Honest! How much water do you drink daily?


New Member
O ladies, I struggle with drinking water. Does juice count? Does tea count or are we talking WATER STRAIGHT, NO CHASER? Does anyone else struggle with getting more than one glass of water down? I make myself drink water and average about 3-4 glasses, grimacing all the while. Okay, ladies, straighten me out, I know I have it coming, lol> Bonjour.
Oh my,

I'm afraid I haven't been drinking much water at all. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Didn't realize I should be. /images/graemlins/blush.gif
Water? DAILY???!!!!! Does Vitamin Water count? I drink about a half gallon of that a day.
Hi Mahalia Lee! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

From what I understand, juice, tea (or any caffeinated drinks) don't count. I used to gag drinking glasses of water straight, no chaser. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif Getting the sports bottle filled with water (@ 1 litre) and sipping from it throughout the day made drinking it more palatable. That way I've been able to get down 3 litres (and I read somewhere that we need anywhere from an average of 1.5L to 3L to stay hydrated - more if you exercise or drink caffeine).

HTH /images/graemlins/wink.gif
I drink (and always have) about a gallon and half of water a day. I have a gallon size Poland Spring bottle that I polish off in the evenings in my home. My water cup is about 16 ozs. A few of those and I'm done with the container and have to refill for my fridge. The rest I get during the day with two or three 20 ounce water bottles that I refill from the cooler at work.

I just chug 'em. Water is and has always been the only thing that quenches my thirst. Drinking other things justr makes me thirstier. I can barely keep any in the bottle in the fridge at home. On weekends I have to refill it and put it in the freezer so it chills more quickly.

I don't think teas and stuff count as far as getting the recommended amount daily. For some (like my Mom who struggles to get any down at all) adding the juice of quarter of a lemon helps.
Yes,I do count. 8 glasses a day. My skin has a warm glow when i drink 8. Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Ughhh...oh how I dispise drinking water. However, the way I'm learned to combat that lil issue that I have, in the morning after I eat breakfast, rather than drinking juice, I get one of my 16oz cups and wash down the food with water. During the day, while I'm at my desk, I keep a 12oz bottle of water and drink sporadically throughout the day. Then when its time for lunch, I get one of the 12oz plastic party cups they have at my office and wash my lunch down with that. I do the same for dinner, but with a 16oz cup and right before I go to sleep, i take my vitamins and wash down with another 16oz.

I really takes no time getting used to drinking water, after a while, you'll lose that craving to have a juice or soda with your meal.

By the end of the day, I've easily gotten in the recommended 64 fluid ounces of water /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I manage to drink 8-10 glasses per day. I start off the day by drinking two glasses with my breakfast and vitamin cocktail. I have a 32 ounce mug that I fill up and drink part of that in the car on my way to work and throughout the morning. Then with lunch I finish the rest with the remaining vitamin cocktail. I try to have it all down me before I leave work each day. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Honest to God? If you count the water i drink at the gym then maybe 24oz every other day and thats only because i dont think i would look too normal drinking ice tea at the gym. I don't drink water at home rarely do i ever. In fact because there is no juice in the house and i'm too lazy to make tea and wait for it to cool down I didn't take my vitamins /images/graemlins/frown.gif Ultranourishair feels really big when i take it with water and it smells too. I used to drink water 24'7 at that time i didnt have juice and soda available to me so i knew nothing else but now i'm stuck on everything except water. Good news though my doctor said i couldnt drink Orange Juice, Coffee or pop because they are too harsh for my stomach. I'm doing okay not drinking these things though /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I drink no water at all. On a good day, I drink 1/2 to 3/4 of my bottled water.

And if I'm really busy I may even end up going the majority of the day with 1-2 drinks of anything for the whole day.

I know --I know--very bad but I'm working on it. /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Well I start of each day with two cups of peppermint herbal tea with lemon. Then throughout the day I sip cups. The amount varies, but you know what I find helps me to get it down... I drink HOT water, not cold. I don't know somehow I think I'm fooling myself that I'm still drinking tea and not water! lol At home though I usually polish of a few glasses, but at least one tall glass with my powdered MSM in it.
If thats the case i take it back :P i drink A LOT of water then lol i drink Strawberry Kiwi and Country Peach Herbal tea a lot
I don't know about hot water but I can't drink ice cold water unless its summer time and I'm burning up! My water has to be room temperature--or maybe that's just an excuse to not to have to drink water?

i'm supposed to drink 15 glasses a day, but i usually only do about 10-12. i used to hate it, but it gets easier every day. i drink it at room temperature with a straw. i try not to drink other stuff like sodas and juice. if i do, water will not enter the equation. lol!

Water is the cheapest, easiest drink to access. As a student, I wind up drinking water more than anything else. "Tasty drinks" are a luxury.

Besides, it tends to make me only drink liquids when I'm actually thirsty. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
my water has to be ice cold in order for me to drink it. during the summer i was drinking almost 2 gallons a day now i'm down to a gallon. i love water but it has to be COLD.
I have a 32 oz squeeze bottle that I keep on my desk at work. I drink and refill from it. I try to do it at least 4 times aday, but as long as I get in 2 I don't worry about it.
The herbal tea thing is true. If you buy the kind that doesn't have caffein and you brew it yourself. If you buy it in the bottle it only counts if the first ingredient is water. If its sugar, corn syrup, or caffeine - you might as well be drinking soda. Herbal tea is also supposed to be cancer preventative so I try to get at least one cup in a day. I love that "hair Tea" recipe some one posted a while back it has become my favorite.
I probably drink eight glasses of pure water a year. Daviine, I am with you on the ice cold water/burning hot weather thing. I think that is the only time I ever even try to drink water. It just doesn't quench my thrist at all! I have to drink something after it to get some taste in my mouth. I hate tea too. I only drink Vitamin Water, hot chocolate (which I pass off as coffee at work but I hate coffee too) and if I go out to a restaurant I drink Sprite, (well it's clear ain't it!). Yeah if you can imagine my kidney will likely ooze out of my urethra some day but what can I say? I just can't force myself to drink 64 ounces of water every day.
Sometimes it's hard but I try to drink 10 glasses per day.

