Henna users???


New Member
I'm transitioning, my last relaxer was Dec '06, and I colored my hair in Jan 07. It was supposed to be a blondish color, but ended up being a brownish honey color. But since I am transitioning, I'm trying to use less harsh chemicals, and want my hair to be back to it's natural color, which is dark brown. I was thinking about using henna to color it, does anyone have any suggestions? If you want to see my current 2 tone hair color, check out my fotki!!!
Henna won't make you brown, it'll make you red.

If you want to go back to your natural color, I would actually suggest growing it out a little, and then getting it professionally colored - that would be the best way to insure your hair is as healthy as possible, so that you can keep all of the length....

good luck...
You can add stuff to henna to make it darker. Forgot what specifically but I think it's coffee. I hennad last week my hair is dark brown to begin with. It didn't turn my hair red but it did turn my gray strands copper. You might try using indigo also but that might be too dark.
to get dark brown do a 1 to 1 ratio henna and indigo.

I agree, however, indigo does fade so you may find that even with indigo you may eventually end up with the copper highlights of the henna showing through again.

I like henna better than box dyes or even professional dying, but the outcomes can vary, so if you want to make sure your hair looks "perfect" the first time, you might want to try having it colored by a professional, such as what nappywomyn said. Otherwise, if you're willing to work with the henna to tweak it here and there, you may find that it's a healthy alternative.