Hi ! A newbie needs some help please :)


New Member
Hi ladies :grin:
I've been lurking for a while and now I decided to subscribe in order to be part of this beautiful community.
Let's talk about my hair :perplexed
I've been stuck at SL for 2 years now and I don't know what to do. I'm texlaxed and not able to follow a regimen so I guess it's my biggest problem :sad:
Since last month my hair is breaking badly, I can't even fix it with my usual techniques and it makes me really sad because I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Actually I think that I'm doing wayyyy to much to my hair and it just cannot handle it. All the manipulation, detangling everyday, co-washing 3 days a week, blow drying, rollersetting...:nono:
I realized that I have very fragile hair that breaks easily and don't responds very well to manipulation everyday. I'll be bunning until I see an improvement :perplexed

I post some pics of my hair (almost dry and blow dried), as you can see my ends are really jacked up :cry: but I don't want to cut them (I need some lenght to do my buns).

Please could you help me to figure out why my hair is breaking like that? Oh and feel free to give me some ideas for a simple regimen.

PS : Sorry for the mistakes I'm French ! I'll try to improve my english :spinning:



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First let me say welcome...and ur a very pretty girl!

I'm not relaxed so idk how far this can go for u...but sometimes simple is best!

If cowashing is too much for ur hair try just moisturizing and sealing...

Also do u incorporate any protein in ur regi? I'm a big cheerleader for protein it keeps the hair strong and ur hair may be weak from too much moisture...

What products are u using?

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Personally.... I suggest that you braid it up or weave it up. Join a "hide your hair challenge" You need verrrry little manipulation on a day to day basis. Oh and you're so cute!
Elasticity test? take strain of hair pull from each end easy to brake or does is stretch?
Moister test does your hair hold moister long tome or dry quick, drop strains of hair in bowl or glass of water does hair float or sink?
I just wanted to say :welcome: :welcome: :welcome3: :newbie: I'm sure some knowledgeable ladies will chime in and give you great advice!!!
First let me say welcome...and ur a very pretty girl!

I'm not relaxed so idk how far this can go for u...but sometimes simple is best!

If cowashing is too much for ur hair try just moisturizing and sealing...

Also do u incorporate any protein in ur regi? I'm a big cheerleader for protein it keeps the hair strong and ur hair may be weak from too much moisture...

What products are u using?

Awww :blush:Thank you !

I don't know if my hair likes protein. I alternate every week between moisture and protein but i think that i'll try to do it less often for the protein. My hair seems to need more moisture.

My products are :
-cowash : HE beautiful ends
-shampoo : Aphogee for damaged hair
-DC :a mix of Aphogee Keratin 2 min reconstructor + ORS Replenishing
or a mix of Motions Moisture plus + L'Occitane condish for dry/damaged hair

Maybe mixing products is too much :ohwell:

I hate to air drying my hair so i blow dry with heat protectant and a drop of CHI silk infusium.

Also I cannot go more than 3 days without at least co washing my hair :perplexed I guess I have to learn how to do it without feeling uncomfortable, maybe just wetting the hair...I dont know.
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First and foremost, try to get your moisture and protein balanced and leave your hair alone for a bit until it keeps responding positively to the new treatment.

Here are some links for protein and moisture rich deep conditioners to get you started on what you can use to help your hair.

For shampoo, stick with something that's supposed to be moisturizing so it doesn't strip your hair totally and cause tangles or use a shampoo with no sulfates.

ETA: You're VERY pretty! :grin: Your skin is so smooth! :drunk:
bonjour beautiful and welcome!!! :) there is too much heat and manipulation in your reggie.....i'm not sure about the ingredients of your products as to whether they are more infused with moisture or protein..... i would suggest switching to a low sulfate or sulfate free poo. other hair styles other than wash and sets or blowdrying that would be great for you and you could gradually trim your ends would be wigs, half-wigs, weaves,braids/cornrows, or bunning. if you braid your hair in cornrows under the wig you could wash your hair with them in and re-do them every 3-4 weeks and moisturize like crazy. why do you feel like you have to co-wash or wash every 3days? does your hair or scalp get build-up? maybe this is too much for your hair....i do once a week most of the yr but in the summer i try not to wash anymore than 3 times within a week if i absolutely have to. your english is pretty good girlie! we'll help you get your hair back on trach in no time at all, not to worry!
Thank you all for your responses :grin:

Personally.... I suggest that you braid it up or weave it up. Join a "hide your hair challenge" You need verrrry little manipulation on a day to day basis. Oh and you're so cute!

