Henna Users Your help is needed


New Member
I tried the Hennalucent in Gleaming Ebony, using warm water and adding olive oil to the mix. My hair came out nice, not really stiff but a quite dull. Now in the previous threads I read that the second and third times is when you get the good results. My question for you gals is : The next application which I plan to b a week from yesterday should i use the gleaming ebony again or should I use the neutral?

Looking forward to your replies.
Please Help.

I used neutral the last time I used hennalucent because I don't want to change my natural hair color (hair turned out nice and shiny). Even when I used sunset glo, my hair turned out nice and shiny. I only use hennalucent every six weeks. I've never tried using it more often than that.
I use it for the conditioning/debulking benefits. I used Bark Brown once and then used the neutral once a week for 5-6 weeks. Now I use it once or twice a month. I noticed less tangles and frizz after the 2nd or 3rd application. If you're using it to color your hair I wouldn't suggest using it more than once every month or two. I don't think it would make your hair fall out or anything, but the color would probably end up really dark. Not to mention the messy application...

If your hair is relaxed, it should be soft and shiny after the first application. I don't know what went wrong.
what is henna how does it benifit your hair

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I just bumped up a thread that you asked me about. HTH.