

3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
I have a scalp chemical burn!

Okay so I was using Mega-tek for about 8 weeks and received a lot of growth, but during the whole time I was itching everyday while using and paid it no mind because I was excited about my growth.

So I got my hair touched up day, but I stop using the mega-tek a week prior to the touch-up. I was still strangely itching like I was using my mega-tek. So I know I was bad by sratching my scalp, but I was trying not to the whole week. I think I was sratching my scalp unknowingly while I was sleeping :sad:. So I protected my scalp by basing it for 3 days straight, and protected my ends with the base creme too for 3 days. My last wash was 3 days before. So anyway, while she was doing my relaxer not even 10 mins. in I experienced tingling and burning, but didn't say anything because I didn't want to be underprocessed. So when she was finally done the back of my head was on fire! So when she finally completed my whole head and was about to wrap it, my scalp was hurting really bad!

So when I got home I put some peppermint, rosemary, coconut, and castor oil in the areas that got burn.

Please give me advice now! I think I'm gonna stop the MT all together, and give my scalp a 3 to 4 month relaxer stretch.
Should I still use the oils? I was thinking I would use a leaf from an aloe vera plant. Is that good? I'll try the Neosporin too. How long will it take to get better.

I don't know maybe I'm over reacting, but is my hair in that area gonna fall out? Will I have scalp damage?

Help please :sad:
Should I still use the oils? I was thinking I would use a leaf from an aloe vera plant. Is that good? I'll try the Neosporin too. How long will it take to get better.

I don't know maybe I'm over reacting, but is my hair in that area gonna fall out? Will I have scalp damage?

Help please :sad:

Aloe is good too. The amount of damage depends on how bad the burn is. It sounds like you only got the burn because the scalp was irritated. I would give it a few days. Then shampoo again lightly with some neutralizing shampoo just to be on the safe side. It doesn't sound like it's too bad.
How big is the burn.. For now.. do not use any essential oils on the burn area. It will irritate/burn. For now just to be safe..dont use the MT until that area has healed.. or scabbed over. I cosign with the others... just keep your scalp clean.. and avoid putting anything harsh.. Was your scalp even based when you did the retouch btw?
yes I would try something soothing like the neosporin or vaseline and try not to worry about it. I think if the hair was gonna fall out it would have already. Every time I got a scalp burn the hair would not fall out it would just sting then scab and feel crazy and then heal, never any bald spots. I think you have to have a BAD burn to go bald!!
yes I would try something soothing like the neosporin or vaseline and try not to worry about it. I think if the hair was gonna fall out it would have already. Every time I got a scalp burn the hair would not fall out it would just sting then scab and feel crazy and then heal, never any bald spots. I think you have to have a BAD burn to go bald!!

ITA:yep: I have had burns that were so bad they would bleed. I never lost any hair, so I wouldn't worry about that.
Not to sound gross...but you shouldn't lose any hair unless you rip out the scab (the hair will be stuck in it). Be gentle with little manipulation (try not to comb that area) and let the scab heal. It will eventually fall off. I am sorry this happened to you and my scalp empathizes. Good Luck!
You do not put essential oils on fresh burns. Certainly nothing stimulating like the ones you used. Put aloe and/or neosporin like someone else said.
I personaally would neutralize again once I got home, followed by a good DC and let it airdry. After it dries base your scalp with vaseline again and wait to see what happens. If the burning/irritation persists for more than 48 hours I would go see a dermatologist. Better yet, doesn't Mega Tek have a helpline you can call?
Wow. The same exact thing happen to me. I was also using MT but I stopped before getting my relaxer. I also washed 3 days before and my stylist based my scalp well. After the relaxer, my entire head was burning really bad. I was worried but I didn't lose any hair so I don't think you should worry. I put WGO on my scalp and it felt much better and the burning/sensitivity went away in about 4-5days. I didn't draw the link betw. MT and a burning scalp but that makes sense... nonetheless, I no longer use MT everyday/allday like before. I pretty much keep my scalp clean except for a little WGO to soften my NG. HTH

eta: I also neutralized when I got home b/c I thought maybe relaxer was left on my scalp... it didn't help with the burning but it did make me feel better that it wasn't left over relaxer.
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Thanks ladies!

Update: When I got back home I washed my hair with neutralizer, and co-washed with some Trader Joe nourish spa conditioner. Then moisturized and sealed, wet wrap and put my scarf. My scalp was still burning b4 from the time I got the touch-up, until I got home later on tonight. Since I re-washed my hair my scalp feels much better, so maybe there was a little bit of relaxer left on my scalp around the burn, because my scalp is not feeling as bad as it was b4. This is why I don't go to the salon unless it's for a touch-up, and now after this I'm going to re-wash my hair again with neutralizer ever time I get a touch-up.

Now with the MT usage, I don't think I will be using MT again. Because even though I got growth, I had really bad side effects. I will be using Bee Mine in about a week and hope that it's much more gentle on my scalp.