Hemp Seed Butter ROCKS!!!

Everything Zen

Well-Known Member
So I finally put in an order to FNWL wanting to try some avocado butter that everyone has been raving about. So I got the 3 butter sampler and was intrigured with the hemp seed butter. I was a huge fan of Alterna's hemp seed polishing gloss but unfortunately they stopped making it. I loved how shiny and sleek it made my hair. So I tried it first the other day on my ends (just a little bit) It was wonderful!! When I took my hair down this morning my mom loved how it looked. I haven't gotten into the avocado butter yet but the hemp seed butter is aces as a styling product!

Thanks for the review. I know Camellia is a big hemp seed pusha so it seems like she has some company know. Hemp seed oil is good stuff so I know the butter would be fab.
I love this butter, as well.

I recently had a problem with very dry scalp after going to the beach. I think my scalp had too much sun! :eek:

I put this on my scalp as a massage before washing it and it worked very well!! I have not really tried it on the length of my hair, but my NG loves it.
camellia said:

You guys knew I'd be in here, right?:lol:

I adore hemp seed butter, thrilled to see we have a new convert!

I knew it! Everytime I use my butter I think of you. I know that's your baby. :grin:
Avocado and hemp seed butters are my favorites. I've been using them for a long while now and I still love them. And what's beautiful is that they are simple, no ingredient list of a gazillion things. So yeah, I agree, hemp seed butter is wonderful!
Cichelle said:
Avocado and hemp seed butters are my favorites. I've been using them for a long while now and I still love them. And what's beautiful is that they are simple, no ingredient list of a gazillion things. So yeah, I agree, hemp seed butter is wonderful!
I guess I will have to give the hemp a try. I found that the avocado was gritty in my hair when I tried to spread it. it only got better after I whipped it with my electric mixing blades :lol:
I have recently started using either hemp butter or avocado butter on my parched ends occassionally at night. (I got the butter sampler pack from FNWL, also) In the am, my ends are soft:D I had used these butters in an end cream that I made, but it's melted now that it is warm, so I've been using the butters that are still solid with much success..
JenFleets said:
So I finally put in an order to FNWL wanting to try some avocado butter that everyone has been raving about. So I got the 3 butter sampler and was intrigured with the hemp seed butter. I was a huge fan of Alterna's hemp seed polishing gloss but unfortunately they stopped making it. I loved how shiny and sleek it made my hair. So I tried it first the other day on my ends (just a little bit) It was wonderful!! When I took my hair down this morning my mom loved how it looked. I haven't gotten into the avocado butter yet but the hemp seed butter is aces as a styling product!


Hi Jen-I'm wondering if you've tried any of the other Alterna products. I was just looking at their Hemp straight poo and conditioners-then I found the 10 series and I am dying to grab some. I found a seller on Ebay so I may get the samples instead.
DivaRox said:
Hi Jen-I'm wondering if you've tried any of the other Alterna products. I was just looking at their Hemp straight poo and conditioners-then I found the 10 series and I am dying to grab some. I found a seller on Ebay so I may get the samples instead.

I haven't but that is a good one to put on the wish list. I might give it a try after I use up some other stuff. Trying not to be a big ol' PJ!

Does anyone have any idea of the benefits of hemp seed for hair? I love how silky my hair is without feeling oily or greasy. I can't bare to wash it just yet it and my boyfriend can't keep his hands off of it! :lol:
DDtexlaxd said:
How would I use this butter? I'm natural w/ a twa.

Hmmmm... I use it as a smoothing silkening kind of hair dressing. I use just a little and smooth it through my hair and then wrap it. I guess if you make sure you coat your hair while it's dry, it would be very shiny and sleek even as a natural! I have yet to see how it works on wet hair.
I'm going to have to give the hemp seed butter a try. Thank goodness I don't use hair grease anymore! Butters all the way!!!
JenFleets said:
So I finally put in an order to FNWL wanting to try some avocado butter that everyone has been raving about. So I got the 3 butter sampler and was intrigured with the hemp seed butter. I was a huge fan of Alterna's hemp seed polishing gloss but unfortunately they stopped making it. I loved how shiny and sleek it made my hair. So I tried it first the other day on my ends (just a little bit) It was wonderful!! When I took my hair down this morning my mom loved how it looked. I haven't gotten into the avocado butter yet but the hemp seed butter is aces as a styling product!


Did you just write in to their customer service department asking for the three butter sampler? I want to try this first before ordering.
JenFleets said:
Hmmmm... I use it as a smoothing silkening kind of hair dressing. I use just a little and smooth it through my hair and then wrap it. I guess if you make sure you coat your hair while it's dry, it would be very shiny and sleek even as a natural! I have yet to see how it works on wet hair.

So I've had hemp seed butter sittign around my apt for a couple of months and your review made me finally try it.

I used it after cowashing my hair. I put the hemp seed butter on my soaking wet hair and my hair was SUPER moisturized and silky with no frizz. I woke up this morning and my hair was still really moisturized and silky feeling with NO frizz.

I may have used too much because it does leave a bit of a greasy feeling, but i wear my hair in a ponytail everyday so i really don't care.