I only drink water at room temperature. I spoke with a holistic practitioner and he told me when you drink water ice cold, you put your body in a temporary shock. Your body is already flowing at one temperature then all of a sudden when you put this ice-cold substance in your body it slows down the blood flow and circulation for at least 4 hours.

That was deep, I never knew that before.

I would have to say that I only drink one bottle of water a day which would only be 1/2 a liter /images/graemlins/blush.gif
I drink about one gallon of water everyday. The only time I don't is if I'm going somewhere where I don't want to use the facilities (like a sporting event etc.)

Once I started to drink lots of water consistently my new growth came in moisturized.

My trick for drinking a lot of water is to fill up a bottle (I use old 64 oz. orange juice containers), put it in the freezer until it's 1/3 frozen and sip on that. Also I try to drink most of it in the morning and afternoon so I don't spend my entire evening and nights in the restroom.

Here's another trick: Get a 16 oz. mug (it's not big). Have one before every meal and one before going to bed. Right there is 64 oz. From what I understand, doctors don't stress drinking exactly 64 oz. anymore, I think they go by weight? Does anyone know?
I'm bad when it comes to drinking water. I have 12 oz sitting on my desk from this morning and it's noon and I haven't even drank half of it yet. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
I drink very little water. /images/graemlins/blush.gif I know this is bad, but I can't stand it. I buy cranberry juice to drink during lunch, and when I'm good I'll refill the bottle (17.5 oz) with water. Sometimes I even refill it twice!! I've slacked off recently, so I've been tossing the bottle when I'm done.

But with all of these vitamins that I'm taking **sigh**, I know that I need to treat my kidneys better. So I'll try to get back on the bandwagon.

FYI, for you ladies drinking vitamin water, be careful. There have been consumer stories in the news lately about the ton of calories in those things, way more than what's advertised on the bottle.
I have never been a fan of water and only seem to drink it before during and after exercise and anytime I feel I need it.

The whole 8 glasses a day is actually not for everyone, and no one in particular has proven that 8x 4oz of water a day is what every body needs to hydrate itself. Your body has ways of telling you what it needs and when, and the need for water is one of them. You know when you feel hungry to eat, well when you feel thirsty is the time to drink water. I don't periodiclly drink water and have a bottle on standy, I wait until I feel I need it, because I used to be obsessed about water and drink so much of it because we were told that we had to drink 8 glasses a day.

I was obviously forcing the 8 glasses and wasn't comfortable drinking it because my body didn't need it. Yes it's good for the skin and flushing out the toxins, but remember too much water too quickly can be fatal also. There has been many rare cases of people actually dying from drinking too much water where it has flushed out vital nutrients from your system. This is why I sip water when I take vitamins rather than 2 glasses or something excessive like that, because with water soluble ones they'll just flush right out rather than giving them a chance to get into your system properly, remember that unlike liquid vitamins that get into the bloodstream almost immediately vitamins that we take orally have a longer time to work and break themselves down in our body.

Have I gone off track /images/graemlins/confused.gif LOL
I drink almost a gallon per day. Great for my skin but not good when I am out. There have been plenty of times where I had to stop in a store and walk with my legs close together to make it to the bathroom. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Try drinking those spritzer type flavored waters. That's what I give my kids in the summer sometimes. Do be careful with the sugar content because some of them are too high.
Another thing that water is good for - keeping me awake at work when it's 4 pm in NY and I'm facing a window & seeing nothing but clouds and fog! And of course, it's getting dark now! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
ROFLMAO!! Honey Rockette girl we are so alike whwn it comes to the water thing. I too don't drink coffee and it drives me bananas that coffe is given almost everywhere (meetings, functions) free or really cheap. What about the tea and hot chocolate drinkers?

I try to drink Ovaltine too get my vitamins in but not the malted one.

I try to force myself to drink water at restaurants but it's hard to keep myself from ordering Sprite. I don't know how I got like this becasue a few years ago I didn't even drink soda!

Thank goodness my son loves water. My mom always blames herslef for my not drinking water....well if she's willing to take the blame....let's blame it on my mom. She say' she didn't me enough as a child.

I've been on a fake water challenge for weeks now.....and then I keep saying next week I'll start over for real. LOL!
I believe that becasue I get so cold when I drink cold water...so that is the main reason I drink room temperature water.
Daviine, I think you are my long lost twin. </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
My mom always blames herslef for my not drinking water....well if she's willing to take the blame....let's blame it on my mom.

[/ QUOTE ] My mother says the same thing. </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I've been on a fake water challenge for weeks now

[/ QUOTE ]
You too? I bought maybe eight gallons of water last month for this imaginary challenge. Two gallons went to my plants. The others are sitting in the corner under my herb garden waiting their turn. No wait, I used a half gallon for my hot chocolate. /images/graemlins/wink.gif