Help with Split ends


Well-Known Member
I am very good about trimming my hair so I do not understand why I have split ends. I examined a few hairs and one was split in two places up the shaft. Another hair had a split end. Is there anything I can do. I will continue to trim however I do not want to have a major cut. Any suggestions? My co-worker told me to try a serum like Frizz Ease because it helps seals your hair but I think that product was dis-continued.
What about Tigi Ego Boost for ends or Profective Healthy Ends creme (some people combine the two for some people Tigi can leave your hair a little hard) I just started using them at night when I put up my hair. I take large sections and put it on my ends and then pin curl that section for the night or put one or two large rollers on top of my head. In the am my ends look good. I also used Tigi and NTM leave-in together..sometimes Profective HE can be too creamy for my fine hair.

I also use WGO sometimes on my ends after I initally get it washed.

How do you wear your hair?

Many people on this board use the baggie method and have stated their ends have improved a lot.
I wear my hair down since it is in a bob. Its chin length so it is not long enough to put in a ponytail. I will deep condition tonight a trim.