help w/ underprocessed hair problem...


Well-Known Member
Im currently almost 8 weeks post relaxer but on top of the inch or so of new growth, I have lots of underprocessed hair mixed in. Its not the most recent hair that was relaxed, its in the middle of the shaft. I am thinking of going ahead and getting a corrective relaxer within the next couple of weeks because I was avoiding having to get a corrective, but Im finding that my hair is getting tangled in little knots and coming out when I detangle because of all the different textures. Would u advise getting a corrective relaxer?

This is the only problem I can think of thats causing breakage because I have been taking really good care of my hair, wearing protective styles, not using heat, and concentrating on moisture and conditioning, yet I get a ball of hair coming out every week or so....some is shedding but Id say at least some is breakage too. Please offer advice, Im gaining length, but I dont want it to thin out.
I would wait another week or so then get the corrective relaxer. I say wait, just to be on the safe side, because you dont want to go from one extreme to the next, so wait. Also, I'm not sure if you R a self-relaxer, if so, I wont try 2 do the corrective myself, because I know from experience that you can be stuck on that rollercoaster for awhile doing it yourself. Let a trusted friend do it, then pick up doing it yourself next re-touch time.