a 1/3 cup of conditioner.
Thanks ladies. I took my kinky twists out last night after typing this

question up but i fell asleep b4 conditioning my hair. My intention was to

deep condition overnight and wash out in the am. Anyways ,I had to be @

work by 730am and I just woke up at 635.....So i did not have a chance

to log onto the internet to read all y'all wondering responses to my


But this is what I did....

I (guestimated) added some honey, EVOO, jojoba, Africa's best mayonaise

(have been experiencing some breakage and some ladies recommended it)

and Lekair cholesterol (my first time using it, but a lot of ppl have so the

PJ in me had to buy it and use it) in an empty container, mixed the

concotion up and slapped on my hair. Covered with a plastic cap, tied up

with a scarf and walked out da door. Im just reading the replies and it

looks like i hit the nail right on the head. Anyways, this concotion is

gonna be in my hair for at least 8hrs. I hope im not doing more harm than

If I am in a hurry, I just pour it straight onto my wet, conditioner-filled head and then massage it in.
I use honey in a merriment of ways. As a prepoo I'll add one tablespoon to about 1/3 cup of olive and coconut oil, apply, and sit with a plastic cap for about one to two hours.

I'll add a tablespoon of honey to conditioners as well. Substituting this for glycerin (in leaves ins) in the winter months and using it for deep conditioners in the summer. It gives my hair sheen, softness, and coil definition.

For my skin, I'll throw some honey in a cheapie conditioner that didn't work (Suave Humectress for example) and slather it on after my exfoliation. I don't need lotion afterwords and my skin feels moisturized and baby smooth post shower.

Honey has many uses, I'd avoid using cold honey as I've found this to leave little sticky clumps in my hair. It's best when room temp or warmed. Using too much may result in sticky or stiff hair. Another thing I have noticed is that the honey sold at international marts (comb and all included) tends to not only taste better, but work better for my hair.
In all my "mixes" honey is the one ingredient that I can't do without...it's like my hair is addicted to the stuff. :p