I wanted to weave it up but my last install gave me a bald spot :cry2: I'm trying to recover before braiding my hair.

Elasticity test? take strain of hair pull from each end easy to brake or does is stretch?
Moister test does your hair hold moister long tome or dry quick, drop strains of hair in bowl or glass of water does hair float or sink?

Yeah I did it a few days ago ! My hair strands are not elastic and floating on water. I think it means that my porosity level is ok but i'm not sure. :perplexed

Welcome! How often are you blowdrying, is it three times a week every time you co wash?

I blowdry at least once a week. Sometimes its 3 but i use heat protectant and when i do it my air is almost dry. I just spend like 10 seconds on each sections of hair (I usually do 8 big sections).

What type of products are you using? Are you using moisturizing/protein conditioners?

Yeah I use both of them but the problem is probably my balance. I think that my actual regi (50% moisture 50% protein) is not working for me. :nono:

I just wanted to say :welcome: :welcome: :welcome3: :newbie: I'm sure some knowledgeable ladies will chime in and give you great advice!!!

Thank you so much :love2:
First and foremost, try to get your moisture and protein balanced and leave your hair alone for a bit until it keeps responding positively to the new treatment.

Here are some links for protein and moisture rich deep conditioners to get you started on what you can use to help your hair.

For shampoo, stick with something that's supposed to be moisturizing so it doesn't strip your hair totally and cause tangles or use a shampoo with no sulfates.

ETA: You're VERY pretty! :grin: Your skin is so smooth! :drunk:

Thank you :grin:
I'll use CON shampoo (green label old formula) I always had good results with it. But my question is : when do you know that your hair needs protein? :ohwell: I had a good routine but since my last texlaxer my hair acts crazy !

bonjour beautiful and welcome!!! :) there is too much heat and manipulation in your reggie.....i'm not sure about the ingredients of your products as to whether they are more infused with moisture or protein..... i would suggest switching to a low sulfate or sulfate free poo. other hair styles other than wash and sets or blowdrying that would be great for you and you could gradually trim your ends would be wigs, half-wigs, weaves,braids/cornrows, or bunning. if you braid your hair in cornrows under the wig you could wash your hair with them in and re-do them every 3-4 weeks and moisturize like crazy. why do you feel like you have to co-wash or wash every 3days? does your hair or scalp get build-up? maybe this is too much for your hair....i do once a week most of the yr but in the summer i try not to wash anymore than 3 times within a week if i absolutely have to. your english is pretty good girlie! we'll help you get your hair back on trach in no time at all, not to worry!

You are so nice, thanks :)
I have to cowash because I have build-up on my scalp and I cant stand it :nono: I'll try to bun and cowash just once a week and shampoo on week ends.

Welcome OP! You're beautiful!:grin:

Thank you :blush: !
Thank you :grin:
I'll use CON shampoo (green label old formula) I always had good results with it. But my question is : when do you know that your hair needs protein? :ohwell: I had a good routine but since my last texlaxer my hair acts crazy !

Protein is needed when: Your hair is gummy, mushy, too stretchy, and snaps very easily.
Moisture is needed when: Your hair is stiff, dry, and brittle.
To maintain or if you're unsure of what your hair needs: Stick to moisture.

^ That is the rule of thumb but sometimes your hair can trick you in the sense that it's dry and might still need protein. In that case, follow the rule of the thumb first and if there's still a problem in terms of your hair retaining, switch it up until your hair feels like there's a balance between both moisture and protein. You'll know that your hair's balanced when it has elasticity — is able to stretch and spring back into place.

Also, some moisturizing conditioners contain a bit of protein so you can use to maintain your balance without tipping it on either side of the spectrum or when you're unsure of what your hair needs in the future. If or when you use a hardcore protein treatment, you'll want to use a conditioner to balance your hair that does not contain any protein though.

Anyway, hope this helps, I know I gave a lot of information but I wanted you to consider all possible outcomes. If you're confused, stick to the rule of thumb lol. :grin:
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Hair needs protein.... No stretch brakes when pulled. hair floats means no porosity.
Clarify your hair,deep condition using heat to open up the hair shaft.
Oh okay. Thanks :) Do you think that ORS uplifting shampoo is good enough to clarify ? I also have porosity control by Roux but i dont know how to use it properly :/