Hi everyone! =D Lurker out of hiding... (Newbie Alert)++


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I've been lurking these boards for quite some time, even before I registered for an unsubscribed account. I dont know what took me so long but I've finally signed up and I cant wait to post my butt off...you guys have NO idea how many questions I've always been dying to ask!:drunk:

I'm relaxed (my natural hair texture is 4b) and I've just recently gotten into healthy hair care...here are a few old pics of my hair through its various stages (colored, relaxed, messed up haircut, etc.) and I'll try to get a recent pic of my hair and it's current length asap.

eta: sorry about the jumbo pics...theyre old and it takes awhile to resize them on my pc. =/




Ooh, I'm so happy to finally be posting, lol!:grin:
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Welcome Girlie! Doesnt it feel great to actually 'be' a part of the conversation instead of watching from the 'sideline'???? Welcome, welcome, welcome!!
Welcome!!!! As a noob, the search button is your best friend, trust me! :grin: lol

Is it just me? i cant see the pics:(
Welcome! I lurked for over a year myself (I'm pretty sure I was unaware of how inexpensive the membership was :spinning:). Anyway, it is much more fun to be a participant.
Your hair looks very healthy. Maybe we can learn a thing or two from you. Incidentally, I lurked for two years and four months before I started posting.