Henna before BKT?


Well-Known Member
I have never applied henna to my hair before, and I'd like to know if it is okay to apply it to my hair pre BKT. I plan on BKT-ing my strands this summer and I want jet black hair... I just don't want to apply a rinse. Ladies, help a sister out.
-Thanks in advance!
ETA: I misread.

I've BKT'd henna'd hair before, but there was a couple months time between the two. I didn't have any issues. I just wouldn't do them the same day or very close together. Just make sure to give your hair time to recover from both processes.
Thank you so much for your response ^^ I will def keep that in mind.

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I hope you realize that you will need to do a two-step process with the henna to get jet-black results. The first step is henna followed by using indigo to get the desired effect.

I don't know about the BKT but be sure to read up on all the pros and cons. I also would avoid using a non-body art version of henna just to be on the safe side.
I just was reading a thread by someone who went bald from doing that. In the thread, another lhcfer reported the same thing:
Decent results the first bkt after henna, but extensive hair loss after the 2nd time around.

I say dont do it! (now off to find that thread)
Sketch, IMO.

*Some* henna has metallics in it which will react with the chemicals in BKT and equal some serious breakage. If you must do so make sure it is BAQ henna... Still not sure if I would do it. Good luck!
Aww, thanks ladies. You are all making me think twice now lol. I guess my hair is already black enough...

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