Hi, newbie with a question


New Member
HI I am a new member and I have a serios problem!!!

HELP!!! :eek: I do not know what to do at this time! My hair is falling out from the root and in a matter of 2-3 weeks I noticed that I have a complete bald spot the size of a quater. I have gone to numerous doctors and have been or several different medications to no avail. Does anyone know of a great dermotologist in NYC? I would love to see one who specializes in black hair and scalp issues.

Thanks :)
Sorry, I don't know of one. Did you do anything to your hair/scalp or did something happen to it before this started happening, such as a chemical? ie. relaxer/color? Is it itching? What are the circumstances surrounding the alopecia and where is the alopecia?
Are you by any chance under lots of stress? That happened to me but now that I've started exercising and staying calm, I don't have those problems.
Hi ladies, THANKS FOR THE BUMP! Sorry it took so long for a response, I am still learning how to navigate the site.

OK, here's my story!!!

The first time I realized that I was having shedding was durijng my last pregnancy. I saw a doctor who placed me on meds, but I had to stop because of the baby. After I had him last year, my hair and scalp was actually ok, but now it's acting up again.

The doctor that I am currently seeing is good, don't get me wrong, but I am wondering if I need to see another who specializes in black hair and scalp care. Plus, I would rather go the natural route, the meds have side-effects and can be costly after awhile.

I was natural for a few years before this and was having the same symptoms; itchy scalp, enormous flakes and sometimes even crusts! :cry3:

There were moments that I had to stay home from work because I was in so much pain!

Please tell me that there is someone else out there that may have had a similar situation???

Any suggestions?
Hi there -- I'm relatively new too :)
The best black woman dermatologist in NYC is Dr. Dina Strachan, her website is http://www.dinastrachanmd.com/. She's got an office in Soho.

If you're willing to travel to DC, there's a PHENOMENAL Black dermatology and cosmetic surgery practice called Cultura Med Spa (culturamed.com). These guys are absolutely amazing, and they've seen the likes of the Williams sisters as clients, among others. And they do not charge outrageous rates.

Best of luck, hope this helps!
Hi, Thanks so much or the referral! I have an appointment on Wednesday! I am so excited! :trampolin I will keep you posted!
could it be psoriasis? dermatitis?

sounds like a scalp condition! If you feel you are getting nowhere with your current doctor as far as answers to your scalp concerns then I don't see anything wrong with a second opinion from another doctor/dermatologist.

I hope it works out for you... keep us posted.:)
Yeah, it is definately a scalp issue! Possibly Folliculitus. I have seen so many doctors/dermotologists and everyone one of them had a different diagnosis, which is extremly frustrating. So hopefully this time will be different!

Thanks for the advice and encouragement! I will keep everyone posted!