

Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a good holiday. I have a question for you guys. I have been natural since august of 2009, and this year I have been straightening more than usual partially because
My hair feels very dry and unmanageable in its natural state. I feel like I've tried so many different things to moisturize my hair yet it is still dry and knotty and I have fairy knots galore. :( I just don't know what to do. Help, please? TIA
Oh btw here are some pics of my hair
Wash and go from this summer
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Need more information are you trying to keep your natural hair and you want it to feel softer when it is in a dry style?

You need to tell us what you have been using in your hair for washing, deep conditioning, leave ins, etc.
Oh right! Well since I've pretty much been straightening I'd wash in 4 sections with black soap or my shikaki shampoo bar, dc with organic root stimulator replenishing pak rinse and use aussie moist or aussie 3min miracle. After spray with a mix of water, infusium 23, and a little bit of lotta body. And then smooth over with fantasia ic heat protectant. Then blow dry and flat iron on about 300-325 one pass using comb chase method. If I wasn't straightening I'd use cantu leave in and style.
thank you again.
Eta: I do wish to remain natural because I do love the versatility I've had up until my hair began to feel dry
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Your hair is lovely!

Are you looking for tips for more moisturized hair in its natural or straightened state? (Because the regimen you provided was for straightened hair.)

Perhaps your products aren't moisturizing enough and the styling/manipulation led to more dryness. How were you styling your natural hair? Was Cantu the only moisturizer you were using?
Hi OP ....I've also been natural since aug 09! I think the products u r using are pretty drying esp the lottabody and infusium so i suggest upping ur moisture use with dc'ing....also try using a leave in condish and different moisturizers. The Qhemet line has an awesome selection

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I was under the impression that infusium23 was a leave in. that's what the bottle says. :/ I'll research your suggestions thank you! is that what you use? What is your reggie, if your don't mind? :)

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Your hair is lovely!

Are you looking for tips for more moisturized hair in its natural or straightened state? (Because the regimen you provided was for straightened hair.)

Perhaps your products aren't moisturizing enough and the styling/manipulation led to more dryness. How were you styling your natural hair? Was Cantu the only moisturizer you were using?

Thank you! Yes usually in my hairs natural state I would just use the cantu and put olive oil to seal sometimes. And when its straightened it doesn't seem dry at all except my scalp which is always dry due to my dry skin.

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Have you clarified? Also trimming your fairy knots could mean you could have mid-shaft splits or other kind of splits could be keeping the softness away...also have you been rinsing cold-water after conditioning?
Thank you! Yes usually in my hairs natural state I would just use the cantu and put olive oil to seal sometimes. And when its straightened it doesn't seem dry at all except my scalp which is always dry due to my dry skin.

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I'm not a fan of Cantu. It sat on my hair and did nothing but smell decent. :lol: I would look for another moisturizer, and trim my ends to see if it will help with the fairy knots. Also, castor oil really lubricates the ends of my hair, so fairy knots are no longer the problem that they were several months ago.
I honestly believe applying heat is the worst thing to do when your hair feels dry in it's natural state... In the past with the help of you lovely ladies I handled mine like this...

Put hair in medium sized twists and search and destroy for fairy knots.
Deep condition with a moisturizing one overnight
clarifying cleanse
oil rinse
and then moisturize and seal and style with some type of butter or thick cream
If your hair is fine don't forget to use a light protein but besides that focus on moisture
Even co washing
Make sure you sleep in a bonnet or satin pillowcase
Moisturize and seal more than once a day if that's what it takes

as for infusium23 it has protein which can make hair dry if too much is applied and not balanced with moisture and silicones which can build up on the hair and lock moisture out for some people (like me)
also using cantu leave in (although loved by many gave me a LOT of dryness and breakage)

In your situation I would try subtracting one of the products so maybe for a few weeks only use infusium and see if there's still dryness ifso try cantu alone and if its still dryness try using something more moisturizing and natural.

Maybe try braids or braidouts even rollersets if you really want your hair straight but back away from the heat until your moisture game is right.

Overall I just think it's infusium but keep us posted.
Hey there!

You definitely have some lovely hair :yep:. Your routine does appear to contain quite a few protein products. Is that intentional or has it just happened that way? I love protein, but ORS, Infusium, and Cantu all have some form of protein in them, if I'm not mistaken, and that may be a bit much for your hair. I have used the Aussie Moist (not the 3MM), and while I like it I don't know that I would rely solely on that for my moisture needs. You may want to consider incorporating heavier moisture into your regimen. (BTW, I LOVE Lottabody :love:. I move away from it because it's supposed to be too drying, but whatever man. Lottabody and I have a deep and passionate love affair).
nadaa16 - i don't use infusium -or at least i haven't in many years. it was too watery for me and didn't feel like it moisturized my hair. i use a creamy leave in - giovanni direct leave in. bear fruit also makes a nice one (desert castor oil) but the giovanni is more accessible and about third of the price of BF.

i wash and henna dc weekly.....protein treatments biweekly followed by moisturizing dc. most times i prepoo for about an hour with whatever is heavy (butter based condishes mostly containing a good dose of oil). this helps with the detangling. if i don't prepoo, i make sure to oil rinse after shampooing and before conditioning as i have found that these are the only things that help with keeping ssks in check. i get additional moisture from qhemet alma pomade, AOHC and hydrate/twist butter. i've been ps'ing under a wig for since aug 2009 wearing my hair on the weekends and evenings only for the most part.

I was under the impression that infusium23 was a leave in. that's what the bottle says. :/ I'll research your suggestions thank you! is that what you use? What is your reggie, if your don't mind? :)

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Oh right! Well since I've pretty much been straightening I'd wash in 4 sections with black soap or my shikaki shampoo bar, dc with organic root stimulator replenishing pak rinse and use aussie moist or aussie 3min miracle. After spray with a mix of water, infusium 23, and a little bit of lotta body. And then smooth over with fantasia ic heat protectant. Then blow dry and flat iron on about 300-325 one pass using comb chase method. If I wasn't straightening I'd use cantu leave in and style.
thank you again.
Eta: I do wish to remain natural because I do love the versatility I've had up until my hair began to feel dry
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I agree that your products definitely don't sound moisturizing enough. Both ORS and Infusium 23 have protein in them, so they are probably contributing to your dryness. The Lottabody alone has been known to be very drying to hair.

You should consider swapping ORS for a more moisturizing DC. If you find that you need the light protein that ORS provides, you can always mix a bit of it into your new, more moisturizing DC. I use a basic $4 Carrot Oil DC from the BSS to DC (the name escapes me), and it works really well. I've recently started mixing it with a bit of Joico DC to give me a boost of protein. I normally DC overnight out of laziness.

Jane Carter also makes a really nice wrap/setting foam that you may want to consider as an alternative to the Lottabody. Smells great, leaves the hair feeling great, and it isn't drying at all.

Thank you all for the recs! Im definitely going to research the products you all recommended. I didn't even realize I had so much protein in my regimen! And I am putting myself on a no direct heat/ low indirect heat regimen for 2012. I'm going to put in some mini twists because my hair seemed to respond well to those.
Thank you ashli again for the tips and advice! :)
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I was under the impression that infusium23 was a leave in. that's what the bottle says. :/ I'll research your suggestions thank you! is that what you use? What is your reggie, if your don't mind? :)

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nadaa16 yes Infusium is a leave in but one with protein just like Pink Oil Moisturizer. I know you were not asking me but I use S Curl and my hair is soft for days.

Besides the protein products and absence of better moisturizers, you also use a serum which seals your hair so applying a moisturizer after that when you straighten (another big mistake to do on dry hair as has been stated) you just flog a dead horse coz nothing can get to your hair when it's coated with a serum.

I honestly believe applying heat is the worst thing to do when your hair feels dry in it's natural state... In the past with the help of you lovely ladies I handled mine like this...

Put hair in medium sized twists and search and destroy for fairy knots.
Deep condition with a moisturizing one overnight
clarifying cleanse
oil rinse
and then moisturize and seal and style with some type of butter or thick cream
If your hair is fine don't forget to use a light protein but besides that focus on moisture
Even co washing
Make sure you sleep in a bonnet or satin pillowcase
Moisturize and seal more than once a day if that's what it takes

as for infusium23 it has protein which can make hair dry if too much is applied and not balanced with moisture and silicones which can build up on the hair and lock moisture out for some people (like me)
also using cantu leave in (although loved by many gave me a LOT of dryness and breakage)

In your situation I would try subtracting one of the products so maybe for a few weeks only use infusium and see if there's still dryness ifso try cantu alone and if its still dryness try using something more moisturizing and natural.

Maybe try braids or braidouts even rollersets if you really want your hair straight but back away from the heat until your moisture game is right.

Overall I just think it's infusium but keep us posted.

silenttullip, why do you do a clarifying cleanse after a moisturizing DC? Also after you moisturize and seal, what is the purpose of the butter? (Just seems like overkill since sealed hair is pretty much "a closed case" (at least in my head) so will the butter do anything more or just sit on the hair? I only use one product and find it to be more than sufficient so I do wonder why so many steps and what would happen if one was left out. Does not using the butters affect the overall results as far as softness is concerned, or do you just feel better doing all that?
@nadaa16, I don't know if you've ever tried the regimen I share here but while it doesn't work for all, I have made a few friends just from suggesting it. ;)

Which reminds me. I got a photo of my mom from my sis yesterday and while I know she doesn't have access to S Curl and so didn't really expect her to still have the hair I shared in the thread I just linked to after I introduced her to my regimen, I was tickled to bits to see her hair still looking the same. I wrote to my sis and said I'm surprised her hair looks so good coz I don't know how I'd reproduce S Curl softness without an activator! My sis wrote back that that was a wig but her hair is ever better. I hafta say that considering I'm so clueless on blending and spotting weaves, that my kin are so good at it makes me feel like a mutant but also swell with pride that at least this skill didn't skip my entire fam :lol:. I would never have known what my mom was sporting was a wig...and I'm so happy that according to my sis her hair is even better (BTW my mom likes having a TWA so better does not mean longer--I know some people (including me in the past) consider long hair better than short no matter the state, so just wanted to clarify that).
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@nadaa16, I don't know if you've ever tried the regimen I share here but while it doesn't work for all, I have made a few friends just from suggesting it. ;)

Which reminds me. I got a photo of my mom from my sis yesterday and while I know she doesn't have access to S Curl and so didn't really expect her to still have the hair I shared in the thread I just linked to after I introduced her to my regimen, I was tickled to bits to see her hair still looking the same. I wrote to my sis and said I'm surprised her hair looks so good coz I don't know how I'd reproduce S Curl softness without an activator! My sis wrote back that that was a wig but her hair is ever better. I hafta say that considering I'm so clueless on blending and spotting weaves, that my kin are so good at it makes me feel like a mutant but also swell with pride that at least this skill didn't skip my entire fam :lol:. I would never have known what my mom was sporting was a wig...and I'm so happy that according to my sis her hair is even better (BTW my mom likes having a TWA so better does not mean longer--I know some people (including me in the past) consider long hair better than short no matter the state, so just wanted to clarify that).

Thank you! I can never seem to find scurl though. :sad:

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here's some moisturizers that may work well for you nadaa16 :

qhemet biologics amla and olive heavy cream
darcy's botanicals leave-in
komaza care coconut curl lotion or shea butter lotion
oyin hair dew

you could use any of these and seal with any oil (try a heaver one like castor and /or olive oil cause its winter time) i use the db leave in weekly to detangle my washed hair and use the qhemet biologics amla & olive layered with an oil mix 1-3 times a week. maybe you should rotate your moisture and protein every 2-3 weeks cause you may have protein overload. all the products i entioned are concentrated and a little goes a long way. qb is having a sale in january.....get on the email lists for these companies so you can buy when they have sales or see if they carry in your area. hth.
Thank you! Yes I need to see If these products are sold locally anywhere because I really like being able to just pick up a product whenever I need it. Thank you again

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i see you have nc/atl in your location, db is based out of atl.

here's the locations that qb is carried in nc:
Healthy Home Market
2707 South Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28209
M-S from 8am-8pm, Sun. from 11am-6pm

Healthy Home Market
1816 Galleria Blvd. Suite G
Charlotte, NC 28270
M-S from 8am-8pm, Sun. from 11am-6pm

Healthy Home Market
261 Griffith St.
Davidson, NC 28036
M-S from 8am-8pm, Sun. from 11am-6pm

Nyenzo Natural Boutique
916 Rock Quarry Rd #115
Raleigh, NC 27610
Open W-F from 11am-6:30pm, Sat.11am-3:30pm

African American Art
(Coming Soon)
202-D Four Seasons Town Center
Greensboro, NC 27407
Open Mon.-Sat. from 10am-9pm, Sun.12pm-7pm

in georgia:

Sage Naturalceuticals
238 Walker Street #8
Fair & Walker Lofts
Atlanta, GA 30313
Open Mon - Sat. from Noon to 7pm. Closed Sun.

Healthy Hair Dimensions
(Coming Soon)
Located Inside Northlake Mall
4800 Briarcliff Rd NE, Ste. 2032
Atlanta, GA 30345
Open Mon.-Sat. from 10am-9pm, Sun. Noon-6pm

when using qb stuff i recommend using on dry hair only.

i see you have nc/atl in your location, db is based out of atl.

here's the locations that qb is carried in nc:
Healthy Home Market
2707 South Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28209
M-S from 8am-8pm, Sun. from 11am-6pm

Healthy Home Market
1816 Galleria Blvd. Suite G
Charlotte, NC 28270
M-S from 8am-8pm, Sun. from 11am-6pm

Healthy Home Market
261 Griffith St.
Davidson, NC 28036
M-S from 8am-8pm, Sun. from 11am-6pm

Nyenzo Natural Boutique
916 Rock Quarry Rd #115
Raleigh, NC 27610
Open W-F from 11am-6:30pm, Sat.11am-3:30pm

African American Art
(Coming Soon)
202-D Four Seasons Town Center
Greensboro, NC 27407
Open Mon.-Sat. from 10am-9pm, Sun.12pm-7pm

in georgia:

Sage Naturalceuticals
238 Walker Street #8
Fair & Walker Lofts
Atlanta, GA 30313
Open Mon - Sat. from Noon to 7pm. Closed Sun.

Healthy Hair Dimensions
(Coming Soon)
Located Inside Northlake Mall
4800 Briarcliff Rd NE, Ste. 2032
Atlanta, GA 30345
Open Mon.-Sat. from 10am-9pm, Sun. Noon-6pm

when using qb stuff i recommend using on dry hair only.

Thank you! I just looked right before I saw this and the one in atl is right down the street from my school. I've actually been inside before and browsed around. I just want sure what I was looking for next time I go I'm going to write out a list of products I'd looked to try for my hair and go that way.
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OP, I started out trying to use a lot of the products you were using but I realized that I am silicone sensitive. I have eliminated all cones except water soluble ones and when I straighten, which isn't often.

You've gotten a lot of good advice, I'm sure you will get your hair nice and moisturized now :)