
Hello Ladies,

Just wanted to tell you a little about me and to aske for advice. In April 2007 I started to blow dry my hair. I go to a Dominican Salon located on 181 and St Nicholas in NYC. I also recently cut my hair (layered) and now its about shoulder Length. I don't know anything about taking care of my hair. Prior to April 2007, I use to wash and go everyday. I have curly hair (small curls). I use to Shampoo and Condition (with Pantene or Herbal Essence) every other day and I would cut my hair every 5 years or so...So, needless to say my hair was a disaster. I want to learn about taking care of my hair and keeping it moistured. Right now the one problem I am having is that my scalp is itchy the second day after my blow out, and its flakes, I really hate it. So ladies if you could tell me any good shampoos and conditioners to use on my hair to help with the Itchies I would really appreciate it. In addition, I have been reading and I see that alot of gals seal their ends with oil (coconut) Can you tell me why this is important? How often should I do it?

My Regime right now.
Watch my hair with Shampoo and Conditioner (whatever brand the Dominican Salon has) once a week and blow dry...That's it, I attempt to wrap my hair every night, but I am really bad at it...althought I think I am getting better at it. If anyone can help me fatten up my regime in order to grow beautiful, healthy hair sans Itchiness I would really appreciate it. I will post some pictures in days to come so that you can see my hair...i have none right now.

Welcome!!! :D

I may need more information about your home maintenance regimen (for example, the flakes could be from styling products), but to combat the drying and itchiness, you may want to add a conditioner wash 3 to 4 days after your salon visit to replenish moisture to your hair and scalp.

If this is not possible, seeing that you have your hair done weekly, try using a moisturizing product with some glycerin (humectants) on your hair and scalp to restore moisture. If the itching and flakiness persists, try lightly applying a sulfur-based product (like Sulfur 8, or Boundless Tresses) on your scalp before flakes appear and see if that helps.

And, I know you may not be ready to do this....but try switching up with roller setting—or other low/no heat wet styling method—other than blow-drying each week, which can exacerbate a dry scalp condition.

As to coconut oil on the ends, I use oil to seal moisture in my ends while it's wet, or after I've moisturized my hair. This simply helps prevent excessive drying and breakage. I like coconut oil specifically because it is very light (not too oily), inexpensive, and smells yummy! :lick:

HTH! :)