Henna Users - Question


New Member
Weird/stupid question, but for some reason I can't find the answer here...

Is there a point where you stop applying henna to the ends and only do root touchups? Or will you continue doing root to tip applications as long as you use henna?

What would happen if one just hennas root to tip once a month for 2 years straight? Is it wrong to do that?
Nothing would happen, it wouldn't just get redder overtime. The first henna for me only yielded a glimmer of red, see?



I saw a lady's fotki where she only applied henna to the roots of her locs whenever she had new growth. Henna can also loosen your texture overtime, but it you just do little touch ups on the new growth then you won't have that issue. Doing full hennas repeatedly will loosten your texture over time.
That's just how my hair looks in the sunlight :)

I was more worried about "overprocessing" over time with the henna... maybe making the hair a little brittle.

I've done about 3 or 4 henna applications and I'm loving what it's doing for my texture, I just wasn't sure if it's okay to keep putting henna on top of henna month after month.
No girl, that's how you usually do it!!! It feels dry at first, but with consistent conditioning you'll notice it becoming softer and stronger. Just keep deep conditioning consistently!!!
Neith, it all depends on why you want to apply henna in the first place. If you're trying to make your hair stronger and the texture looser then apply it to the entire length of your hair. I know CurlyNikki saw her hair get looser when she was applying henna on a weekly basis. Now she's down to bi-weekly.

Now if you're like me and only apply henna to get rid of greys, then yeah just apply it to your roots. I'm actually thinking of doing that because I hate how it takes forever to get the henna out of my hair. My greys hate me :grin: and I need to zap them away for good. My greys turn red, but they def don't get any more red than it already is.

HTH! :drunk:
I continue to do root to tips bc of 2 reasons.
1- I use it for its conditioning and strengthening properties
2- I also use it for color and the more you apply the redder your hair gets so now I have reddish streaks in my hair like so
i use henna and indigo for jet black hair. i do root touch ups about every 8 weeks. i do full applications twice a year.
I do root to tip, and I plan on always doing root to tip - I want the color to be more intense, and my ends are what need the strengthening, way more than my brand new roots do. :yep: Because of how henna lays on it's 'coating', it naturally gradually wears off over time, so that as long as you leave enough time between your applications, you'll be fine, as far as overcoating your hair.
I wish it were easier to turn your hair black. I get intimidated by reading how to do it.:ohwell: I have black dye any way, so I am scared to even try.:blush: