Hey Ladies Huge Huge Announcement!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I Knew about this deal for a while now...I can't wait!!!



We have some good news. We have signed a major collaboration of understanding and partnership with the Chinese manufacturers on my visit to China through October 21 to 31st 2017. This agreement will change the dynamics of the way the Koreans have control the imports of hair into the United States for the last 30 to 45 years. Look for more information on this new and exciting change. Here are some photos that was taken of the welcome BOBSA to China take a special look at the welcome sign and READ.

I am back ready to get started on where we left off Timor. Would you please give us a date and time that we can have a conference call. There's a lot to do and I'm so excited about this journey, my trip to China was outstanding. They welcome BOBSA with open arms. I now know the real deal when it comes to importing hair into the US, and who really controls the hair from the standpoint of manufacturing when a another black American tell me that have gone to China and purchase hair and visited Chinese factory and not a broker's warehouse that is not truthful for the logistics that it takes to get into China is so complex. We as black Americans unless we have the Chinese government and the manufactures as an ally. This cannot be done, I know the story and how difficult it is to do this. We at BOBSA have the key to this door.

I'm guessing this can "try" to decrease the intense hold the Asians have over the beauty shook industry making it hard for anyone else to own a BSS business?

OP, you need to explain.

Well the Chinese have/had a lot to do with the hold the Koreans had on the market. The Korean's are/were using their Labor to make the hair. The Chinese have decided to cut out the middle man if you will. And let me put it this way they will be doing it in more ways than one....

A few years ago I started a thread trying to list the BOBSS in the US. One of my friend's told me a very sad story on how the Korean's had basically shut down the first black supply store in New Orleans. Well when I got wind of what was about to happen I was like :bouncy: Between the never ending natural hair movement and this latest partnership... the Koreans will be finished real soon. They can't imagine what is about to take place. Saying it's HUGE is an understatement!!!!!

BOBSA and the Chinese hair manufactures and the Chinese government, creates an alliance to counteract the Korean domination of import hair into the US. We have created a new entity EBHA look for an up coming press release with more details

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Enterprise Of Black Hair Manufactures EBHA
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Moreover, the new partnership would bring more dollars into the Black community and keep it circulating there. Ennon said that the Chinese producers also agreed to give back 10 percent of the profits made through the alliance, which will then be given to local charities in the Black community.

The organization, which has helped open over 150 Black-owned beauty supply stores across the U.S. over the past 13 years, hopes to open an additional 300 stores through the new EBHA. Ennon explained that now BOBSA would be able to provide capital to individuals who wished to open their own beauty supply stores. He said the ultimate goal is to connect, build and sustain more Black-owned businesses.


BOBSA members pose with Chinese members. Image courtesy of Sam Ennon.
“If its going to be [sold] and distributed in our communities, we wanna be somewhere in that control of distributing,” he said, adding that the Black community is still just a consumer of hair products. “The money never touches our hands.”