Help! Transitioning but thinking of going back to the perm!!!


Active Member
My hair is breaking really bad!! It feels as though my hair is so tangled and matted that we I try to comb it after washing it just breaks in chunks.

I have tried everything, protein treatments, deep conditioning, and combing under water, it doesn't help.

Please provide any advice or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated!!! As I am at a lost!!! So I am thinking of going back to a mild perm because I didn't have this type of breakage, at all!!!

Has anyone else been through this?
How long have you been in transition?

I had the same problem while I was transitioning.... I planned on going for 1 year, but ended BC'ing at 5 1/2 months. I know now my problem was a few things:

1. Some hair types transition better than others.
2. I really needed more moisturizing treatments.
3. A Denman brush is benefitial in detangling transition hair.
4. Using heat during transition if you dont plan on wearing your hair perpetually straight can be very damaging and "anti-afro" if you plan on wearing one.
5. I felt a lot better after the BC - because I was able to learn how to care for my hair at any stage...

To sum up - deep condition weekly, comb thru only with large comb or denman brush and make sure hair is saturated with some type of leave-in, or just cut it off.
I also have the same problem. I never feel like relzing though. Sometimes so much hair comes out I am surprised that I still have hair left on my head. I just try to use as little manipulation as possible.

At about 30 weeks into my transition I think this is going to be my transitioning hairstyle routine:
1. Wear a two strand twist for a week
2. Wear my hair in a bun or ponytail. During the week that I do this I may conditioner wash once or twice in that week.
*I would alternate between these two styles and on the 6th to 8th week get my hair blown out and flat ironed*

Accessories help out alot. I always make sure that I have earings that match closely to the color that I am wearing for the day when I am going out to dinner or out with friends.
I make sure that I am taking care of my face more now than ever because these styles really bring out my facial features. I started wearing mascara to bring out my eyes. (That's as far as I go when it comes to makeup)

They may not seem important but they make me feel better about myself and helps me to put less focus and worries on my hair.

I just recently got my hair blowdried at a salon the pics or in my album. I also had a hair CUT. This has helped out alot in the apperance of my hair especially since my hair seemed to look thin from hair breakage.

This is the thickest myhair has been in a long time. Very surprising. You may be making progress and not realize it. Just try to come up with a simple routine and be patient things will work. Good luck.
Oh yeah....Continue to do your deep conditioning every week and protein treatments ever so often.

And just for the record, I still am fearful of wash days. I just have to be strong enough not to cave in. I have come to accept that breakage and shedding is GOING TO HAPPEN when you transition. My goal is just to keep it at a minimum.
I transitioned out of a perm without the big chop. I'm a 4a natural. I still experience breakage from time to time, that's a constant battle, but let me say that moisturizing shampoos and conditioners have become my friend. I noticed when I was transitioning that I was using too much protein. All of my conditioners had some form of protein, none of them were straight up moisturizing conditioners. So when I changed that it made a great difference.

I hope this helps. Stay strong, the benefits are worth it.
avyance said:
My hair is breaking really bad!! It feels as though my hair is so tangled and matted that we I try to comb it after washing it just breaks in chunks.

I have tried everything, protein treatments, deep conditioning, and combing under water, it doesn't help.

Please provide any advice or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated!!! As I am at a lost!!! So I am thinking of going back to a mild perm because I didn't have this type of breakage, at all!!!

Has anyone else been through this?

Your hair may need extra moisture.
What kind of daily moisturizer are you using?

What works for me is:

*Co Washing
*Deep Conditioning
*Moisturizing often
*Protective Styles

My Transition is going smoothly, just by keeping it simple and being consistent.

You just have to experiement with different products and methods until you find out what works best for your hair. After that the Transitioning process wont be such a hard one.

Hang in there! ;)
Girl I don't have any advice for you but I hope you can get things under wrap soon. I know it must be hella frustrating for you. I am also scared of my hair dong this as well when I start my transition.
avyance said:
My hair is breaking really bad!! It feels as though my hair is so tangled and matted that we I try to comb it after washing it just breaks in chunks.

The only time you should be combing your hair is if it's loaded up with shampoo or conditioner. Rinsed hair has no slip and tangles easily. Wash and detangle your hair in sections, secure with ouchless bands and then style. Otherwise you're going to literally rip your hair out by the demarcation line.
Sorry to hear about your problem. Humectress works for me to stop breakage and I use Pantene light spray conditioner detangler for comeouts. I hope you find a product that works.
JC already said this but combing your hair dry is a hell of a no no. A try combing it out with conditioner in to before you rinse it out. Then when you start doing your twists keep a spray bottle handy with whatever leave in or product you use handy to keep the hair moist while its being manipulated. A nice trim will do you some good too. I notice that after I had my mini chop my hair acted so much better but you dopnt have to chop as much as I did to notice a difference :)
JCoily said:
The only time you should be combing your hair is if it's loaded up with shampoo or conditioner. Rinsed hair has no slip and tangles easily. Wash and detangle your hair in sections, secure with ouchless bands and then style. Otherwise you're going to literally rip your hair out by the demarcation line.

This is very good advice. I make sure to wash my hair in 6-8 sections. It helps alot.