Hiding MTG From Your Stylist


New Member
I go to my stylist every two weeks. I just startd using MTG this week, and I was just going in for a wash and rollerset. Anyway, she's washing my hair and starts sniffing... Then she asked what had I put on my hair b/c the smell was famliar. I told her I was using Sulphur8 (Lord forgive me; I knew I shouldn't have lied).

So, do any of you ladies hide this from your stylist? If so how? If not, how do you mask the smell.

Thanks in advance.
My stylist is all about being all natural as far as products, added with her having a masters in biology, I wouldn't even want to explain me using a product for a horse on my hair. Luckily my stylist has a shampoo girl, and she noticed the smell too. She said, "why does your hair smell like fritos?" I did a shrug, LOL.
I think the OP is probably embarrased to explain that she uses a product for horses on her hair.......personally, I wouldn't care what the stylist thought as long as the product was working for me. JMHO.
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Just from the reaction of some of the members here alone, I would be reluctant to discuss it with a stylist at the shop.

Unless they asked because they're curious about why my hair is growing so fast (which would put them into an open frame of mind), I wouldn't answer questions like "What's that smell?" or any other question except to answer sulphur either.