Henna users, help a first timer :)


New Member
I would love to use henna but the henna thread is quite long. Quickly, can people just say the henna best practices and let me know which henna to use to get light brown (or red brown) with no dryness? Please :)
Quite long? Really? j/k :lol:

You might not be able to get a light brown color if your natural hair is dark, but the red brown color is possible.

To prevent dryness, do not use lemon juice or anything acidic in your mix.

Here are shorter threads with good info and links:
  • Be sure you are using body art quality henna (like Jamila brand)
  • Mix your henna with water; let sit until dye releases. You do not need to use a "terp" (acidifying agent, like ACV or lemon juice) to get the dye to release, but some people do.
  • Add oil to your mixture. I also add a little cheapie conditioner.
  • Apply, let sit no more than 2 hours. I don't use heat; some ladies do.
  • Rinse thorougly.
  • Shampoo or cowash to remove henna bits.
  • Use a MOISTURIZING deep conditioner afterward.
I haven't had any dryness by doing it this way.:)