Help! What did I do to my hair?!


New Member
Last night I call myself maxigliding. As most of the ladies suggested I went and got some fantasia heat protectant. I wet my hair then blowdried. The nape of my hair I flat ironed with the FHI heat Technique (it looks nice. The rest of my hair I used the Maxiglide. I sprayed the fantasia down the length of my hair then glided using the steam. I finished and tied my hair down with my satin scarf. I wake up put on my bonnet and hop in the shower. When I get out and take my scarf down I have this huge puffy blown out afro type of look. My hair looks nowhere close as silky and shiny as most of you get your natural hair after flat ironing. What did I do wrong? I'm scared to flat iron again because of the heat.... should I go gett some serum and flat iron again anyway? I'm so upset with the results because this is not at all what I expected....

Some of the steam from the shower might have gotten to your hair. That happens to me often even though I wear a scarf and a shower cap in the shower
march87 said:
Some of the steam from the shower might have gotten to your hair. That happens to me often even though I wear a scarf and a shower cap in the shower

Do you think I should go over it again with the flat iron?
Personally I would not. I would try to wrap it and smooth it down with a serum and see if that works. I wrapped poofy hair and smoothed and it turned out thick, but smooth. But if you have to flat iron, make sure you use your heat protectant.
march87 said:
Personally I would not. I would try to wrap it and smooth it down with a serum and see if that works. I wrapped poofy hair and smoothed and it turned out thick, but smooth. But if you have to flat iron, make sure you use your heat protectant.

Thanks so much! I think I should make it known that after I was finished straightening my hair it was not competely smooth to begin with. This is the reason why I tied it down over night in the first place. I think you are right, the steam from the shower did me in. I am going to try you suggestion.
Yeah, it sounds like the shower steam got to your hair. Next time tie it up w/ a scarf first then shower cap. Also, if you want your hair straighter when you flat iron try taking really small sections. The smaller the straighter.
Hi NantanYah, I know exactly what your talking about having the blown out fro look the next day. Nothing helped with that until I read where someone suggested ampro marcel curl wax. use your heat protectant and then use just a dab of the curl wax on the section your about to flat iron and that should turn your "blow out" into a Press!! Sorry I don't have any pics in my album to back this up but I will in june!! The curl wax cost $1.50 at your local BSS or Sally. I have 4ab hair as well, HTH!!!
I want my hair to have the look and body of a relaxer... like Pokahontas' hair. It has really grown since I BC'ed last year. Will the curl wax make my hair look stiff lika a 1980's type press?
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Letitia said:
Sounds like the steam got to your hair. Are you going to try it again?

Yeah...I'm going to try this evening. I wasn't sure about all the heat (cuz I blowdried and flat ironed the other day) but it should be okay, right? Hopefully, I'll have some pics up when it looks decent enough.