Hi I have question: How to I keep the fresh rollerset hair all week long?


New Member
See, my hair is very fine 4a. And I would rollerset my hair twice a month and then after I take out the rollers my hair would look nice and full. The fullness is where I'm lacking ( but there's nothing I can do about that :nono:). But since it is winter where I live, I have to moisturize everyday to keep my hair from breaking off.

The only downside to that is, it weighs my hair down ALOT. To the point where it doesn't look nice and I have to pin it up.
Let's just say sometimes I look like a wet dog:lachen:. Maybe too much moisturizer? I don't know. I just want to have my curls to stay longer.

I tried that. I guess what I'm trying to say is there a moisturizer that I can use that won't weigh my hair down.

I will use the dove spray and then seal with castor oil and that would keep my breakage at bay. But this combination is too heavy.


Maybe try sealing with a less heavy oil like Jojoba. Or if you would like to continue with castor oil, realize that a little goes a long way. You don't need too much to seal. When I use castor oil for my roller sets, I just put less than a dime size amount, rub it in between my palms, and lightly pat on my ends before doing a final rub through the ends and pincurling.
I will have to second, third, and forth pincurling! If it's falling after this type of set, maybe after the pincurling spray a little hold over it all, and when you take the pins out in the morning or whenever spray it again and finger comb, without touching the bottom of the pincurls where the most curl should lay. When I have combed my pincurls out in the past I would get them falling out by mid day as well, so don't comb them, just finger through gently and see if that helps.
When you use the castor oil use a VERY VERY small amount. I use about half a dime sized amount and my hair is a little less than shoulder length and the same amount of moisturizer. I use ORS Olive Oil in the bottle which is very heavy but since I use such a small amount my hair is never weighed down.

When I want to extend my rollerset, every night I roll it up damp. If pin curls work for you (they don't work well for me), do that--I sleep on the hard pink magnetic plastic curlers, but I might just be hardcore like that :grin:. Just section the hair, dampen it a little--don't soak it though, cause you want it to dry overnight--and roll it up. Make sure the ends are smooth. In the morning you should have bouncy, happy curls again.

As for the ends, you really have to use a light moisturizer with a light touch. I use Breakfree products sparingly and don't usually apply them to dry hair; I like to wet my hands and get my hair damp, then apply my moisturizer with wet hands on damp hair; the products seem to melt into the hair more than sit on it when I do it this way. My hair cannot handle anything heavy and I can't wear curls if I apply a lot of product to my hair. Curls stay best on clean hair, so product buildup from daily heavy moisturizers or anything that sits on top of and coats the hair will weigh down your curls.
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I have the same problem and the key is to not use much product and whatever product you use make sure it's light and only use a small amount. Castor oil is very heavy to use on your whole head so if you have to use it maybe just use it on the ends and use a lighter oil like jojoba or coconut on the rest of your hair. I like moisturizing and oiling everynight but if I want bouncy swingin hair I have to refrain myself to every other night. Pin curls or bantu knots will help you keep the curls longer. HTH
I was gonna agree that the castor oil might be too heavy as well. I use coconut oil on my VERY FINE 3c 4a hair when I rollerset and my hair is just bouncy and lovely!
Co-signing on the coconut oil. It's very light and when used sparingly doesn't weigh the hair down at all. Before bed I will put about 4 rollers in the top of my head and wrap the rest of my hair around, while this doesn't have my hair "curly" so to speak it does keep the body and bounce in my hair all week long.